Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
This mod will give you the option of which bosses you want to spawn on each map.
Now multiple example config files are included! Just copy whichever you wish to use over the configs folder,
and overwrite the existing files to use.
If you come up with a cool config please share it in the comments, or feel free to message it to me, I may include it in future releases.
The default config will set any bosses that normally spawn on the map to 100% with no other changes (this is the same as Standard Backup)
Spicy config give a 20% chance for every boss to spawn on each map, a 20% chance to spawn both a raider and a rogue group, and spawns a boss horde of between 3 and 7 bosses.
BossesWithFriends config will set any bosses that normally spawn on the map to 100% and they will bring a friend.
Horde config will spawn some custom made hordes to ruin your day (good example on building custom hordes)
If you love what I do, why not buy me a coffee?
Version 2.10.0
- kikirio
Updated for AKI 3.7 ++
Added Kaban.
Added Bloodhounds.
Added CrazyScavs.
Version 2.8.2
- kikirio
Updated for AKI 3.6 ++
Fix for randomizeBossZonesEachRaid conflicting with keepOriginalBossZones. Thanks to DeltaKillsTV and ItzTrasherz for the bug reports. Big
Version 2.8.0
- kikirio
updated for 3.5. added streets and Zryachiy.
Version 2.7.0
- kikirio
Updated for AKI 3.4.0 +
Added comments
Further tidy of code, no new features
Version 2.6.4
- kikirio
Tidy of code, no change in functionality.
Version 2.6.3
- kikirio
Added config option randomizeBossZonesEachRaid: When keepOriginalBossZones = false, Each boss gets set a single spawn zone, and the bosses are spread over the map. If randomizeBossZonesEachRaid is set to true then every time you complete a raid, the zone that each boss is assigned will be reselected. This will make make the locations each boss spawns different every raid. (true / false)
Version 2.6.2
- kikirio
Added config option keepOriginalBossZones: Will limit the zones that the bosses can spawn to zones that can normally spawn a boss in each map.
Version 2.6.1
- kikirio
Updated for AKI 3.3.0
Version 2.6.0
- kikirio
It's a big one!
Added, shuffleBossOrder: Will shuffle the order of the boss array (adds less predictability with spawn order). (true / false)
Added several example configs to try.
Added Boss Hordes! With the following options
hordesEnabled : if true will apply horde settings. (true / false)
maps :
Has a list of maps with the following options.
enabled : if true, will apply the following settings for the map. (true / false)
addRandomHorde : adds random hordes with the following settings
enabled : if true, will apply the following settings for the map. (true / false)
numberToGenerate : the number of boss hordes to generate. (number)
minimumSupports : the minimum number of bosses to support the main boss (number)
maximumSupports : the maximum number of bosses to support the main boss (number >= minimumSupports)
bossList : A list of each boss, which will serve as the leader for each group, with the following options.
amount : The amount of hordes to add. (number)
chance : The chance for the horde to spawn. (number 0 - 100)
escorts : Here you must put a list of the bosses you wish to spawn separated with comma's with no spaces.
available options are Knight, Gluhar, Shturman, Sanitar, Reshala, Killa and Tagilla
if you wanted Killa and Tagilla as escort you would put "Killa,Tagilla" for example (string)
escortAmount : Here you must put a list of the number of each supporting boss to spawn separated with comma's with no spaces.
following the above example, if you wanted 2 Killa and 4 Tagilla to support you would put "2,4" (string)
Version 2.5.1
- kikirio
Tidy of code, removing all duplicate code.
Fix for boostRaiders / Rogues not working.
kikirio Author
If you find you are encountering issues with this mod, please confirm by using the debug tool. (when ingame press ` to bring up your console, then b autocomplete BotMonitor and set to 3.) before asking for support.
As things are based on probability and bosses can be set to spawn in places where you would normally not expect them, you may well find the boss has spawned but you have not bumped into them.
how can i make goons possible on labs?and all the bosses if possible.Can i modify it on spt files?
i need this badly rn since not a single boss has spawned ever
Hello Лiki, I updated the mod to version 3.9.* with my own hands. now it is also possible to turn on the kollontay spawn, how can I contact you so that you just upload the update to the site?
can you just upload it
Update it to 3.8.x!!!
Cool mod! Only for some unknown reason, the bosses spawn without protection.
Can you tell me why this is so?
the navigator will not have a key when he spawns in the original Tarkov zone, could this problem be in fashion?
I tried to use it only, removing other mods, the same outcome.
The navigator may spawn several keys when he spawns in a non-original Tarkov boss zone.
