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This mod adds
17 retextured items,
5 retextured tops and
4 retextured lowers.
All items are purchable at Peacekeeper lvl 1.
Items are not spawning on bots by default. (changeable in the config)
Requires JustNU's Core to be installed.
Have a great time using this mod!
If you have any questions feel free to text me on discord ( FALmonsta#9276 ).
Please do not text me on this website if you have discord because I might not see it.
Credits for the code goes to JustNU.
Credits for the textures and models goes to Battlestate Games.
Version 1.0.1
- FALmonsta
Fixed bugged names at G3 Field Shirt and G3 Combat Pant
Version 1.0.0
- FALmonsta
Bot C.
heads up: all of the multicam mods by falmonsta is broken as of 3.8.*.
it returns this error:
Is there any way to make sure that the NPCs don't wear mod gear, but only clothes? In the config, only clothes are disabled, but equipment is not
мод работает на 3.5.7?
FALmonsta Author
Probably, I didn't test it yet.
да работает без ошибок
Is there a way to have certain AI to wear these clothing mods? For example, I've wanted to have the USEC's to wear the tropic clothing but I can't get it to work. Thanks in advance.
FALmonsta Author
Please text me on Discord. ( FALmonsta#9276 )
Sent a request dude
These camo/equipment mods are awesome
love seeing the different variations of equipment you can loot and get. Any plans to add M81 Woodland or kryptek camos?
FALmonsta Author
Not really at the moment.
Multicam 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢
DDPM could be cool, maybe even some desert tiger stripe, and you get the advantage of them not being multicam and actually working as camo
Desert tiger is def one of the best camos
time to plug my desert KLMK
actually have a good tileable texture for KLMK + my desert stuff
also winter one
And a fuck ton of camos really if anyone wants them