Posts by BalgaDeez

    Two questions one request :D


    1. How is the 'Bots' section affected by the Raid settings for AI amount, e.g. AsOnline,Low,Medium,High,Horde?

    2. Under "Bots" what does 'Spawns per zone' and 'Limits per location' mean

    I've played with the raid settings, and I believe it is related to the "wave timer" and number of spawns allowed per zone.
    Spawn per zone (Like Old Gas Station and New Gas Station in Customs) is just that however it can conflict with 'Limits per location'
    which if you allow 2 SPZ and have 6 Limit per Location there might end up being 1 spawned at each zone lol

    Conclusive, it's 100% due to some XP modifying values (I went 30+ levels with just ramping up player XP values, XP looting, examining, healing and action values, did not produce the problem either)
    However, upon massively modifying XP skill gains, I experienced the issue since level 1 now.
    I'm going to investigate more in depth "SkillProgession" as the json says values not being modified at all for purposes.

    I just checked the hideout upgrades, reverting my save (pre-spam) and then constantly reloading, ammo checking, firing a round through several loot containers (each time I upgraded a hideout component I quit/restarted the game) I have no mag drill spam...I'm now going to attempt several hideout upgrades at once before a raid and see if that causes it.

    it's not specifically a hideout upgrade either, or doing multiple raids at once before restarting the game. HOWEVER it did happen when I upgraded a hideout component, but what caused the mag skill spam after component upgrade is unknown...(Rest Space)
    Reverted the save, upgraded the component again and it didn't have spam.

    [This is all incorrect, I just upgraded my hideout and mag drill spam started]
    I did a lot of fire and forget experimenting, it comes with modifying the skill experience gains AFTER a profile is created.
    Game on friends :) I finally figured it out after a lot of working on this specific issue!!!
    I specifically modify my experience gain values manually in the Aki_Data/Server/database/globals,json
    and there is a section that has the XP modifier for skills (leave at default) XP gained per action (can be modified before making a profile, but changing after will create spam) and XP per task (non skill related XP gains)
    it is safe to even do 100% skill gain at all times and no spam doing this method. (no skill fatigue)

    I've had this across several builds for a year+ and have always googled if someone was having the same issue.
    Straight out of the gate I would have this issue even with skillatrophy on or off, or even heavily reducing memory skill gain.
    (Mag Drills is the #1 offender)
    I hope someone has a solution I should also add I manually modify my per task XP values for skills, because having 8x endurance is good, while having 8x metabolism is bad for progression and overall game feel.

    Not sure how much help this will be, but have you tried moving that one single file out separately, and then moving it into where it needs to go? The error in the screenshot is caused by a corrupted (or missing) DLL files in Windows itself.