Featured MOAR - Ultra lite spawn mod 2.6.7

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Ultra lite bot spawning alternative to SWAG/Donuts that works great on servers. Highly recommended to be used with SAIN/QB/LB for an immersive live-like experience. Highly configurable. Built for use with FIKA.

  • Version 2.6.7

    Something Update

    • Updated something (I can't remember anymore)!
    • Added a second announce for when game starts.

    :S :thumbup:

    That's all for now

  • Version 2.6.6

    Small update

    • Updated bosses/rogues/raiders/etc.. to have MOAR run the spawn chance roll instead of spt.
      Basically this preemptively culls bosses that will not spawn (if they lose their roll), and assign those that succeed a 100% spawn rate.
      This may help with load times and mods like ALP in particular, as when the bot isn't in the pool, the game will not run the loadout generation on them!
    • Updated the preset announce to be a bit earlier, after the game is confirmed to load in, but before the player spawns.
    • Updated a few small things in presets.

    That's all for now.

    8) :thumbup:

  • Version 2.6.5

    Major update

    • Updates spawn timing for pmcs
    • Updates marksman spawning method
    • Fixes and rewrites all of the zone related changes.
    • Set pmcOpenZones to ON be default.
    • Fixed bug with hotzones
    • Fixed bug with pmcQuantity not changing properly.

    That's all for now.

    8) :thumbup:

  • Version 2.6.1

    The "Micro-itty-bitty-Labs" Update

    • One last ditch effort to fix the bug with trapped pmcs behind the gates on labs X/

    Let me know it works!


  • Version 2.6.0

    Updated Features:

    • Update bossConfig:
      Add other boss types that are possible for custom spawning
      Make console verbose on changes
    • Make minSpawnDistance configurable via mapConfig
    • Make snipers a bit harder, make them spawn sooner


    • Labs spawn zone fix (feedback wanted, I don't play labs)
    • Fix bug preventing custom bosses in bossConfig from being applied
    • Error handling for max escort amount
    • Remove sniper Spawnpoints from minSpawnDistance calculation adjustment

    That's all for now, happy holidays!

    8) :thumbup:

  • Version 2.5.7

    Small update.

    • Sets minimum spawn distance for all spawnpoints on all maps.
    • Randomized PMC spawning.

    That's all for now.

    8) :thumbup:

  • Version 2.5.6

    Sniper Bug fix

    • Fixes sniper spawning.
    • Added maxBotCapOverride option to mapSettings.json config.

    That's all for now

    8) :thumbup:

  • Version 2.5.5

    Feature Update

    • Removed event related changes (should help people getting errors due to christmas event)
    • Moar now handles EscapeTimeLimit changes for those extending their raid times.
      BE WARNED: Moar will limit the maximum escapetimelimit to prevent performance issues.
      For those using longer than 2x escapeTimeLimits, Starting Pmcs will be automatically disabled to prevent performance issues.
    • Zombies can now spawn without halloween event.
    • Updated pmc spawning to be EXACTLY like live values. Now correct pmc quantities are GUARANTEED to spawn.

    That's all for now! 8) :thumbup:

  • Version 2.5.4

    Bug Update

    • Remove old spawning system
    • Bump pmc spawns a bit

    That's all for now.

  • Version 2.5.3

    Bug update

    • Fixed a major bug caused by old presets
    • Added test to check presets (I'm learning I swear), this should tell the user exactly what they have done wrong if they have altered/made custom presets.
    • Fixed issue when disabling bosses everything was disabled

    Thanks for your understanding while I nip all these bugs you guys are helping me find!

    <3 :thumbup:

  • Major update coming soon.

    Currently in RC3, will be releasing in the next few days.

    Thumbs Up 2 Happy 1 Heart 1
  • Version 2.6.7

    Something Update

    • Updated something (I can't remember anymore)!
    • Added a second announce for when game starts.

    :S :thumbup:

    That's all for now

    Thinking 1 Heart 1 Thumbs Up 1
  • For FAQ's sake, please read, before commenting:

    • I don't understand difficulty something something... ?

      Moar sets the difficulty preset (easy/medium/hard/impossible), sain or spt decides the bots behaviour from there.
      Yes this works fine with SAIN, and is intended to be used with it.
    • I changed pre-raid settings something something... ?

      Don't! Moar has it's own controls to disable bosses or handle difficulty. If you use the pre-raid menu, do not post about your broken game here.
    • I don't understand Bepinex something something!!?

      Hover over the value in the bepinex and read the tooltip.
    • I changed Something something in the bepinex but its not working grrr!?

      >>>>>> Hit "Save" at the bottom of the bepinex <<<<<<
    • FIKA something not saving bepinex something something!?

