Endless loading / Stuck on splashscreen / Game crash to desktop (specified cast is not valid/a value)

Possible error message:

2022-01-24 16:31:50.678 +01:00||Error|Default|

EXCEPTION: System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.

at Spt.SinglePlayer.Patches.Bundles.EasyAssetsPatch+<GetManifestBundle>d__10.MoveNext () [0x00105] in <e1ab24df7ac04308bdd8e498420f2589>:0

Four potential causes:

1. Your client version is wrong

2. You're missing one of the prerequisite .NET runtimes - either .NET Framework 4.7.2 or .NET 6

3. Your antivirus is blocking one of the client .DLL plugins

4. Your game files are corrupt (most likely cause of Specified cast is not valid error)


- Make sure you are using the correct client version according to your SPT version (needed version can be found on the download page)

- If not, check if a patch exists for your game version to downgrade to the needed version (Versions supported are found on the patcher page)


- Download .NET Framework 4.7.2 and .NET 6 Runtime. Order does not matter.


- Redownload and copy the SPT files into your install directory

- Consider adding an exception in your anti-virus for the SPT folder if the issue persists

- Delete everything related to EFT and SPT

- Redownload EFT from scratch and log into your live account, then start the install process for SPT again.

-(Optional) Delete the contents of the following folder `%appdata%\Battlestate Games`

- Download the installer and follow instructions