T-7 Friendly DOT 1.5.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
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I've modified several sights to work with the t-7 thermal sight

Notice. For personal reasons, it is difficult to support and respond to future updates. I would like to thank and apologize to everyone who has used my mod. All modeling included in the existing mode can be applied freely by a third party. Thank you.

Modified the modeling of UH-1, T-1, MRS, P1X42, EXPS3, and PK-06 for use with T-7.hub.sp-tarkov.com/attachment/132/

Additionally, fixed points have been added to the modeling for smooth use.



Ver 1.5.0 Note: Fixed a problem in the previous version.


Ver 1.0.0 Note: This is not yet a complete mod. In the case of PK-06, the zero point of the fixed point is wrong, and in the case of P1X42, UH-1, T-1, EXPS3, there is a problem that the added point is not visible.

  • any chance someone can pick this one up and update?

    i tried looking at files, compare it to vanilla, figure up why it doesn't work anymore, but it far beyond my capabilities

    modded models looks fine, with proper hole, temperature params removed from glass part (i assume it's glass part), but in game it still solid block for T7

  • update pls=)

    • animehappynod

      I second to this , kindly any good sir out there who can tweak this mod so we can benefited from it.

      thank you in advance



    • Here is the fix

      Thanks 1 Thumbs Up 1
    • ty=)

    • This mod seems to run without error, but it does not work correctly, in the thermal imager all collimators are also opaque.

    • Anyone have a solution to this mod? It still doesnt work unfortunately.

  • can we get an update for B5 please?

    • Regrettably, I had to give up my hand in all of Tarkov-related activities.

      It seems that support for future updates will be difficult. Sorry.

    • No problem, I've enjoyed this mod a lot while it lasted, thank you for it