{ "Explanation": { "############## Set the values to true or false, or to a number if it's that type of value. It should be fairly self explanatory, but if there's anything weird I'll make a readme file that explains more. It should be in the mod's main folder.######################": "///", "############## For real, check the README file if anything here confuses you in the slighest. Heck, even if it doesn't confuse you, it can't hurt to glance over it anyways.######################": "///", "Notes on Bot Names": "Scav = assault; Sniper = marksman; Raider = pmcbot; Cultist leader = sectantpriest; Cultist = sectantwarrior; PMC = assaultgroup; Reshala = bossbully; Gluhar = bossgluhar; Killa = bosskilla; Shturman = bosskojaniy; Sanitar = bosssanitar; Boss minions = followerbully, followergluharassault, followergluharscout, followergluharsecurity, followergluharsnipe, followerkojaniy, followersanitar", "Notes on Map Names": "Customs = bigmap, Woods = woods, Reserve = rezervbase, Shoreline = shoreline, Factory (day) = factory4_day, Factory (night) = factory4_night, Interchange = interchange, Labs = laboratory" }, "disableAllSpawnChanges": false, "disableAllGearChanges": false, "disableAllAIChanges": false, "aiChanges": { "changeBots": { "lowLevelAIs": [ "assault" ], "midLevelAIs": [ "pmcbot", "followergluharassault", "followergluharscout", "followergluharsecurity", "followergluharsnipe", "followerkojaniy", "followersanitar", "followerbully" ], "highLevelAIs": [ "assaultgroup", "cursedassault" ] }, "Note": "These are the MAIN values for adjusting difficulty. If you want an easier or harder time overall, increase or decrease these. For details on these or any other entries, please check the readme.", "lowLevelAIDifficultyMod_Neg3_3": 0.85, "midLevelAIDifficultyMod_Neg3_3": 0.85, "highLevelAIDifficultyMod_Neg3_3": 1.1, "IfYouDisableTheseThePMCSWontCountForQuestKills": { "scavsFightBEARBots": true, "scavsFightUSECBots": true } }, "overallDifficultyMultipliers": { "aiAimSpeedMult": 1, "aiShotSpreadMult": 1.3, "aiVisionSpeedMult": 1.3, "sniperBotAccuracyMult": 1, "visibleDistanceMult": 0.5, "semiAutoFireRateMult": 1, "aiRecoilMult": 1.3, "aiHearingMult": 0.3, "visibleAngleMult": 1, "visibleAngleMax": 140, "grenadePrecisionMult": 2, "grenadeThrowRangeMax": 20, "grenadeThrowRangeMult": 1, "allowAimAtHead": true, "allowGrenades": true, "infiniteAIAmmo": false, "infiniteAIHealing_PMCs_All_false": false, "cultistsVisibleOnThermals": true, "changeHeadHPValues": false, "setTheseBotsToDefaultPlayerHPBeforeMultsAreUsed": [ "botnameshere", "seperatethemwithcommas" ], "PMCHealthMult": 2, "scavHealthMult": 1, "raiderHealthMult": 1, "bossHealthMult": 1, "cultistHealthMult": 1 }, "allowBotsToTalk": { "scavs": true, "raiders": true, "PMCs": true, "bossMinions": true }, "AIgearChanges": { "CheckREADMEforInfo": { "optimizedLoading": true, "saveGearToFile": false, "loadGearFromFile": false }, "scavBots": [ "assault" ], "raiderBots": [ "pmcbot", "followergluharassault", "followergluharscout", "followergluharsecurity", "followergluharsnipe" ], "pmcBots": [ "bear", "usec", "assaultgroup", "cursedassault" ], "scavs": { "changeGear": true, "moreModVariety": false, "modQuality0_10": 2, "modFrequency0_2": 0.3, "magQuality0_10": 3, "removeHatsPCT0_100": 0, "armorRarityMinMax0_50": [ 0, 20 ], "primaryWeaponRarityMinMax0_50": [ 10, 20 ], "sidearmRarityMinMax0_50": [ 0, 4 ], "armorLevelMin_Max": [ 0, 4 ], "armorLevelWeights1_6": [ 1, 3, 4, 2, 1, 1 ], "ammoRemovePCTGood_Bad": [ 30, 0 ], "healingItemsMin_Max": [ 1, 2 ], "magazinesInVestMin_Max": [ 1, 