Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
Big thank you to Ari (gaylatea), for their work on Framesaver. With their permission I used some of their code in Framesaver to hopefully make De-Clutterer even better!
If you'd like to support my creations I do have a Ko-fi. (This is not for commissions, I do not do them and they are against SPT policy.) -
Version 1.1.5
- Tyrian
Works on 3.7.1
Added -
Experimental Unscrutinised Disabler under B - De-Clutter Settings, De-Clutters literally everything that doesn't have a collider, doesn't care what the name is or the group is so above enablers will have no effect. It'll disable it all. Experimental, testing however has had positive results and I've worked out most if not hopefully all of the kinks I saw in this system. Massively improves FPS.
Fire & Smoke Changes under C - Framesaver Enabler, disables smoke and fire effect emitters around the map. (Also disables fire damage so you don't accidentally get yourself hurt, will conflict with de-hazardifier's fire damage disabler. Make sure both are enabled if you use both plugins.
Fixed -
Implementation of Clouds and Sun lighting method patches, now they should correctly work and only update once every other tick.
Version 1.1.4
- Tyrian
Works on 3.7.1 and should work on 3.7.0
Fixed -
Optimized code to reduce and hopefully effectively remove hanging issues on loading into raid.
Hopefully whatever was going on in my 1.1.3 release with invisible bots, not sure if it was De-Clutterer but I added some more checks to make sure it doesn't touch bots.
Version 1.1.2
- Tyrian
Works on 3.7.1 and should work on 3.7.0
Changed -
Changes some methods into coroutines so that they run on a separate thread from the main thread, this reduces hang time significantly.
Thanks go to dirtbikercj for suggesting it.
Version 1.1.1
- Tyrian
Works on 3.7.1 and should work on 3.7.0
Changed -
Changed how LODBias Reducer and Texture Quality Divider, as well as other Framesaver Divider option changes work, effectively making them better with more step up over each option.
Added -
Added a LateUpdate() Optimizer for updates that concern fog, ambients, reflections, clouds, shadows and time of day into the Sky & Weather patches enabler. The day/time will feel as though it takes longer, global shadows don't update as quickly, timers and other such stay the same however.
Added a LateUpdate() Optimizer for ragdoll updates seperate from other physics updates. Located within the physics patches enabler.
Fixed -
Texture resolution being set lower than it should.
Version 1.1.0
- Tyrian
Works on 3.7.1 and should work on 3.7.0
Fixed issues that plagued previous 1.1.0 release, please re-download! Thank you for your understanding.
Added -
New configs for disabling -
All new physics optimization setting! Physics for ragdolls and items, etc, are now ran on alternating ticks rather than every game frame. What does that mean? Well ultimately, physics calculations have been cut in half.
Fixed -
Ragdolls, grenades and items just 'freezing' in mid air.
Version 1.0.9
- Tyrian
Works on 3.7.1 and should work on 3.7.0
Slight issue with 1.0.8 - Audio bugs and Ragdolls were essentially disabled. Put the option that disables ragdolls behind its own config and removed patch that bugged audio.Added -
Merged Ari's work from Framesaver into the mod with updated gclasses, added a lot of my own tweaks and bits in the hope to also add more framesaving features to the mod.
As usual be sure to open it up using F12 and config as you please, these new framesaver settings are disabled as standard as they do really make the game kinda uggo (And also kinda charming in its own way.)
New config options called 'Framesavers' available!
Included are experimental options to -
Ability to disable ragdolls on death, loot can still be obtained. (Have heard reports that this option also disables other physics, such as throwing grenades.)
Prevents spent cartridge shells from spawning.
Reduce particle effects and resolution and calculations.
Reduce and remove certain vegetation. (Not like CWX's Grass Cutter mod)
Reduce reflection resolution and quality and calculations.
Reduce lighting and shadow quality and calculations.
Reduce Cloud shadows and weather effect quality and calculations.
Reduce texture quality further than BSG allows, become one with the battlebit.
