
How do i install SPT?

We have an installer that does 95% of the work for you, please make sure to follow the instructions exactly as described: SPT-INSTALLER

if you wish to install SPT manually, head to the articles page and follow the instructions inside the most recent release post.

I installed SPT, how do i play?

In your SPT folder:

  • Start Spt.Server.exe
    • Wait until you see a green 'server is running' message
  • Start Spt.Launcher.exe
    • Create an account
    • Press "Start game"
How do I uninstall SPT?

Delete your SPT folder.

Can i uninstall Live after installing SPT / I'm running out of space! can i delete live?

No, SPT needs Live installed to function. Moving your Live folder to another location will break SPT.

If you're very low on disk space and don't mind making live non-functional, you can delete the following folder: `Live_EFT_Folder\EscapeFromTarkov_Data` to save 35GB+

When i try to extract the contents of the SPT download zip, i get an error and can't extract!

When you are trying to unzip a file, you get an like the following:

! E:\Escape From Tarkov - Copy\Patcher_12.11.2.13615_to_12.10.2.12893.7z: Cannot open C:\Patcher_12.11.2.13615_to_12.10.2.12893\Spt_Data\Patcher\EscapeFromTarkov_Data\StreamingAssets\Windows\assets\content\items\equipment\armor_custom_thorcrv\item_equipment_armor_custom_thorcrv.bundle.manifest.del
The system cannot find the path specified.


The ZIP file is heavily compressed to save you bandwidth, you will need to use a tool like 7Zip or winrar to extract SPT.


I have SPT installed and want to update to a newer version, how do I do that?

Each release of SPT has release notes and an `upgrading` sub-section that details how to update to it from the previous version

If you're 100% confident the newer version of SPT was made for the same version of EFT as your current SPT install, you can download using the below 'releases' link and extract into your existing SPT folder, overwriting all files

It is generally safer to install a newer version of SPT separately and then copy your existing profiles to the new install. Details can be found in the release notes under the heading 'Migrating existing profiles''

The installer does not have an 'upgrade' ability because of the issues detailed above. It can only install 'fresh' when used

Refer to the FAQ question: https://hub.sp-tarkov.com/faq-…/36-how-do-i-install-spt/

Release notes and SPT zip download can be found here: https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/SPT/Stable-releases/releases

I need to 'downgrade' my EFT to use SPT, how do i do that?

You need to use the automatic installer we made which will do the downgrading for you. It can be found here.

I get a `Failed to decode file` error when running the installer/downgrader patcher, what do i do?

This can happen when your live EFT files have missing/corrupted files. The best known fix is:

  • Uninstall live tarkov + the BSG laucher
  • Delete your SPT folder (the one with the SPT installer/downgrade patcher in)
  • Download EFT and install again
  • Run SPT installer/downgrader patcher
I ran the installer and it's telling me "No patcher available for your version", what do I do?

Please try running the installer again later

I moved my SPT install to another folder and now it doesnt work, what do I do?

* Find the following file: `config: user\launcher\config.json`

* Close your SPT launcher

* Update the `GamePath` property to be your new SPT folder location

* Start the launcher again

My EFT settings have reset? / How to copy them

With SPT now seperating its settings files from the official EFT settings, we have added a popup option to copy the settings over on first Launcher use and also in the settings page is a "Load Live Settings" button, this will copy the settings over to the SPT folder

I have installed SPT but the server.exe is missing / vanished?

It is likely that your antivirus has put the server into quarantine. Check online for a guide on how to restore the file.

Launcher issues

When i start the launcher, it shows the error "Default server is not available"

1) You must start the server.exe before starting the launcher

2) This can happen if the server has not had enough time to start up, please ensure you see a "Server is running" message in green before starting the launcher.

3) Open the launcher settings tab and ensure the launchers URL value is ``

4) If a server mod has caused an error it can kill the server, this results in the SPT Launcher being unable to connect. Check your server console for errors.

