Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
First of all I would like to thank the work of PAPERSHREDDER432 for his original mod found HERE
If PAPERSHREDDER432 wants me to remove the mod and it wants to integrate to its version my changes, it will be with pleasure that I remove this fork.
The version you will find here is a port of his work with mainly rebalancing stuff to make the whole less cheating and a new version of each stims more powerful but only obtainable in craft at the medical case in the hideout.
Here is a updated version of this mod for 3.8.0 (thanks to Watsy for his work) :
If i update this page here, it's because i add new features, otherwise it's stay here on 3.7.1 like that and you have to take the Watsy one.
Dont forget to put a like and comment on his mod page found HERE
Version 1.1.2
- Bobitec
1.0.2 HOTFIX : fix an error appear some time with a old filter not necessary anymore and then remove.
If you don't have any error message with the 1.1.1, you don't have to download this, it's intended to fix error for who have it.
VIRUS TOTAL :…3886266c219040b?nocache=1
Mate. This is fucking brilliant. I have been messing around with the code but for the life of me I gave up in the end. I was trying to get the stims added to the FleaMarket but just wasn't happening. What you have done here is way better than the original. Thank you. I have updated it to use for 3.8.0 :-).... You should update it again mate cheers
Ошибка типа: невозможно прочитать свойства неопределенного значения (чтение «Фильтр»)
Ошибка типа: невозможно прочитать свойства неопределенного значения (чтение «Фильтр»)
at MoreCombatStims.postDBLoad (C:\Games\СПТ АКИ Инсталлер\user\mods\shredder-MoreCombatStims\src\MoreCombatStims.js:44:85)
в PostDBModLoader.executeMods (C:\snapshot\project\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:65:45)
в PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\project\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:25:24)
в App.load (C:\snapshot\project\src\utils\App.ts:39:26)
Ошибка типа: невозможно прочитать свойства неопределенного значения (чтение «Фильтр»)
Ошибка типа: невозможно прочитать свойства неопределенного значения (чтение «Фильтр»)
at MoreCombatStims.postDBLoad (C:\Games\СПТ АКИ Инсталлер\user\mods\shredder-MoreCombatStims\src\MoreCombatStims.js:44:85)
в PostDBModLoader.executeMods (C:\snapshot\project\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:65:45)
в PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\project\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:25:24)
в App.load (C:\snapshot\project\src\utils\App.ts:39:26)
Bobitec Author
you have to remove each line with "db.templates.items["619cbf7d23893217ec30b689"]._props.Grids[0]._props.filters[0].Filter.push(...
it's about conflict with other mods with a line in mine not necessary... i will push a fix
Bobitec Author
donwload the last version then comeback for give feedback please
The code conflict is gone. thanks for the quick response.
How would you say this compares with the other stims balance wise? Price/Resource cost wise?
Bobitec Author
Price to obtain, ressources for crafting and mainly for the buff effect, i have redesign all Buffs effect from the original mod for more realism... Stims that you can obtain from therapist 4 is the "standard" or "prototype" version (that means some effect can be random, like the real human body respond to a thing), and Stims that you can craft at your hideout is more powerfull and more custom made for your body (and so all randomeness is gone and the dose, HpRessource is more good like when you do something in your kitchen, you do little more ...)
if you want good comparison, i have post screens on my version