Level of Detail Bias reduction, force Tarkov to use a lower quality LOD.
Version 1.0.7
- Tyrian
Works on 3.7.0 and 3.7.1
Added -
You can now toggle the de-clutterer inside of a raid and it will re-enable or disable the clutter it has found. This is not performance heavy as it saves a list of all the found clutter and doesn't search for the clutter again to do this.Changes -
Changed the method used to check if an object has a collider or not and whether it is even enabled, which should result in even less objects being disabled that shouldn't be.
Version 1.0.6
- Tyrian
Works on 3.7.0 and 3.7.1
Fixed some issues with objects that don't appear to correctly have a calculable bounds returning a bounds of 0 and being added to the removal list, no more floating computers on invisible tables.
Overall it's a better implementation than the previous one that should hopefully reduce the amount of floating objects and large items missing that shouldn't have been.
I'm not 100% happy with the release as I was trying to remove certain other objects, but no matter what I tried they didn't seem to get removed.
Version 1.0.5
- Tyrian
Works on 3.7.0 and 3.7.1
No longer causes hangs on map loading.
Essentially the same as the last version, however I have added some more configs. One that allows scaling the size of the clutter items it attempts to disable, and one that puts shard items (the ones that make noise when stepped on) into their own category. That way you can keep this enabled or disabled as you please, should you want to keep these shards as audio cues for enemy locations.
Please note that the plugin is continually evolving, and the effectiveness of clutter removal and performance improvements may be subject to further adjustments and refinements in future updates. Players are encouraged to provide feedback if they encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvement. Images and locations of these issues provide an easier means of de-bugging.
Tyrian Author
I hope this mod works well for those that need the extra FPS, I'll be tweaking it where I can to remove most of the frustrating clutter pieces, and anything else that is en masse enough to provide more performance.
Massively, AI amount (medium) I went from around 35 or so with AI fighting in Factory, To 55/60+ fps on (asOnline) setting.
seems like white tree blocks bug has something do with those of us ruining high textures as meduim textures fixes the issue
I was looking for the mod was causing this issue thanks for reporting it.
I hope it gets fixed, I thought my textures suffered from some kind of corruption.
Is there any plan to fix the white tree textures when using High Texture settings? This mod was a pretty big help to my fps on most maps but Med textures just look god awful
My PMC's clothes and lots of other textures like weapon boxes etc end up looking like Metal Gear Solid PS1 graphics. I found a pack of Apollo smokes yesterday and the texture was so low res/blurry it was almost impossible to identify which pack of smokes they were lol
Not trying to complain and appreciate the mod for sure! Was just wondering if there was any plan to fix the issue or if its simply unavoidable is all. Cheers!
I made a fork that fixes this issue. I found out what was causing it: even with frameSaverDisabled, the plugin was setting `QualitySettings.masterTextureLimit = defaultmasterTextureLimit` as well as some lod/shadow/etc. settings on startup. Even though it tries to save the default when it starts up, it seems that Tarkov modifies this after the fact. At high graphics, i noticed that this value is supposed to be `0`, but when i logged it out in the plugin, it was `2` instead. And because the plugin always sets `QualitySettings.masterTextureLimit` on map load, it was resetting the value to `2`, even if you had graphics settings to `0`. I assume this broke things like textures or hitboxes or something, which caused the trees to have those white boxes. It also was the cause of everything being /forced/ to medium/low like you mentioned, and now it works properly.
So basically all I did was comment out those texture settings and rebuild and i have a fixed version here:…et472/TYR_DeClutterer.dll
Lemme know if the above works for you and if you hit issues!
M i S t
i swear this was updated to 3.8 the other week?
same! there's even comments on reddit mentionning it was up to date. What happened? Did you try with previous version to see if it works?
M i S t
so someone else uploaded the updated version De-Clutterer - Updated by CJ , un sure if hes anything to do with this uploader/modder but i use it for now and it seems to work, theres also de-hazardifier from him updated to 3.8
thank you friend!