I run the SPT Launcher and nothing happens, what do i do?

Make sure .NET 6 is installed.

.NET is a library made by Microsoft used to help programs such as the SPT Launcher function.

You can find the .NET installer here.

I tried to run the launcher and it asked me to install .NET 6, what is it?

.NET 6 is a framework from Microsoft to help with making tools like the launcher. You can read about it here

You can find the .NET installer here, it is required to use the launcher.

You will need the `.NET Desktop Runtime` specifically.

My launcher displays the error "No connection can be established", what do I do?

Ensure the SPT server shows a green success message prior to starting the launcher

Error: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object"

Make sure you played EFT (Live) at least once on your current windows installation.

  1. Close Spt.Server.exe, Spt.Launcher.exe, and EFT
  2. Reopen Spt.Server.exe
  3. Wait for the green lettering "Happy playing!!"
  4. Reopen Spt.Launcher.exe
  5. Press "Start"
Someone told me to 'clean my temp files using the launcher' how do I do that?
  1. Open the launcher
  2. Click the settings cogwheel in the right upper corner of the launcher
  3. Click the 'clean temp files' button
The launcher gets stuck forever when trying to patch, what do i do?
  • Ensure your Anti-Virus isn't blocking the launcher from starting SPT or has deleted any files from the SPT folder
  • Don't run the server or launcher as administrator
  • Don't have SPT installed in a protected folder (e.g. program files)
  • Check your SPT folder has installed correctly (it should be 35GB or larger in size)

  • If the above doesn't work, try the following:
    • Make a copy of your user/profiles folder (assuming you have made a profile, skip if you have not or don't mind losing your game progress)
    • Delete your SPT folder
    • Run your live launcher and do a file consistency check, close when complete
    • Download the SPT installer and follow install instructions
    • Copy your previously backed up user/profiles into your new SPT folder
SPT tells me i don't have EFT installed on my computer, what do i do?

1) Run Live tarkov at least once, reaching the main menu is enough

2) Make sure the SPT launcher game path is correct (see FAQ section `The launcher hangs when trying to patch, what do i do?`)

3) Reinstall live Tarkov and make sure you dont move the installed game anywhere


I started the launcher and it tells me i don't own the game but I do

The way to fix this with the most success is to:

* Uninstall live EFT and the BSG launcher

* Install the BSG launcher and game again

* Start live and reach the menu, exit game

* Start SPT

After performing the above don’t move the live EFT folder anywhere. If it takes up too much space (and you don’t intend to play live), you can delete the `EscapeFromTarkov_Data` folder to save 30gb+ of space.

I click `start game` and i get an error "Game not installed" / "EscapeFromTarkov.exe not found"
  • Cause: Moving the live EFT folder somewhere other than where the BSG launcher installed it
    • Resolution: Move EFT back to the original install location
  • Cause: Copying EFT from another computer without installing it
    • Resolution: Use the EFT launcher and install the game normally

This issue can almost always be fixed by uninstalling SPT + live EFT and installing again

Server issues

When i start the server it shows the error 'Port 6969 is already in use. check if the server isn't already running' what do I do?

If you are encountering this issue, that means you are running an application that uses port 6969.

You can manually adjust the port SPT runs on by editing `Spt_Data\Server\configs\http.json`

I am getting a Cannot read property 'Price' of undefined error when going in a trader

Error type:

Then the solution is simple

This is most likely caused by a mod that isn't correctly updated to SPT.

Follow the below instructions


Check your mod list and their respective mod page to know if they are updated for the version you are using.

- Remove the mods one by one to find which mod is causing it.

- Once you found the mod, remove it from your mod list.

- Make sure that you don't have any item from the mod you are removing in your inventory, if you do, delete them first of your inventory.

- Restart the server and the game.

Do i have to keep the server running when I play SPT?


The server is needed for SPT to function and must run at all times.

It does not need to run if you want hideout crafts to continue or insurance to return, e.g. overnight.