Hi Kiki, I installed your mod (along with Swag and Donuts) to increase the chance of Kaban spawning in Streets. I set it to 90%. I activated the default spawns in SWAG's config as you instructed.
I confirmed Kaban spawned with Boss Notifier (as well as Killa, by chance; I set 7% chance for every boss on every map). However when I went to the car showroom, neither was there. No one was, in fact.
kikirio Author
Set keepOriginalBossZones to true as well, he has probably spawned in another zone entirely
Yes, I turned it on as soon as I installed your mod (specifically to find bosses easier).
I also just finished a shoreline raid, where Kaban spawned (according to Boss Notifier). Personlly scouted the villas, the resort (both wing's first floor), the pier, and even the meteo station where the goons sometime spawn. Nothing. And Kaban has a pretty big crew, it's kind of impossible to miss.
Maybe Boss Notifier is lying to me?
kikirio Author
Could you install this for me please. It will tell you what has spawned and where. Give us some concrete information to go off.
Ok, took some time and put together some data.
I set all bosses with a 90% chance to spawn in Customs. A whopping 9 of them were supposed to spawn, as you can see from BossNotifier's alerts in the screenshot.
However the debugging tool provided by you confirms they are not there at all.
Here is the SPT AKI error log:…M3XL3C8r4puJYqMuBe7uPhHLV
Bepinex log:…rusD2Sa967DEXtwZKJ5ymVf5u
Server log:…hoaYhXTamcVHnXxpq5oU2dpFr
I think I gave you everything I could. If you want me to run more tests, please let me know.
Thanks for taking the time to look into this btw
i can get it to work , i've tried everything but i never get any boss on any map, set every boos to 100% chance spawn, and nothing.
i get a yellow text in the launcher that to me means everything is loading but yet, nothing
this is an example of what i get (written in yellow )
"BossChance": 100,
"BossDifficult": "normal",
"BossEscortAmount": "6",
"BossEscortDifficult": "normal",
"BossEscortType": "followerBoar",
"BossName": "bossBoar",
"BossPlayer": false,
"BossZone": "BotZone",
"RandomTimeSpawn": false,
"Supports": [
"BossEscortType": "bossKilla",
"BossEscortDifficult": [
"BossEscortAmount": "2"
"Time": -1,
"TriggerId": "",
"TriggerName": ""
"BossChance": 100,
"BossDifficult": "normal",
"BossEscortAmount": "0",
"BossEscortDifficult": "normal",
"BossEscortType": "followerTagilla",
"BossName": "bossKilla",
"BossPlayer": false,
"BossZone": "BotZone",
"RandomTimeSpawn": false,
"Supports": [
"BossEscortType": "bossKilla",
"BossEscortDifficult": [
"BossEscortAmount": "5"
"Time": -1
"BossChance": 100,
"BossDifficult": "normal",
"BossEscortAmount": "0",
"BossEscortDifficult": "normal",
"BossEscortType": "followerTagilla",
"BossName": "bossKilla",
"BossPlayer": false,
"BossZone": "BotZone",
"RandomTimeSpawn": false,
"Supports": null,
"Time": -1
can you help me with this sir?
Is it possible for vengeful zyrachy to be added?
do different bosses spawn after you kill them? i was trying to fight zyrachiy for fun and on the way there i was getting shot at by birdeye but i ignored him only to find out zyrachiy wasnt there at all
i also noticed that on night time factory that one boss (cultist, goons, or tagilla) will spawn at a time and PMCs or scavs wont. it is fun in a way that it works like a boss wave but it also gets annoying on other maps since i have to kill a boss before i get to fight another, like theyre locked behind eachother. i was hoping i could do something about that
kikirio Author
Nothing I can do about it I am afraid. There can only be a single boss alive in each zone at a time. Any others due to spawn will get queued.
Boss hordes are something of a solution. but it does mean you will be fighting them all together,
They won't be taking up any other spawns. Boss waves are handled separately. They will only affect the amount of AI alive limit
sorry my bad englis!
After i downloaded this mod nothing spawn on reserve. the mod is working good on customs and factory (only this three map i tried it) how can i solw this problem?
kikirio Author
Everything is working as expected on reserve with just ATB installed?
I checked and it's completely empty
kikirio Author
OK that gives me nothing to go off.
So can you please make a reply on the support thread (blue button right of page) including all the details required by a support thread on the hub.
I need to know what mods you are running, and logs of this not working, and your configs please.
Use this to create a link for each file (no password, decay time longer than a week please)
kikirio Author
Absolutely nothing to do with this mod. This literally only edits the bossLocationsSpawn array in each locations map.json. It edits absolutely nothing else, and pulls data from nowhere else.