      For fika, the configuration is saved in memory on the server, the idea being that fika servers should be run on dedicated machines and have long up time.
      If you want your settings to persist through restart and use FIKA, make sure to set those defaults in config.json/presetWeightings
    • Bepinex version is saying XX but I downloaded latest?
      I forgot to update the version for the client mod, if you downloaded latest, this is fine.
      The client mod requires changes rarely, thus I don't always repackage it (updating the version).

    • Something something..server configs broken, I'm no Coder something 不明白 .json :cursing: !%#@?
      If you are attempting to adjust the server configs and are not technically inclined please take a look at this handy tutorial.

    • My CPU is dying with maxBotCap of 25 and/or startingPMCs turned on ANGRY something...! pepescream

      People love the idea of startingPmcs as this is what live is like, what it actually does is forces your potato CPU to spawn (the most cpu intensive operation in spt) all of the pmcs for the entire raid at the same time (or over the first few minutes in the case of Moar), to add to this, all bosses, there followers, rogues, raiders, are already using this period to smash your potato CPU to bits.

      When you spawn all of the pmcs at once, those pmcs will then go forth to murder each other and whatever other bots have spawned on the map (much like live), further heel smashing your already mashed potato cpu into the dirt. :kekw:

      I would suggest leaving startingPmcs off if you don't have a cpu with X3D in the name, or if you do not want the majority of your pmcs to die off in the first 10 minutes of the raid, or if you do not like finding piles of bodies around the map.

      If you still have performance issues:

      An alternative to turning off starting pmcs would be to reduce the maxBotCap, but be aware, pmcs/bosses will blast through that limit, meaning you will have a harder time finding marksman/scavs early game if you do both turn on startingPmcs AND turn down the maxBotCap.

      Thus, I recommend only reducing maxBotCap if startingPmcs is already off, pmcs will still largely spawn in the first 10 - 15 minutes by default.

      One can also set the maxBotCap via the mapConfig.json per map if so desired.

      Extra potato mode:

      Some settings to try if you are still having issues.

      Change these values in your user/mods/Dewar...Moar/config.json to ensure they are always active.

      "pmcWaveDistribution": 0.5,
      (this makes it so pmcs will spawn over the entire period of the map)

      "scavWaveDistribution": 0.3,
      (as bosses spawn at the beginning this pushes those initial scav waves a bit later in the raid to balance cpu load).

      "maxBotCap": 18,
      (lowest recommended 15)

      "maxBotPerZone": 3,
      (lowest recommended 3)

      "pmcMaxGroupSize": 3,
      "scavMaxGroupSize": 3,

      Once you open the game, reset the default settings in the bepinex by clicking "reset to default".
    Heart 2 Thumbs Up 2
    • :thumbup:

    • is it testet on latest 3.10.5 ? fresh install sain + moar ONLY, standart preset everything on low - extra potato mode (i9k 10th 5ghz 32ddr4) stable 60 fps on streets BUT everytime i kill someone fps drops to 23!

      in the name of the lord emperor. what i need to do to stop fps drops like this.. :kannatiredofthis:

      Heart 1
    • This isn't a faq, play with your settings do other things.

      Remove this comment. And place one below.

  • Any body else had scav's / PMC's spawn within a couple of feet of you? I was on the middle of the stairs to the top machine gun nest in Ground Zero since someone was pushing the doors, any ways, had to reload to went to turn around and run back up the stairs.

    At the top of the stairs I saw an enemy spawn in (there was nothing and then I saw it fall out of the sky) and land, and then did some weird animation, took out his gun and shot me (since I was in mid reload).

  • Hello, why is Pity loot incompatible? Aren't both mods completely different things?

  • Hello, I'm using SVM and your mod. Is there a way to separate the goons spawn chance from the "main boss chance"? Right now on SVM, I have reshala on 0% and goons at 100% on customs, this mod is overwriting the reashala chance as I'm now forced to fight both reshala and goons, when the goons spawn, which is not 100%

    • In the MOAR mod folder go to config, edit bossConfig.json and find the section for customs. "bossKnight" are the Goons spawn percentage and "bossBully" is Reshala.

    • Thanks, I thought I had to copy that file into the server folder, one more thing regarding load order and boss spawns, since this mod is after SVM in my load order, I should disregard the configs I set in SVM in favor of the "bossConfig.json"?

  • is there a way to get smugglers to spawn in with this mod? Not sure but are one of these smugglers?: Arenafighterevent, crazyassaultevent, or peacmaker? Are any of those smugglers?