2 ], "backpackSizeMin_Max": [ 0, 16 ], "maxTacticalDevices": 1, "maxPrimaryOptics": 1, "removeWeaponTypesSemiAutoPumpBolt": [ "" ], "specificWeapons": [ "" ], "useWeaponsFromOtherMods": false }, "raiders": { "changeGear": true, "moreModVariety": false, "modQuality0_10": 4, "modFrequency0_2": 0.8, "magQuality0_10": 4, "removeHatsPCT0_100": 0, "armorRarityMinMax0_50": [ 0, 40 ], "primaryWeaponRarityMinMax0_50": [ 10, 30 ], "sidearmRarityMinMax0_50": [ 0, 6 ], "armorLevelMin_Max": [ 4, 5 ], "armorLevelWeights1_6": [ 1, 1, 1, 4, 2, 1 ], "ammoRemovePCTGood_Bad": [ 20, 40 ], "healingItemsMin_Max": [ 2, 3 ], "magazinesInVestMin_Max": [ 2, 3 ], "backpackSizeMin_Max": [ 0, 20 ], "maxTacticalDevices": 2, "maxPrimaryOptics": 1, "removeWeaponTypesSemiAutoPumpBolt": [ "" ], "specificWeapons": [ "" ], "useWeaponsFromOtherMods": false }, "PMCs": { "changeGear": true, "moreModVariety": false, "modQuality0_10": 5, "modFrequency0_2": 1, "magQuality0_10": 10, "removeHatsPCT0_100": 0, "armorLevelMin_Max": [ 0, 6 ], "armorLevelWeights1_6": [ 1, 1, 2, 4, 3, 1 ], "armorRarityMinMax0_50": [ 0, 50 ], "primaryWeaponRarityMinMax0_50": [ 10, 50 ], "sidearmRarityMinMax0_50": [ 0, 8 ], "ammoRemovePCTGood_Bad": [ 0, 60 ], "healingItemsMin_Max": [ 2, 4 ], "magazinesInVestMin_Max": [ 2, 3 ], "backpackSizeMin_Max": [ 0, 24 ], "maxTacticalDevices": 2, "maxPrimaryOptics": 2, "removeWeaponTypesSemiAutoPumpBolt": [ "" ], "specificWeapons": [ "" ], "useWeaponsFromOtherMods": false }, "allAI": { "factionIdentifiers": true, "removeAIVogGrenades": true, "noHatsOnlyHelmets": false, "removeVanillaBotWeapons": false, "removeVanillaBotArmor": false, "botsWillNotSpawnWithTheseThings": [ "5d52cc5ba4b9367408500062", "5cdeb229d7f00c000e7ce174" ] }, "miscChanges": { "requiresOtherMods": { "AIO": { "AllowAIToUseBothArmoredVestsAndArmoredRigs": false } } } }, "spawnChanges": { "controlOptions": { "doNotChangeTheseSPECIFICMaps": [ "mapnameshere", "seperatethemwithcommas" ], "spawnPMCsAsBosses": false, "breakUpSpawnWaves": true, "noScavsInLabs": true, "removeVanillaSpawns": false, "removeVanillaPMCSpawns": false, "removeSniperBots": false, "autoAddPMCsBasedOnMapSize": true, "allPMCsareBEARs": false, "allPMCsareUSECs": false, "scavReplaceWith___AffectsOnlyVanillaWaves": false, "scavReplaceWithRaidersPCT0_100": 0, "scavReplaceWithPMCsPCT0_100": 30, "extraScavsPerVanillaWave": 2, "mapMultipliers_Inter_Cust_Resrv_Woods_Shore_Lab_Fact": [ 0.8, 1, 1, 1.2, 1.2, 0.6, 1 ], "evenlySpreadAllSpawnLocations": false }, "extraWaves": { "scavWaves": 4, "scavWaveSizeMin": 1, "scavWaveSizeMax": 2, "PMCWaves": 2, "PMCWaveSizeMin": 1, "PMCWaveSizeMax": 2, "raiderWaves": 0, "raiderWaveSizeMin": 0, "raiderWaveSizeMax": 0, "gluharRaiderWaves": 0, "gluharRaiderWaveSizeMin": 0, "gluharRaiderWaveSizeMax": 0, "OnlyWorksProperlyWhenTaggedAndCursedIsEnabled": { "waveSpawnChancePCT0_100": 50, "cultistWaves": 2, "cultistWaveSizeMin": 3, "cultistWaveSizeMax": 3 } }, "spawnTiming": { "evenlySpaceAllSpawnTimes": true, "extraWaveSpawnSpeedFactor": 3, "spawnExtraWavesImmediately": false, "spawn_ALL_WavesImmediately": false }, "maxBotsPerZone": 5 }, "sillyChanges": { "allBulletsAreTracers": false, "tracerGrenades": true, "pumpkinCultists": false, "COD_mode": false, "gravestone": false }, "miscChanges": { "startServerAtSpecificTime": false, "startTime": "05:55:00", "timeAcceleration": 7 }, "debug": { "showSpawns": "all", "showBosses": "all", "showBossPMCs": "all", "showGuns": "assaultGroup", "showArmor": "assaultGroup", "showAmmo": "assaultGroup", "saveDebugFiles": true, "reportWavesBeforeRaid": true } }