Game issues

Error: "Input string 'number' is not a valid integer."

⚠️ Close both the game and server when editing the profile⚠️ .

  1. Open <server>/user/profiles/yourProfileID.json in VSCodium.
  2. Search for the number appearing in the error
  3. Remove the ".5" of the number
  4. Save the file
  5. Start the server


Endless loading / Stuck on splashscreen / Game crash to desktop (specified cast is not valid/a value)

Possible error message:

2022-01-24 16:31:50.678 +01:00||Error|Default|

EXCEPTION: System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.

at Spt.SinglePlayer.Patches.Bundles.EasyAssetsPatch+<GetManifestBundle>d__10.MoveNext () [0x00105] in <e1ab24df7ac04308bdd8e498420f2589>:0

Four potential causes:

1. Your client version is wrong

2. You're missing one of the prerequisite .NET runtimes - either .NET Framework 4.7.2 or .NET 6

3. Your antivirus is blocking one of the client .DLL plugins

4. Your game files are corrupt (most likely cause of Specified cast is not valid error)


- Make sure you are using the correct client version according to your SPT version (needed version can be found on the download page)

- If not, check if a patch exists for your game version to downgrade to the needed version (Versions supported are found on the patcher page)


- Download .NET Framework 4.7.2 and .NET 6 Runtime. Order does not matter.


- Redownload and copy the SPT files into your install directory

- Consider adding an exception in your anti-virus for the SPT folder if the issue persists

- Delete everything related to EFT and SPT

- Redownload EFT from scratch and log into your live account, then start the install process for SPT again.

-(Optional) Delete the contents of the following folder `%appdata%\Battlestate Games`

- Download the installer and follow instructions

There aren't a lot of PMCs in my games

Option 1.

Look for a mod that changes AI spawn patterns. No examples will be provided here due to the active mods constantly changing between SPT versions.

Option 2.

Do this option at your own risk - incorrect edits to configuration files can cause errors when running the server.

  • Go to assets/configs/bot.json
  • Look for "convertIntoPmcChance" and adjust the values accordingly
  • Be careful not to set the min value higher than max

Additional note:

The "isUSEC" value determines how many PMCs will spawn as USEC. The remainder of PMCs will spawn as BEAR. For example, If you are USEC and would only like to fight BEAR PMCs, set the value to 0.

There are no extracts when i double tap 'o' How do i extract?

Unfortunately, there is an EFT bug that sometimes causes raids to lack extracts. You will need to press ALT + F4 to force-close EFT.

This will reset your game to just before you entered the raid. Anything you picked up will be lost.

I'm missing a few weapons from my preset list in game

For most of the guns, you first need to have them examined in order for them to appear in the preset list. You have examined one and its still not in? It's simple:

  • Examine the guns you want
  • Close your game
  • Restart the server
  • Open up back your game

That's not an issue, and is intended by BSG!

Regardless of this, you still have guns that still don't appear?

It might still be normal, as the most recent weapons might not appear because BSG didn't create presets for them.

There is probably a mod that adds it back at one point, but you will still need to wipe your profile get everything in the list.

Can't load into any map, xx.bundle not found

When loading on any map i am getting this error:


This error is simple! Follow the instructions below:


This error usually happens for a simple reason: You have special characters in your path to the game.
For fixing it, you simply need to remove any special character from your path (from your drive letter, to your game .exe).

- This error can also happen if you run your game from a Microsoft OneDrive cloud synced folder. If you do, remove the game from the OneDrive cloud and put it somewhere else.


Can't gather my bitcoins

If you can't gather your bitcoins, don't panic!

You need to wait for one more bitcoins to be able to collect the bitcoins. Since BSG is messing a lot with bitcoins, and that they are hardcoded, it is hard to keep up with these changes. So what you see in game isn't what you really have.

So patiently wait for a second bitcoin to be done before collecting one bitcoin

Can't buy something: You don't have some items required to finish the deal.