  • hi

    how can i over and over spawn same boss?

    kill boss and spawn it again. or can you add it ? thx

  • Hey Dewardian.
    A while back I reported a bug on Reserve (memory leak on my side) and confirmed GZ no pmc spawn on SPT 3.9 latest version.

    Version 2.6.7 (SPT 3.10) - I'm currently level 29 and played "every map" (except Lighthouse - 85 raids). FLAWLESS WORK, dude. There's some inconsistencies here and there, like pmcs groups spawning close to each other or bots spawning 10 feet away from me (**USEC dying voice line** head, neck). They're really rare cases on my experience compared with other reports posted here.

    All in all, I cannot overstate how important your mod is + ALP. TYSM.
    May the Tarkov Gods be ever in your favor.

    Heart 1
    • Thanks buddy.

    • New spawning rework is in experimental stage now.

      New release coming soon that should bring all the fixes to spawnpoints.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Goons seem to have 100% spawn rate by default? I use live like preset.

    How do I prevent them from spawning?

    • If they do, it's not because of moar.
      In Moar they are set to 30%, just go change the value if you want it lower.

  • As other have previously stated, there seems to be an issue with PMC team sizes. I have pmcMaxGroupSize set to 1 and I still run into teams of 2-3. Also PMCs are spawning in places they shouldn't, I have all openZones disabled and pmcWaveDistribution = 1.0 for the closest live-like feeling.
    E.g. I spawned into Shoreline next to the weather station and found 3 PMCs of the same team on top, even though there is only a scav spawn there. It almost seems like the mod wants to spawn a group of scavs but wrongly ends up with a PMC group regardless of the settings. Also it feels like PMCs often spawn right next to me.

  • I changed the maximum number of bots, so my Moar Preset became Custom. Does random presets still work in this case? Like a Boss invasion.

    • If you want to use random with a custom preset, change the settings on the server in the "config.json".

      Those are the "defaults" for moar.

  • I'm having trouble with Scavs and PMCs Spawning very close to me, right after I kill one or two. It ends up having 5-10 bots all coming at me 1 or 2 at a time. I've have 2 scavs and a PMC spawn 20 feet away from me in the Garage in Reserve. It feels like horde mode is on

    How do I stop or limit this behavior?

    I didn't notice this as much on Customs or Woods, but it seems particularly bad on Factory and Reserve. It could just be confirmation bias on my part, maybe all the maps exhibit this behavior.

    Thank you so much for making this!

    • Same. I'm seeing this behavior on Interchange and Reserve. Haven't tested other maps.

  • I think the PMC Faction issue isn't related to MOAR, but MOAR is making it more apparent.

    This appears to keep happening even when MOAR is disabled.

    • Using Factory still, when letting the serer spawn AI unsynced from the start it was able to make 2 BEAR PMCs on 2 different Teams and have them kill each other.

      I believe I set the hostilities to 100%, but this still seems really buggy. Hopefully one of you modders or the SPT team are able to find a way to control this.

      Raid Review Imgur 2

  • im not sure i can get the pmc spawns to drop regardless the settings im seeing as much as 7 in a group

    • You can try, PMCWaveQuantity .5 from 1.0

      This helped me get a normal amount of PMCs spawning, but still having the issue where all PMCs are spawning on the same team on most of the maps.

      Interchange is the only one I see atm I can play where it splits the PMCs into different groups.

      It's very strange cause this wasn't happening like a week ago with the same mods. So I'm guessing something some where in the mod is having a weird error.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Factory spawning almost all PMCs on same team. Even seeing 6 PMCs spawned on 1 team.

    Any idea what could be causing this to happen? Or a way to correct it? I have Max PMC Spawn group set to 3 and notice teams of 4/5 and even 6 PMCs still spawning.

    Thumbs Up 1
    • I noticed it's happening on more then just factory. Ground Zero as well, I'm not really sure what could have started this error.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • I noticed it looks like the server is having an issue separating Usec and Bears, when it's spawning in this all 1 squad PMC groups they are almost always all the same faction.

  • Looking through the config, which line would change the number of scavs that spawn initially? I’m getting a low number of scavs in the raid, I believe only two spawn in initially on most maps. Just doesn’t feel right having 12 pmcs spawn in with 2-3 scavs. Would scav wave quantity be the setting?

    • ScavWaveDistribution changes "When" the scavs spawn, 1 will be all spawning at the start.

      But I think it depends on the map and your Bot limit/PMC spawn amount. I'm doing 20 - 25 max bots with all PMCs spawning at the start. I'm using Scav Wave Quantity 1 and Distribution .5. I also use PMCWaveQuantity .5 and Distribution 1.0.

