{ "hardcore_challenge": { "enabled": false, "comment_0": "rules 1 - DeadlySlob's hardcore challenge - Season 5", "comment_1": " You can 'insure' but never be returned.", "comment_2": " Official rules - https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sr500b", "comment_3": "rules 2 - Markstrom's Ethical Tarkov", "comment_4": " Official rules - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJXFVOzelAs", "rules": 1 }, "cheat": { "enabled": true, "comment_0": "recommend - false / true", "comment_1": "secure_container - true: give negative weight for secure containers", "comment_2": "training_stim - true: add training stims to therapist", "secure_container": false, "training_stim": true }, "loot_spawnrate": { "enabled": true, "comment_0": "recommend - 40", "comment_1": "spawnrate for loose/dynamic loots", "dynamic": 40 }, "pmc_conversion_chance": { "enabled": true, "comment_0": "default - true / false / false / false / 0 / 0 / true", "comment_1": "as_boss - true: spawn pmc bots at the beginning of raid (as group)", "comment_2": "as_assault - true: spawn pmc bots constantly (as individual, same factions won't be hostile)", "comment_3": "adaptive - true: number of pmc bots will be increased when you have pmc kill task (only if 'as_assault' and 'as_boss' are 'false'. disabled for 'factory'.)", "comment_4": "apply_assault_group - for development use", "comment_5": "from / to - scav to pmc conversion chance", "comment_6": "usec_chance - 0: all bears, 100: all usecs", "comment_7": "peek_spawn - true: print pmc bot spawns to log", "as_boss": true, "as_assault": false, "adaptive": false, "apply_assault_group": false, "from": 0, "to": 0, "usec_chance": 50, "peek_spawn": true, "pmc_slots": { "bigmap": { "comment": "default - 7 / 11 / ZoneBrige,ZoneCrossRoad,ZoneFactorySide,ZoneOldAZS,ZoneBlockPost,ZoneTankSquare,ZoneCustoms,ZoneDormitory,ZoneGasStation,ZoneFactoryCenter,ZoneWade,ZoneScavBase", "min": 13, "max": 13, "spawn_points": "ZoneBrige,ZoneCrossRoad,ZoneFactorySide,ZoneOldAZS,ZoneBlockPost,ZoneTankSquare,ZoneCustoms,ZoneDormitory,ZoneGasStation,ZoneFactoryCenter,ZoneWade,ZoneScavBase" }, "factory4_day": { "comment": "default - 4 / 5 / BotZone", "min": 6, "max": 6, "spawn_points": "BotZone" }, "factory4_night": { "comment": "default - 4 / 5 / BotZone", "min": 6, "max": 6, "spawn_points": "BotZone" }, "interchange": { "comment": "default - 9 / 13 / ZoneIDEA,ZoneRoad,ZoneCenter,ZoneCenterBot,ZoneOLI,ZoneOLIPark,ZoneGoshan,ZonePowerStation,ZoneTrucks,ZoneIDEAPark", "min": 15, "max": 15, "spawn_points": "ZoneIDEA,ZoneRoad,ZoneCenter,ZoneCenterBot,ZoneOLI,ZoneOLIPark,ZoneGoshan,ZonePowerStation,ZoneTrucks,ZoneIDEAPark" }, "laboratory": { "comment": "default - 5 / 9 / BotZoneMain", "min": 11, "max": 11, "spawn_points": "BotZoneMain" }, "rezervbase": { "comment": "default - 8 / 11 / ZoneRailStrorage,ZonePTOR1,ZonePTOR2,ZoneBarrack,ZoneBunkerStorage,ZoneSubStorage,ZoneSubCommand", "min": 13, "max": 13, "spawn_points": "ZoneRailStrorage,ZonePTOR1,ZonePTOR2,ZoneBarrack,ZoneBunkerStorage,ZoneSubStorage,ZoneSubCommand" }, "shoreline": { "comment": "default - 9 / 12 / ZoneSanatorium,ZonePassFar,ZonePassClose,ZoneTunnel,ZoneStartVillage,ZoneBunker,ZoneGreenHouses,ZoneIsland,ZoneGasStation,ZoneMeteoStation,ZonePowerStation,ZoneBusStation,ZoneRailWays,ZonePort,ZoneForestTruck,ZoneForestSpawn", "min": 15, "max": 15, "spawn_points": "ZoneSanatorium,ZonePassFar,ZonePassClose,ZoneTunnel,ZoneStartVillage,ZoneBunker,ZoneGreenHouses,ZoneIsland,ZoneGasStation,ZoneMeteoStation,ZonePowerStation,ZoneBusStation,ZoneRailWays,ZonePort,ZoneForestTruck,ZoneForestSpawn" }, "woods": { "comment": "default - 7 / 13 / ZoneClearVill,ZoneScavBase2,ZoneRedHouse,ZoneHighRocks,ZoneWoodCutter,ZoneHouse,ZoneBigRocks,ZoneRoad,ZoneMiniHouse,ZoneBrokenVill", "min": 15, "max": 15, "spawn_points": "ZoneClearVill,ZoneScavBase2,ZoneRedHouse,ZoneHighRocks,ZoneWoodCutter,ZoneHouse,ZoneBigRocks,ZoneRoad,ZoneMiniHouse,ZoneBrokenVill" } }, "group_size" : { "comment_0": "probability distribution model for PMC group size", "comment_1": "notation (chance for each size) - [size 1, size 2, size 3, size 4, size 5]", "comment_2": "reasonable guess #1 - [50, 28, 14, 6, 2]", "comment_3": "reasonable guess #2 - [39, 36, 20, 3, 2]", "comment_4": "reddit survey - [25, 46, 22, 3, 4]", "comment_5": " reddit link (PREFERRED group size) - https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/ky4bqv/poll_what_is_your_preferred_group_size/", "distribution": [39, 36, 20, 3, 2] } }, "bot_waves": { "enabled": true, "comment_0": "default - false / 1.0 / 1.4 / 1.8 / 10", "comment_1": "it's already tuned for best FPS", "as_online": false, "low": 1.0, "medium": 1.3, "high": 1.6, "horde": 10.0 }, "bot_count": { "enabled": true, "comment_0": "default - 12 / 100, recommend 8 / 60", "comment_1": "it's already tuned for best FPS", "max_alive_bots": 8, "local_bots_count": 60 }, "bot_difficulty": { "enabled": true, "comment_0": "default - AsOnline / false / false / true / true", "comment_1": "default_raid_difficulty - Easy / Medium / AsOnline / Hard / Impossible ", "comment_2": "raider_ai_for_scav - apply raider AI to scavs", "comment_3": "support_easy_mode - true: forcefully allow easy/normal difficulty for all bots", "comment_4": "progressive_gear - true: progressive bot gear according to player level", "default_raid_difficulty": "AsOnline", "raider_ai_for_scav": false, "support_easy_mode": true, "progressive_gear": true, "comment_5": "default - 100 / 90 / 100 / 90 / 100 / 90 / 75 / 75 / 75 / 50 / true", "scav_helmet_chance": 100, "scav_armor_chance": 90, "pmc_helmet_chance": 100, "pmc_earpiece_chance": 90, "pmc_armor_chance": 100, "pmc_backpack_chance": 90, "pmc_helmet_side": 75, "pmc_helmet_visor": 75, "pmc_helmet_mount": 75, "pmc_helmet_nvg": 50, "pmc_hp_boost": false }, "boss_chance": { "enabled": false, "comment_0": "changes boss spawn chance by boss name regardless of locations", "comment_1": "default - true / 28 / 38 / 38 / 43 / 35 / 39", "comment_2": "adaptive - true: bosses wil spawn more frequently when you have tasks", "adaptive": true, "sectantPriest": 28, "bossBully": 38, "bossKilla": 38, "bossGluhar": 43, "bossSanitar": 35, "bossKojaniy": 39 }, "check_inventory_integrity": { "comment": "recovery for lost stash items (it's not caused by this mod)", "enabled": true }, "no_save_ticket": { "comment": "possessing no_save_ticket prevents your profile from being saved after raid", "enabled": true }, "fix_ammunitions": { "comment": "fix for ammunitions", "enabled": true }, "fix_assorts": { "comment": "fix for trader assorts", "enabled": true }, "fix_barter_trades": { "comment": "fix for barter trades", "enabled": true }, "fix_bosses": { "comment": "fix for bosses", "enabled": true, "loose_loot_min": 4, "loose_loot_max": 8, "special_items_min": 1, "special_items_max": 2 }, "fix_bot_generation": { "comment_0": "fix for bot generation", "enabled": true, "comment_1": "pistolier_chance - chance for pmc bot to be a pistolier, 0 to 100", "comment_2": "faction_armband - blue for usec, yellow for bear", "pistolier_chance": 