Guiding Light (90%)

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to v3.8.3. Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

An ethereal presence is felt... (90% complete)


had to get that out of the way.


(to download, click the folder on the github page, and extract into your root folder like most other mods)

lore introduction or something

Something's not right. You never seem to die, no matter how many times you "die". You can't seem to actually leave Tarkov. Worst of all, you've developed this strange, unsettling feeling over time, as if someone... or, something, is watching you. You are unsure what it is, or if it actually wants to help you. Seems like there's nothing to do but find out...

Guiding light is a (soon to be completed!) quest giver (trader) that focuses heavily on leveling the player's soft skills. I have been playing Tarkov for almost 4 years, about 7 wipes, and I have never gotten a single skill elite level except Metabolism (because metabolism is without question the quickest to level). Even using JC's easy skill options this wipe, and being pretty generous with the skill settings, it still feels slow. Considering this game expects you to have skills for multiple things, including recoil, I felt like it was weird that I could reach level 48 without maxxing something as simple as endurance or strength. Some very useful skills, like surgery, level about as fast as a sloth who doesn't feel like moving. So, being a Vanilla+ enjoyer, and someone who knows just enough about modding to only have to ask for help every other day instead of every single day, I have created Guiding Light.

What to expect

First off: This is not a trader. There is no trading being done. There are roubles only because the mod gets angry when the assort is empty, and max rep trader has a trijicon acog backup rear sight because the mod doesn't like it when there are no flea market offers and it's a meme.

Guiding light offers one main thing, with two secondary things. That main thing is skill-related quests. Every skill in the game has been given 3-5 tasks, depending on how fast I feel like the skill levels naturally. The exception is Metabolism, which only has two tasks, for the above reason of it already levelling very quickly. As I just mentioned, the tasks are "skill-related", meaning that you can expect every task to require something directly related to that skill. For example, Endurance 2 will see you running all over woods, tagging every POI on the map. Shotguns will have you killing Tagilla with a his own weapon,, as well as hitting enemies in the legs, as that's where shotguns find the most consistent effectiveness. Covert movement will focus on night raids, suppressors, and completing objectives without being "detected" (shot). These are just three examples of the many quests I have planned, or written.

The first secondary thing I have planned is "extreme" tasks. These will be insanely difficult tasks, one per skill group (practical, combat, mental, physical), reward a vast amount of skill points and, most importantly, award a "Light's Blessing". This blessing will be a class 8 armor that covers the entire body, with limited durability and no repairing. Completing every single task will allow the player to buy / barter them, for a very expensive price of course. This is not currently implemented, but is next on the list (hah! Next on the list. I'm funny)

The second... secondary thing, is actual lore tasks. There are 4 endings to this questline, and will vary based on your interactions with the angels.

Currently Implemented

-ALL SKILL TASKS. The only exceptions are for Search (it's a broken skill anyways, doesn't do anything because attention overrides search's only bonus).

-Numerous story quests, including one ending.

-Current quest count: 184

What's next (in no particular order!)

-Adding the extreme tasks. This will also add the "Light's Blessing" armor reward. (THIS HAS BEEN PUSHED BACK BECAUSE OF ARMOUR HITBOXES)

-Adding the other endings and story tasks

-Adding quest images

What the final product currently looks like (hypothetically)

-All skills having 3-5 tasks (except metabolism, it only needs 2) COMPLETED!!!

-Unknown amount of story tasks, with at least three separate, unique endings. (30% done?)

-4 extreme tasks, each rewarding a Light's Blessing, with the final task of the trader unlocking a barter for it. (Waiting for 3.8's armor changes first!)

-UNCERTAIN: Adding quests for Extended Skills Beta.

Please let me know if you run into any errors, have any task ideas, or can assist in any way! I want this to be for the community, especially the Vanilla+ lovers, as much as it is for me personally. I will read every comment and respond if applicable.

  • Version

    A vast majority of the technical bugs should be fixed at this point, I am probably about 75% through the quests on my playthrough so I know for a fact that a lot of the quests work correctly (or I would not have been able to complete them). Continue reporting the rest. New content will be developed eventually.