      Most maps I only get 1 - 3 scavs that spawn on start but after a few PMCs die the map starts to fill up the spots with bots and then every couple mins or after a lot of bots die a larger group of scavs will all spawn at once. From what I understand Live PvP does something similar but just has a much higher max bot count and spawning speed for Scavs.

      I'm not 100% sure, but I think the server will keep spawning new Player-ScavAI every time a PMC dies or other PScav dies to keep the server "full" of player scavs and player count. While the server then will do waves of scav spawns at set times and/or based off how many bot slots are left on the server.

      Use Raid Review to check the spawning super helpful.

  • Hello guys , last night I installed the MOAR mod but don't spawn PMC and SCAV can help me pls ?

    • Do you have other mods installed that can control bot spawning?

      I've seen other mods that limit bot spawns cause MOAR to spawn none.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Why have you added shooterBTR as "AlwaysEnemies"? Should be neutral for all.

  • Experiencing CTDs a lot of times now...

    Dunno what causes this exactly sadly( MOAR helps my FPS a lot and i don't wanna remove this great mod

    EDIT: ignore me, adjusted load order and it stopped crashing

  • I'm having every PMC spawn behind the locked garage doors in Labs that open with the buttons. They're usually dead when I get there, and sometimes they're locked in there when the doors aren't openable.

    • i have the same problem

  • Anyone had any luck with setting the PMC quantity to correct the double spawning of PMCs?

    I'm trying to use .2 - .6 some maps like Interchange come out perfect with 11 or 12 PMCs spawning. But at the same amount Streets will only spawn 6 PMCs

    Anyone having any luck configuring MOAR to get PMCs spawning within the Map amount?

  • Yo, just quickly.

    No finding Shurtman in any of the boss configs? Did they rename him or something? Adding 100% spawn rates on bosses doesn't seem to bring him up. I'm guessing because he's not in MOAR, vanilla SPT values are applied? I'm having trouble finding him in SPT entries too :s

    EDIT: Nevermind, ignore me. It would appear at some point he was renamed to bossKojaniy! Incase anyone else was wondering, Shturman = bossKojaniy

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Not sure if another mod is conflicting with this one, but NOTHING spawns on Factory for me, no matter what preset I use.

    • Check any other mods that control AI spawning/max bot count, that's what causes issues for me.

  • Any chance for adding option(a tick) to count or not to count raiders, rogues, etc in max bot limit so we dont need to manually adjust max bot cap for lighthouse? With default setting lighthouse feels so deserted as its like 15 slots occupied by rogues.

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Can you give the option to specify a maximum bot cap per map? You know streets is the worst of all and it would be good to have a different setup just for that map.

    • u can do it in mod folder mapConfig file. Add maxBotCapOverride line. Theres an example for factory inside.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • For some reason the Live-like preset spawns 0 PMCs ? just had a very silent run on Woods, only saw a few Scavs and Raid Review confirmed that there were 0 PMCs and most of the Scavs just stayed in place all raid long.

    • I have done some more testing. It happens on other maps as well, regardless of the preset chosen. It happens when I turn of bosses in the pre-raid settings window (but leave everything else at default). For some reason disabling bosses also disables PMCs.

    • Can also confirm turning off bosses turns off PMCs. Tested with DynamicMaps and startingPMCs enabled. Was wondering why I went multiple raids without ever coming across another PMC.

      The turning off bosses option in the MOAR BepInEx doesn't mention this so I guess it's not intended?

    • As I recall, PMC's use the boss code in SPT, they have followers as teammates etc, that might be the reason.

    • this has to be something new. I have never had this issue with 3.9 when I was playing with MOAR. I will do some more testing.

    • Same issue here. Another mod recently released called "SIP Spawn Improvement Project". I cant remember who the mod author was but i ran into the same issue with 0 PMCS spawning when bosses were turned off while using that mod. With that mod removed, PMCs spawned, even with bosses disabled. Now im trying MOAR, and im running into the same issue again. :|

      For what its worth, SIP mod is no longer on this site after only a few days.

  • Raid Overhaul' boss

    Turn the boss off in the config to prevent errors. < you mean turn the CUSTOM BOSS of Raid Overhaul ??

  • can you please put the known incompatibilities with raid overhauls boss and pity loot in the compatibility section of the description?

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Is it common with MOAR that PMCs of different groups spawn almost at the same spot or relatively close to the same spot most of the time? I've had various times where two groups of PMCs have spawned in the same area and immediately started fighting each other, I.E. shots going off before the raid countdown timer even finishes.

    • related to OpenZones ig

    • I'm not even on a version with OpenZones :D

      I've been having too many issues with my extracts disappearing on later versions of this mod. So I've been sticking to previous versions.

    • Working on this. Just turn off open zones for now