This is not an issue! Make sure you have checked the box at the bottom of the trade screen, or, make sure to click on "fill" button before willing to trade.
Also make sure that you have all the items in your stash, and not on your character stuff.


Item icons are incorrect

Clear your game cache via the BSG launcher.

or from SPT Launcher by clicking on "clear temp files":



My scav karma resets when I finish a scav raid! / My scav karma does not take effect in-game!

If you tried to change your scav karma value by editing your profile, make sure you edit it for both your PMC AND your scav.

Cant find my screenshots at the location the game said

Current SPT versions with this issue:




There is no easy way to fix this, so for the time being print screen and paste to paint.

This will be fixed in a later release!

My character dies immediatly/falls through the ground/game has no textures when a raid starts! what do i do?

Sometimes the following errors can be found in your log files:

2022-04-25 15:53:57.662 -05:00||Error|Default|CollisionMeshData couldn't be created because the mesh has been marked as non-accessible. Mesh asset path "" Mesh name "fabric"
2022-04-25 15:53:57.662 -05:00||Error|Default|CollisionMeshData couldn't be created because the mesh has been marked as non-accessible. Mesh asset path "" Mesh name "metal"
2022-04-25 15:53:57.662 -05:00||Error|Default|CollisionMeshData couldn't be created because the mesh has been marked as non-accessible. Mesh asset path "" Mesh name "plastic"

1. Delete all game files related to EFT and SPT

2. Download EFT from BSG's launcher

4. Install SPT again

Bots shoot the floor and spin

BSG broke the Scav War option sometime in 2022, basically don’t use that option

I start a raid and items are missing/textures are all black/missing!

Try the following:

  • Delete everything related to EFT and SPT (this includes the BSG launcher)
  • Download EFT again and log into your live account to the menu
  • (Optional) Delete the contents of the following folder `%appdata%\Battlestate Games`
  • Start the install process for SPT again (use the Installer)
The loot doesn't feel like live, why?

Loot in SPT comes from thousands of runs of offline raids per map. We gather this data up and determine averages for each item seen.

We're reasonably confident the volume of loot matches live but we're not 100% sure the choices of items placed is 1-1 with live.

Until the day BSG store all loot data in the client, we'll have to make do with what we have.

I've installed multiple trader mods and now i can't click them as they've gone too far to the right!

There's 2 options:


Where can i download mods for SPT from ? and how do i install them?

1) Download mods from the hub here

2) Mods come in zip files, you will need to extract the mods contents into the SPT mod folder using a tool like 7zip

3) Mods can be SERVER mods or CLIENT mods, see below for the steps to install them

Server mods

Extract the contents of the mod into its own folder at this location: SPT folder/user/mods/

If the 'mods' folder doesn't exist, create it

Client Mods

Extract the contents into the following folder: SPT/BepInEx/plugins/

Client mods contain .dll files.

Unless specified by the mod authors, all mods are installed as described above.

How do I know I installed them correctly and they're working?

Server mods will show they've loaded in the server console when you start it.

Client mods usually have an entry in the f12 menu (in-game). Alternatively, the BepInEx loader log will have an entry saying it loaded the plugin (can be found at BepInEx/LogOutput.log)


I want to make a mod pack of various mods for others to enjoy, is that allowed?

Yes, but there are some requirements that MUST be followed:

Explicit permission acquired from every mod author used in the pack

Follow all licence requirements for every mod in the pack

I want to search for a mod by name, when i type into the search box and press enter, the results are garbage, what can I do?

Mod search is counter-intuitive, after typing in your search query don't press enter. Relevant mods will be listed in the popup on the right-hand side.

I found a mod that hasn't been updated for a long time, can I take over and re-release it?

Yes! assuming the mods' licence allows it, you need to make a reasonable attempt at contacting the author to get their permission. If they agree, proceed.