    Also I accidentally deleted my user folder 5 minutes after uploading this, so, the testing is probably done for me XD

  • Version 0.9.2


    Fixed so many bugs lmao

    -CR4 is FINALLY FIXED but i forgot to update the crafts so it doesn't even matter reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    -All combat quests targeting "thorax" have been fixed

    -PACA armour in LV5 and another armour in HV5 fixed

    -Probably other fixes (I don't keep track of what I fix)

  • Version

    panic deleted the original when I could have just updated the github link lol. Anyways...

    -Multiple bug fixes (everything but crafting 4, that I am aware of)

    -HV4 has been added, if I didn't mention that already

    -Crafting 3 changed 1 task to reflect workbench crafts (Magnum -> Piranha)

    -Endurance 3 has been completely rewritten. Good luck.

    DLC QUESTS IN THE FUTURE! Please let me know what mods should have quests for them!

  • Version

    should extract properly now. Sorry about that, folks

  • Version 0.9.1


    New version because there have been a lot of fixes and changes. I am at almost 1.0 rep, so I've done a lot of the quests and been able to adjust them

    -Many bug fixes (I wrote a lot of quests wrong tbh)

    -Quest balance (Notable balances: Perception 2)

    -Ironically broke "Acquiring Capital" (Charisma 2) and can't be bothered to fix it.

    If anyone happens to be further than me, let me know

  • Version 0.9.0


    Hopefully it downloads like any other mod now!

    It's honestly been so long that I couldn't actually tell you what's new and what's old. I only remember the following:

    -Many story quests, now that the skill quests are done (HV4 and 5 not fixed yet, sorry).

    -The first ending. This is the bad ending... be careful if you decide to go for this ending.

    -Probably other things.

    Let me know what's broken, I'll fix it ASAP

  • Version 0.8.5

    The light has completed preparations for your training... and has begun seeking your Escape From Tarkov (85%)

    -Every single skill task, Except for search (see below), is now complete. The original concept of this mod is now, therefore, complete. From now on, everything I add (story tasks, extreme tasks, etc) is additional to the original vision of the mod. That being said, I still see this as vital to the mod, hence me saying the mod is only 85% complete. However, I simply thought it was worth mentioning that my original goal has now been completed. This also means that, especially as I begin my second week of my senior year of college, I will be a little slower on updates as I shift my priority back to school.

    -Fixed numerous bugs, especially visual bugs (Seeing a task as "GL_PH_HV3", for example).

    So, why am I considering the skill tasks complete, if search doesn't even have a single task? Well... because search as a skill does nothing until it's elite. You see, Search does two things: As you level it up, it increases your search speed, and once it's elite, you can search two containers at once. Here's the problem: that first part is false. ATTENTION actually increases your search speed, and overwrites whatever search has. So, all search really does is allow you to search two items at once (only applicable on a corpse, say, searching a rig and a backpack at the same time), which you don't get until level 51, something that won't happen for a while even if you were using this mod, since there will only be 4 quests for it.

    TL;DR: Search is a useless skill unless it's elite level, so I don't care that it's not completed yet. I'm still doing it, but it will be at a later time.

    PS! HV4 will not function until SPT 3.8 is released. This also means HV5 is unavailable until the same time. This is because I simply cannot get repair kits to work the way I want them to for the quest, so instead, it will be related to the new armor plates 3.8 will bring

    VERY IMPORTANT (Same message as 0.8's version):

    The way that you download this mod has changed due to a request from Virtual, the creator of the custom quest loader.

    You must now download VCQL Separately and then add all of Guiding Light's quests in yourself. Hopefully it's a simple as just being a second drag and drop, but no promises :(

    Here is the link to vcql:…965c481e6c1a4b403d328f968

    Drag the "" into your SPT root folder, then drag the two folders within the other download into the root of VCQL

  • Version 0.8.0

    The light is ready to begin unraveling the mystery of Tarkov... (80%)

    -Many fixes, most courtesy of MusicManiac (thanks!)