10, "faction_armband": true }, "fix_containers": { "comment": "fix for containers", "enabled": true }, "fix_hideout_speed": { "comment_0": "fix for hideout upgrade/production speed", "enabled": true, "commend_1": "default - true / 1", "exclude_bitcoin_production": true, "multiplier": 500 }, "fix_https_server": { "comment": "fix for HttpServer.js", "enabled": false }, "fix_inraid_controller": { "comment": "fix for InraidController.js", "enabled": true }, "fix_insurance": { "comment_0": "fix for insurance", "comment_1": "recommend - true / 0.35 / 45", "enabled": true, "price_multiplier": 0.35, "return_chance": 45 }, "fix_load_timer": { "comment": "fix for load timer", "enabled": true }, "fix_locales": { "comment": "fix for locales", "enabled": true }, "fix_locations": { "comment": "fix for maps", "enabled": true }, "fix_location_generator": { "comment_0": "fix for LocationGenerator.js", "enabled": true, "comment_1": "peek_spawn - true: print rare item spawns to log", "peek_spawn": true }, "fix_logger": { "comment": "fix for Logger.js", "enabled": false }, "fix_meds": { "comment": "fix for meds", "enabled": true }, "fix_mods": { "comment": "fix for mods", "enabled": true }, "fix_notifier": { "comment": "fix for notifier", "enabled": true }, "fix_quests": { "comment_0": "fix for quests", "comment_1": "recommend - true / false / true / true / true", "enabled": true, "cheat_huntsman_controller": false, "cheat_shooter_born": true, "cheat_grenadier": true, "cheat_huntsman_perimeter": true, "comment_2": "recommend - true / true / true / true / true / true", "cheat_huntsman_watchman": true, "cheat_friend_from_west_1": true, "cheat_tarkov_shooter_3": true, "cheat_tarkov_shooter_5": true, "cheat_tarkov_shooter_6": true, "cheat_tarkov_shooter_7": true }, "fix_ragfair": { "comment_0": "fix for ragfair", "comment_1": "recommend - true / 0.8 / 1.2 / 1000 / 20", "enabled": true, "dynamic_price_min": 0.8, "dynamic_price_max": 1.2, "batch_size": 2000, "market_level": 20 }, "fix_rates": { "comment_0": "fix for several rates", "comment_1": "default - 1.0", "comment_2": "recommend - 4.0 to match with level progress", "enabled": true, "skill_rate": 4.0 }, "fix_save_server": { "comment": "fix for SaveServer.js", "enabled": false }, "fix_scav_cooldown": { "comment_0": "fix for scav cooldown", "enabled": false, "commend_1": "default - 1200", "cooldown": 1200 }, "fix_sniper_skill": { "comment": "fix for starting sniper skill", "enabled": true }, "fix_trader": { "comment": "fix for traders", "enabled": true }, "fix_weapons": { "comment": "fix for weapons", "enabled": true, "akm_tlok_support": true }, "fix_weather": { "comment": "fix for horrible weather", "enabled": true }, "location": { "enabled": true, "comment_0": "WIP. not effective.", "bigmap": { "comment": "default - 265 / 300", "DistToActivate": 120, "DistToSleep": 140 }, "factory4_day": { "comment": "default - 140 / 150", "DistToActivate": 120, "DistToSleep": 140 }, "factory4_night": { "comment": "default - 100 / 120", "DistToActivate": 100, "DistToSleep": 120 }, "interchange": { "comment": "default - no default ", "DistToActivate": 120, "DistToSleep": 140 }, "laboratory": { "comment": "default - 140 / 160", "DistToActivate": 120, "DistToSleep": 140 }, "rezervbase": { "comment": "default - 330 / 350", "DistToActivate": 120, "DistToSleep": 140 }, "shoreline": { "comment": "default - 260 / 300", "DistToActivate": 120, "DistToSleep": 140 }, "woods": { "comment": "default - 265 / 300", "DistToActivate": 120, "DistToSleep": 140 } } }