Please consider updating your mods for the 3.8.0 update. Thank you.
M i S t
thought it already was?
I was but not when I asked. Just slightly after.
Any idea if it's working on 3.8.3?
Known issue with De-Clutterer, set your textures to medium to fix
This is GODSEND, for my 6 year PC (4-core i7 @ 4 GHz + NV1080) the reduction in input lag and overall feel is unbelievable!!! All options on, except "unscrutinized". It's not about FPS anymore, it just makes the game far more playable for me. Must have mod. Thank you!<3
Got a new PC. Is there a way to enable framesaver optins without MASSIVELY degrading texture quality?
See my comment above
If it wasn't for this MOD... I'd be having a real hard time. Thanks king
anyone find optimal setting for de-clutterer? performance/quality, without deleting big objects
can take screenshot?
Getting a weird bug. Enabled all the declutter and fps saver options in the f12 menu, but sometimes entire walls don't spawn in, and I can fall through the map etc. Just did a reserve run, and the wooden stairs leading to D-2 weren't there?!
disable the experimental option. worked for me
still seem to have an issue with this mod with every raid after the first one, all trees further than say 50m appear as big white blocks. doesn't seem to matter if i change the texture quality
yeah, same situation here
Should instances of the experimental setting deleting objects it shouldn't be reported here?
Amazing mod, may I transport this great mod from here to the Chinese platform? I will mark your name and this website if I am allowed to transport it, thanks for your effort again.
Alpha Kanein
No need to respond, but when I tested this mod, all the trees were paper cutouts till I got close enough. I had to remove the mod because enemies could see me and I could see literally nothing but a white tree cutout. Just thought I would share.
I also use Amanda's UI changes, so maybe they conflict.
I had the exact same thing going on. Looked like a bad 3d Nintendo game from decades ago.. I solved it by reducing the 'Declutter Scaler' down from it's default setting of 1. I went down to .5 and the issue went away so I slowly started raising it until I got the issue again. For me, I get the issue at .9 and above but not at anything set at under .9
I have mine now set to .89 and it works great.. Try reducing that setting until you find your sweet spot. I assume the sweet spot will be different for each person based on their machine and settings.
Alpha Kanein
Oh thanks. Ill try that.
Turn actual game Textures from High to Medium or Low. It's a well known issue
has anyone else had weird stuff happen, im trying to figure out why still but, i think this mod caused trees to not render and instead white 2d triangles like 200-300 m away. it would go away if you got close but was really annoying.
Hi i got a quick question, love your mod i was just wondering if you would be fine if it gets ported to SIT as i switched and would love to use the mod there aswell!
what is SIT
still getting the white boxes instead of trees and the awful ps2 texture models, any chance of a reply to find out how to sort this out or do i just delete the mod?
I was getting white trees and bushes every now and then. Now I know why lol (high res textures are incompatible with this mod).
Thank you for solution!
Does anyone know how to change it so it doesnt turn all trees into white plastic triangles and unrendering houses/building that are past 5m?
Mod is great, but I feel like all it does is turn my Graphics Settings to low, all of my textures are in potato mode.
Same here. Wish, there was an option to remove clutter but keep those nice textures.
2023-11-26[11-01]_375.3, 14.5, -395.7_0.0, 0.7, 0.0, -0.7_13.22 (0).png
This mode definitely increases the frame rate effectively.
Through this mode, I was able to achieve 144fps, which I couldn't achieve even with the 13900k 4090 (of course, it wasn't possible in SOT)
However, as shown in the attached photo, there is still room for improvement, but I believe this will be corrected in the future.
After changes texture option to low that was fixed
can you take screenshot options of de-clutterer?
This mod causes texture resolution to tank, makes the game look like a PS2 game. I was told downgrading to 1.1.4 might fix this, but it did not. Just wanted to make you aware of this bug.
Yup, I confirm I see that too.