You are barking up the wrong tree again.
dunno if anyone can point me in right direction but iv messed about with the normal config as much as I can but bosses just spawn in random places witch I don't really want
kikirio Author
Set keepOriginalBossZones to true, to restrict spawns to zones that a boss could normally spawn on a map.
thank you
iv done that just gone into a raid and goons spawned in dorms so don't know if there's anything else I've done wrong
"debug": true,
"keepOriginalBossZones": true,
"randomizeBossZonesEachRaid": false,
"shuffleBossOrder": false,
that's how iv got it set
kikirio Author
Aye, this is because Reshalla can spawn in that zone, so if you add other bosses it will use any of the zones that an original map boss can use.
The bossLocationSpawns array is being rebuilt for each map.
I will have to see if I can think of a way to separate this out further. The configs are already rather hefty though, so I wouldn't want to overcomplicate that further than necessary.
Hello, I wanted to ask, in your mod there is a config\ folder, what is this Extra Configs folder for? There are other folders in it - is this to replace two files in the config or do not need to change them?
kikirio Author
It's right at the top of the readme.
Now multiple example config files are included! Just copy whichever you wish to use over the configs folder,
and overwrite the existing files to use.
If you come up with a cool config please share it in the comments, or feel free to message it to me, I may include it in future releases.
Hi - got it. Well, let's say I put Hordes - otherwise I have only scavs, bear and usec, no bosses at all.
Hi no, I changed my mind, I'll leave everything as it is.
Is this compatible with Swag/DOnuts?
kikirio Author
I have not tested this yet. However I would presume so, as long as any settings to bosses spawns are turned off in SWAG. You may need to run allTheBoss after them in the load order too.
I do intend to run some tests, I will let you know when I have verified.
kikirio Author
Hey so i got around to checking. It works great but you will need to go into the SWAG config.json, and set UseDefaultSpawns Bosses to true at the bottom of the config.
I have added a compatibility tab to the readme here too, cheers for prompting me to check things out
Thank you!! Love your mod!
Cant wait for this to get updated
It hasn't been since July 3rd so I would say it isn't getting updated. Kiki seems pretty on it with their mods.
kikirio Author
It has been working fine until 3.7. There is a new game breaking bug I need to fix, I have not found the solution yet.
Which is frustrating as it is built to be very easy to update, added the new boss easily, everything server side is all good, but the client is throwing an error when adding a boss not already present in that map, which is weird, and probably hard to fix, sooo yeah I will see.
Does this mod works with 3.7.0?
Will this be updated for new SPT-AKI?
kikirio Author
Is this mod worked for another mod boss ?
kikirio Author
I just ran some tests, and everything is working as expected.
The only thing that pops to mind, is that using another mod that edits boss spawns may overwrite this mods changes. (potentially SWAG for instance).
If using mods that do this, then ensure AllTheBoss is after it in the load order.
Does this mod have any configuration as to when the bosses get spawned in each raid? Or is it spawning them in at the start of every raid?
Also wondering where to find the server logs. I'd like to try and figure out why I can only get Knight and his followers to spawn on Customs.
kikirio Author
Bosses get spawned at raid start.
Logs can be found in user/logs. The only logging is printing the reformed BossLocationSpawn[] for each map, debug must set to true in the config.
To run tests I would highly recommend using the debugging tool, as it is very hard to tell when bosses have spawned without it.
Hello. i would like to add the spawn chance for the Punisher mod boss. can you direct me how to do it? great mod btw thanks for the great work!
kikirio Author
It may be possible by adding the bosses name to the config, and to the bossDictionary at the top of the .ts file. ("name in config" : "name in code")
This mod would also need to be run after the mod that adds the boss, and the boss would've needed to be added to one of the maps BossLocationSpawn[] for it to be harvested by AllTheBoss.
Spasibo for Extra Configs, comrade. It's very good to have this.
Having issues getting the mod to work, im using version 3.5.8, placed the mod into user mods but doesnt seem to be working
got it to work
would be great to have this in current 3.6 with Big Pipe and EagleEye Bosses added, just to do the Special Event Quests again, where they 3 Bosses (Knight, Big Pipe and Eagle Eye) spawn altogether in daytime in factory!
kikirio Author
Those three are already added, and if the below comment is correct you will be able to run this with 3.6 and add them to factory if you wish (it is under Knight in the configs, the other two are his followers.)
Does anyone know if this works on 3.6 or at least if it will get ported to 3.6?
kikirio Author
it will get ported in time. May still work but dunno.
That would be appreciated. Though I just gave it a quick run and it does seem to work fine still as of right now.
Why cultists don't spawn on any map? Is there a way to fix this?