Choice Bound 1.1.4

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

A mod that introduces new accounts / profiles with both positive and negative, short-term and long-term effects. Adding challenge and flavor. Heavy inspiration from Zero to Hero but with more depth.

Please Note.

This is my first time moding Tarkov, and the entire "balance" of this mod so far is pretty much my opinion. With some inputs from the SPT server and my friends. So I do get if these profiles are not the best, if you have any suggestions add it in the comments or message me on discord with the idea [ PureRussianVodka ] (if you do message me there, please say you came from the mod page. I get a lot of spam)

PS: If your an artist and want to make an icon for Choice Bound, hit me up.


  • Version 1.1.4

    Sorry for the delay, planned to get this out much sooner but life happened.

    Profile changes:
    + Precision = power (a sniper focused profile)
    Added unheard icons to all profiles
    Changed all description on profiles to better understand what is included instead of relying on Mod page

    Whats next?
    - adding mastery levels to profiles that need it and adding a shotgun focused profile

  • Version 1.1.3

    Entirely reworked Alligence = Power for both sides.


    Seamed like a pretty heavy rep hit early, without many good items and just made it unappealing to play. And because i was informed by @yurikus that the Adar is Russian

    Made Usec have generally higher quality, While Bear generally have more to work with

    (See Updated profiles, in the profiles subtab of modpage)


    2 M4s and mutant (don't know how I feel about a mutant, if its extreme please say)

    2 M9a3

    1 class 4 armor

    2 class 3 armors

    4 class 3 helmets

    100k rubles

    400 usd


    2 Adar's and 2 AKMS 2 AKS-74UB

    4 Pl-15s

    4 class 3 armors

    5 class 3 helmets

    250k rubles

    Unchanged (both sides)

    Stash size and secure container

  • Version 1.1.2

    Allegiance = power had wrong values. fixed credit to Finem Belli for catching that.

  • Version 1.1.1

    Money=Power profile had starting rep of - 0.22 instead of - 0.12 That has been fixed.

  • Version 1.1.0

    THE NEW BASLINE IS (1) NOT (0.0)

    completely redid profiles so the new baseline is (1.0) meaning having 0.8 rep at the start is equivalent to having -0.2 rep. This was done because adding any amount rep from a quest, to a negative rep number would result in the trader standing rep being set to 0.0.

    completely defeating the purpose of having a rep penalty.

  • Version 1.0.0

  • An idea worth investigating is starting off with some skills at higher levels. Maybe even negative skills similar to the debt.

    This mod reminds me of Traits in Project Zomboid and I like it.

    • i dont think negative skills is possible. Do you have any ideas for a profile where higher skills would be used?

    • Sure:


      You were the envy of other BEARs, being strong even by the standards of a PMC. You made sure first thing that you had a gym in your hideout, though the traders weren't exactly happy when you didn't pay them back...

      + 10 levels in Strength

      + 10 levels in Endurance

      + Gym level 1

      - 0.2 reputation with all traders

      I thought this up in five minutes, but it's an example. I don't know how many different variations you could make since negative skills aren't possible.

      Another example could have the skills be another part of the loadout that encourages you to play a certain way. Like a loadout based on snipers giving bonuses to bolt action rifles.

    • I can work off of that, thanks! already in the process of making
      "precision = power"

      t-500 / modified sv98

      VERY low scav rep

      Smaller stash

      Jaeger unlocked at start

      3 multi calibar suppressors

      3 high tier scopes

  • Adar is a Russian invention, USEC should have M4s.
    Another option is to bring some variety: instead of 3 AK74's, have two of them and one ADAR, this way BEAR can use 5.56 as well, lore accurate per ADAR.

    Same for USEC - give it one Mutant, YMMV, just my observations, cheers

    • Didint know Adar was Russian. thanks for the heads up, ill start working on it.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Think there was a mistake in the update, Allegiance = Power with USEC also makes you start with better with Prapor and Therapist instead of Skier, Peacekeeper, Mechanic and Ragman like the BEAR

  • is it possible to add a profile with the waist pouch as the secure container and even make it a 2 slot lol

    like a zero to hero you have nothing only thing is the alpha container but that is to big lol for this profile

    rags to riches = Zero To Hero

    me just rambling lol

    Great Mod Though :)

  • Hello,
    Thank you for your mod.
    I like the overall idea of this, having pros and cons to certain playstyles brings more variability in playthroughs.
    I noticed that the "debt" can be deleted like regular items.
    Could this be circumvented by adding negative currency amounts to the traders' reputation page?
    (I.E. Peacekeeper has -50k USD "spent")

    Thank you for your time, <3 -Kay

    • didn't actually think to put it inside the trader menu. thanks for the suggestion ill add it in the next version! (if tarkov allows me to have negative values)

    • Update to this. I'm having an extreme amount of trouble changing currency spent for a specific trader, a lot of the things i have tried are either ignored by the game, or causes a game crash. it seems like tarkov's profile system expects a singular number that is across all traders. which is not a good solution as USD is worth different from rubles.

      I'm switching paths and seeing if I can just make a quest specific to accounts that asks you to pays debts.

  • Here's an interesting idea, if you like it:
    A profile that builds your inventory from Fence's item list

    Maybe you could take a preset rouble value as a threshold, randomly select items (perhaps filtering out absolute junk, but hey its essentially a gamble), and then select a spread of the highest, lowest, and moderately valued items until you hit that limit.

    To add to the flavor, you can add scav rep.

    Power = Luck?
    Survival = Power?

    Hope you like the idea! Thanks for the great work!

    • I love the idea, I'm just not sure if its possible. Also, the (money = power) Profile essentially forces you at the start to make a loadout from fence, and it makes you chose "do I spent my starting money now? or wait"

    • Oh hah I didn't even think about that, I play almost exclusively ZTH so I forget what roubles look like sometimes :P

  • I think I might be an absolute idiot but I can't manage to make this work, sorry

  • really unique idea, great work.

    Heart 1