Proportional Bosses 1.0.2

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Grind through early quests without fear of getting one shot by a boss.


Increases chances of encounter with a boss as your PMC level increases.

For Example :

Your PMC is level 11, your chances of spawning a boss is 9%.

when you reach level 30, chances increase to 50% and reaches 100% at level 60.


This mod will surely conflict with any other mod that modifies boss spawn chances at runtime.

Most likely to be incompatible with SWAG, SPTRealism etc...


You can find configuration options in "config/config.json" file.

  • Version 1.0.2

    Added sanity check for new profiles.

    Use ProfileHelper to get PMC Profile.

    Thanks to 7enas for bug reports.

  • Version 1.0.1

    • Cleaned up package
    • Fixed Killa and Gluhar max chances on streets
  • Version 1.0.0

  • my luck first raid at level 2 and run into the goons

  • Strange that people dont have problems, but i noticed some on fresh 3.5.8 install.

    1) Lacks sanity check if profile was not yet created.

    2) Had to change few lines of code to get pmc level
    a) this.saveServer = container.resolve("ProfileHelper");
    const profile = this.saveServer.getPmcProfile(sessionId);
    const playerLevel = profile.Info.Level;

    • I've added a new version, ty for reporting :)

  • compatible with sain, swag, and other mods? anybody confirm?

    • Hi,

      I always play with SAIN, so I can confirm it is compatible.

      This mod recalculate the new chances of spawn after every raid, it could conflict with any other mod that does the same.

      Have Fun

    • SWAG is spawn mod. Incompatible?

    • SWAG does modify boss spawn chances, the 2 mods will conflict, so yes, incompatible with SWAG.

    • Thanks your answere! Good luck with the mod

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