Task Sort Fix 1.0.1

Fixes sorting in the tasks tab.

Unsupported. It's recommended to use DrakiaXYZ's Task List Fixes instead.


Installation: drop the contents of the archive into your SP Tarkov folder.

Developed for SPT-AKI 3.5.2 - 3.5.4 client version.

  • Fixed sorting by "questsAvailability" based on current location. It was messing up every sort type. Now available and unavailable tasks are grouped and each of them are sorted accordingly.
  • Trader sort now uses localized trader nickname instead of id.
  • Location sort now uses localized location name instead of id.
  • Update

    Fixed grouping by quest availability based on current location. Apparently that line wasn't so useless as I thought, though it wasn't done properly anyway.

    Now tasks are properly separated on groups of available and unavailable ones and both groups are sorted accordingly.

  • Where is the archive folder in SPTarkov??

    • Nevermind; for anyone lost as well, download the file and open it until you reach the "TaskSortFix.dll" file and drag that into BepInEx / plugins folder with alike .dll files. If you dont have any other .dll files then dont worry! This mod will be your first!

  • 1 person did what an entire russian development studio couldn't

    Happy 5 Thumbs Up 1