I recently got some weird ingame rendering/graphic bugs. all bushed and trees doesnt render properly and show like a 2D empty outline which dissapears when u get closer. anyway i have normal settings and no framesaver enabled. also some objects and the gear of my character dont render properly. got any advice ?
playing on SPT 3.7.2
...oh just saw that many other ppl have the same issue. maybe a thing with the new version 1.1.5 idk. on 1.1.4 everything was fine with same settings
So funny thing happened today, some walls at the main staircase in customs 3-story dorm just decided to not exist anymore
Otherwise the mod works pretty fine! Tarkov has never looked so clean lol
Happened to me once too, decided to try going into a room (by phasing through the "non-existent" wall, and got stuck as the room had the window covered and the door locked.
I also learned that Alt+F4-ing saves your pre-raid progress.
Same. Couldn't help myself so Alt-F4.
I always have the "save raid" option (or whatever it's called) on in SVM so when stuff like that happens I can get out without loosing my gear at least.
tarkov if it was still built in unity 5.3.6
i have no idea what de-clutterer scaler means, does bigger numbers means more shit removed or is it the opposite ?
Tyrian Author
It means the size of the objects it removes.
Seems to break You've got mail quest from Prapor
Tyrian Author
Just disable de-clutterer when you're near a hidden quest item, it doesn't delete the objects, they're still there to be re-enabled in case of emergencies.
To anyone getting white cards instead of trees: Turn your textures to medium and it'll go away back to normal
Great mod, it really does help with FPS - thanks!
However, trees/shrubs seems to be corrupted on Customs - Have tried a bunch of other maps with a lot of trees and all is fine. Go back to Customs and the issue comes back.
Have tried to disable via F12 menu and played with the sliders as well as changed graphic settings in-game to no avail.
Removing the mod resolves the issue.
Any ideas?
Tyrian Author
No ideas, sadly. I've not come across this bug even with settings provided to me by others, until I come across it myself I can't accurately de-bug it.
I appreciate your reply.
I'll post back if I ever find out what's causing it.
I get the same issue and it always happens on the second raid after launch. The first one is just fine but if I run a second one the trees glitch out, but only some of them. It's like a LOD thing because once you get real close they load in properly. It only happens to vegetation, some trees, bushes and tall grass.
Happening to me as well, on woods
This doesnt fix the issue however FYI: Seems like changing the LOD settings directly impacts how close these greyed out trees shows up.
LOD slider left = more greyed out trees closer to player
LOD slider right = less greyed out trees closer to player
I don't know if it's this mod or not but I played woods and all the further away objects like bushes trees or even the giant power tower all got turned into white coffin shaped thing
I have my frame saver disabled so not sure why
I seconded that, it happens intermittently.
Tyrian Author
Unless you can provide me the exact settings you're using for both de-clutterer, tarkov and any other mods you're using to reproduce this bug, I'm not sure what to tell you both.
There are people, myself included, who do not have this issue or cannot replicate it. I even had someone who had this very bug disable both de-clutterer and framesaver settings and still have the issue.
I encountered this issue today on Interchange after changing my texture quality from medium to high.
De-clutterer settings are on default. Framesaver disabled.
Graphics settings:
Texture High
Shadow Low
Object LOD 2
Visibility 1500
Anti-Aliasing TAA High
Resampling 1x off
High quality color On
Streets Low Texture On
The rest of the settings are off.
I'm also using Amands's Graphics.
Edit: Everything is back to normal after changing texture quality back to medium.
I have the exact same issue, giant white polygons replace trees and sometimes even small bushels of grass, sometimes not rendering until stepping within 5 metres of them. Had a feeling it had to do with this mod in particular so glad to see this comment
@Tyrian is happening to me aswell every second raid sad im gonna have to to uninstall till fixed as reseting every other raids is more annyong thne stuttters and some low fps
new feature straight up removed outside part of resort
Tyrian Author
It's called experimental for a reason.
yeah,bugs is expected.but i didn't expect whole building
mechanic called in the pre-mature emp nuke straight onto resort lmao
Its very cool. Please tell me if you know what settings affect CPU.