Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
For SPT-AKI R7, the quests haven't been changed from their old values, making some of the gunsmith quests incompletable. This mod updates and fixes the gun requirements for those quests.
The Wikipedia page has outdated quests and builds. You will need to look for a 12.9 gunsmith task guide. I used this guide while making changes to the gunsmith tasks. View external link at your own discretion.
I used Toasty's Remove Tedious Quests as a template to figure out how to fix the quest requirements.
If I've missed anything or something breaks let me know.
Version 1.1.0
- Devish
Updated quests to reflect 12.9 changes. Wikipedia page has outdated quests and builds. New builds can be found here. View link at your own discretion.
Fixed en locales for quest descriptions.
Version 1.0.0
- Devish
Initial release
If you could update the mod to make it compatible that would be really great🙏 thanks for your work anyways
Please update to R7
its updated to R7. The Website has been changed the author hasnt been online yet to change the description to R7.
как установить?