If they don't reply after a reasonable amount of time, you need to ensure you give full credit to them in your mod posting.


What is SPT?

SPT, short for SIngle Player Tarkov, is a project that attempts to emulate the live Tarkov experience locally on your computer. It also provides a modding platform for others to alter the experience in many ways and share these changes as 'mods'.

Can i run EFT Live and SPT at the same time?

Don't do that! close SPT down (server and launcher) before starting Live.

How does SPT work?

Spt works by changing the address your Tarkov game client communicates with. By default it talks to BSG servers, we change it to talk to your computer instead.

Once we have tarkov talking to your computer we respond to these requests using our own server (St.Server.exe).

These requests vary from asking for your profile when you log in, to requesting loot data when loading into a map. The SPT server emulates what BSG does.

How do I know you guys didn't add a virus to steal my money/crypto/monkey jpgs into SPT?

SPT is open source. You can inspect and build the project yourself if you don't trust the installer or pre-made zips we provide.

You can find the projects code here

Will Arena be coming to SPT?

We have no plans to work on Arena.

Can I run the server on a different computer to get better raid performance?

The server can be run on a different server but it will give you 0% more performance. Raids are processed entirely inside your game client.

Do i need to own Escape From Tarkov to play SPT?


We take piracy very seriously and will ban anyone who shows evidence they do not own a legitimate copy of the game.

Can i play SPT with my friends / COOP ?

SPT will never have any multiplayer or co-op features, here are a few reasons why:

1. It goes against the goal of SPT which is to allow offline (solo) play of EFT, it has never been an objective to play with others, hence the name of the project, Single Player Tarkov.

2. SPT is a modification of EFTs offline raid mode where we save profile data after a raid. The ‘SPT Server’ is just a system for saving your profile to your hard drive, along with emulation of traders, flea market, hideout, etc.

3. BattleState Games - the developer of EFT - would demolish the project with significant legal pressure if COOP were added, SPT would instantly stop existing.

4. There have been two attempts to create a COOP system by people outside of SPT.

Can i get banned for playing SPT?

As long as you follow the install instructions exactly there is 0% chance of being banned installing SPT.

Using SPT breaks the Terms of Service agreement you agreed to when creating your EFT account which allows them to terminate your account at any time.

Therefore, we strongly advise against informing BSG staff/moderators you use SPT or make public videos showing yourself playing SPT!

While the EFT launcher doesn't check for SPT (verified as of the 9th March 2023), we advise you not to have SPT server/launcher running when launching or playing live EFT.

Live tarkov just updated, does this affect SPT?

No, SPT is separate to live Tarkov. You don't need to do anything to your existing SPT install and can keep playing.

Can I have multiple accounts/profiles in SPT?

SPT supports an unlimited number of profiles.

From the Launcher, logout of any profile by clicking "logout" in the bottom right of the window.

You should see your profile(s) in a list on the left.

Enter a username into the login box that does not currently exist, will prompt you to choose a new account type for the new profile.

if you with the swap profiles, click "logout" to see a list of available profiles again.

Can I buy and sell items on the flea market? / How does the flea market work?

SPT contains a simulated flea market. PMCs will list items for sale based around a snapshot of live prices we take when a SPT patch is released. A random number of offers is created on server start. When offer expire, new ones are generated. Prices vary around 20% above and below the average.

You can:

  • Buy items from the flea market
  • List items for sale on the flea market for currency (roubles/dollars/euros). Simulated players will buy your items, assuming they are fairly priced


  • You cannot list items for sale as a barter
  • Like live, the flea market in SPT will not show other player offers until you unlock it at level 15
What features does SPT have? Does it have x (e.g. airdrops/insurance)?

SPT has:

  • Airdrops
  • Functional insurance returns
    • Not 100% guaranteed return
    • Different return chance per trader
    • Chance some insured items are removed before return (e.g. scopes/silencers)
  • Fake players/PMCs (repurposed AI)
    • Have player-like gear
    • Have weapons with randomised attachments
    • PMCs between levels 1-15 have reduced gear to simulate no access to flea market
    • They don't extract
    • They don't loot
  • Flea market
    • Items listed by fake PMCs
    • Items can be listed and purchased by fake PMCs

A full list of SPT functionality can be found here

How do I backup my profile/progress?

Find the folder you installed SPT into.

From here, go into users/profiles.

These files are your various profiles. You can use notepad to open them and look at the username.

Copy the profile you wish to back up to another folder for safe keeping.

If you encounter issues where you need to revert, you can then delete the contents of user/profiles, and transfer your backup files back in.

I tried to join the discord but it's making me take a test! why?

To join the discord everyone is asked to answer 4 questions that show us you're capable of reading text and doing some level of googling. It's very easy and shouldn't take more than 10 minutes to complete.

The discord can be found here

I can't seem to join the SPT Pub Discord server

You're most likely banned - either manually or via one of the global banlists like GlobalX

How do I edit SPT settings? (e.g. bot difficulty / flea prices / insurance return time)

There are 2 options:


Navigate to `spt\spt_data\Server\configs` and edit files by hand using a program like Notepad++

GUI (Recommended)

Use a mod called SVM. It provides a graphical interface that lets you enable/disable/adjust all the settings in the configs without having to edit them by hand

Live EFT just wiped, does my SPT progress get deleted too?

No! SPT and Live EFT are entirely separate. SPT exists on your computer and is not affected by events occurring in live Tarkov.

SPT does not wipe your profile/progress

I edited the hideout craft time and now the time shows as -39232932!how do I fix this!?!

You need to edit your profile.

Close the server

Find your profile in spt/user/profiles (your profile ID is listed on the launcher, below the profiles name)

Find the area that begins:

"Production": {

it should look something like this (yours may be bigger):

Delete everything between the first { and the last }

it should look like this afterwards:

Be aware, your profile has 2 "Production" sections, only one will have data in it.


EFT just updated and they added lots of cool stuff! how long until it gets added to SPT?

Depending on how much code has been changed, it can take anywhere from weeks to months for SPT to update.

The bigger the patch, the longer it takes.

Where can I find my log files?

Server log:


Client logs:

<GameFolder>\Logs\log_[date]_[time]_[version] error.log

BepinEx log:


My performance in game is awful! what can I do?

Faster graphics cards have little effect on game performance, Tarkov is heavily CPU limited, Adjusting graphics settings also has little effect

  • Enable 'RAM cleaning' in the game options + regularly press escape in-game (event for just a second) to run ram-cleaning
  • Use mods that disable far away AI, e.g. `AI Limit`
  • Use mods that disable grass/clutter e.g. `GRASSCUTTER` and `DE-CLUTTERER`
  • Close programs like Discord and web browsers while playing
  • Spawn fewer bots (set bot amount to low)
  • Avoid large maps like Streets or Lighthouse
  • Disable AI mods that improve AI (e.g. SAIN)
  • Check if your CPU/Graphics card is overheating and stop it
  • See if you can enable XMP for your computer memory
  • Look into overclocking your hardware
    • Research negative voltage offsets / curve optimizations if your hardware supports it
  • Buy and install more RAM
  • Buy and install a faster CPU
Why do some PMCs have different colored names?

PMCs have different 'types' assigned to them.

Blue - Developer

Green - Sherpa

Purple - Emissary

The colors don't provide any meaningful change to game play and are just there to add variety to SPT PMCs

Can I stream SPT?

We've found BSG will copy-strike videos on YouTube/Twitch that show SPT game-play. Because of this we advise you to not stream SPT.

Can SPT be used to create cheats for EFT?

No, client mods use the BepinEx framework for mod creation, something live EFT does not use. Nothing made for SPT can be transferred over to live EFT.

Server mods are made in JavaScript/TypeScript. none of which are used by BSG or can be transferred to live BSG servers.