    -Added 5 more story quests


    The way that you download this mod has changed due to a request from Virtual, the creator of the custom quest loader.

    You must now download VCQL Seperately and then add all of Guiding Light's quests in yourself. Hopefully it's a simple as just being a second drag and drop, but no promises :(

    Here is the link to vcql:…965c481e6c1a4b403d328f968

    Drag the "" into your SPT root folder, then drag the two folders within the other download into the root of VCQL

  • Version 0.7.5

    The prescence is done waiting around... blood will flow (75%)

    -Added all the combat tasks (70 tasks!!!)

    -Fixed a few bugs, I think

    THIS VERSION IS 100% UNTESTED. I apparently have to re-install eft and downgrade for it to work again, and I'm not bothering. I'll wait for main spt update :/

  • Version 0.5.6

    If you are already on 0.5.5, you do not need to update unless you are using the traveler mod. This update simply adds a compatibility quest for traveler

    -Added an alternative quest to GL-2M (with traveler, it should take about the same time as if you were doing the normal quest. Without traveler, it will take way longer and frankly not be much easier. It is designed specifically for traveler)

    -Removed GL_4M. GL_5M is now GL_4M (I just didn't really care for the quest, it requires too high of a level too early imo

  • bug list:

    -Charisma 2 auto completes (for now I don't care)

    -WM4 (Nothing beats experience) IS BUGGED AND WILL NOT WORK.

    -Cutting them off auto completes when you accept the quest

    -Troubleshooting 4 (The AKM with a drum mag, suppressor, no dust cover) is broken

  • In your mod files you have weapon lists including "AssaultRifleList" for example. or the ""StocksAndBufferTubesListNOCHASSISORNON-STOCKVITALPARTS"
    Are these strictly necessary? Will I do any harm by removing them?

  • Is there any relatively easy/simple way I could disable the ability to sell most/all items to the guiding light trader? Currently playing with the realism mod that tweaks base trader sell prices, and so guiding light now has the best price for literally everything. Which now means that the mod that shows sell prices on items is showing the inflated GL price on everything.

    (Completely understand that this mod is not made with either of those mods in mind)

    • I will look into this, I have a couple ideas. However, I'm about to go on a 2-ish week trip, so it might be after I'm back.

      Thanks for pointing this out!

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Very interesting idea for a mod. I will say, i feel stupid the entire time on any of the riddles. Like Still stuck on Nearing The End

    • Nah, the last two in particular are meant to be very difficult, don't feel stupid.

  • Great mod, love the concept and the story work behind it. Currently stuck on the Reliving your first day quest. Curious if someone could give me a hint. I'm assuming it's not ACTUALLY based on your first actions in the game, but I'm lost as to what the second subtask is. The first one I've done, that was just killing dudes. But no progress on the second one about 15 raids later.

    • debut quest from prapor for the second time

    • That reminds me!!!!! I had written this before Ground Zero was added, so Debut was the first task in the game. I need to re-do the quest now that there are GZ quests. That is understandable confusion

      Heart 1
  • I'm using DJ's raid overhaul mod and I cannot run through a raid for the first quest. I tried to do the alternate quest at the beginning by exiting back to main menu but it did not count. Is this a bug that can be fixed or is this mod not compatible with DJ's raid overhaul?

    Thank you for any help.

    • I had the same issue with another mod running and had to download the task skipper mod. I basically went in and made sure i would've had the run through done, and then used the skipper to complete the subtask.

    • Interesting... I will see about an alt quest. Perhaps I will re-do the entry quests entirely now that "Run-Throughs" are getting wrecked by popular mods.

  • So uhh...Gonna try to be as unrevealing as possible but I'm doing "The test Begins" and I go to where I think it is, but it doesn't work. Just want to make sure this quest works, and I'm not just wasting my time. Otherwise great mod tho

    • The quest worked when I did it, hmm... Would you DM on discord where you're going? I have the same username and icon, you can DM me or @ me in SPT

    • Alr i sent a request for it my username is similar to mine you should know when you see it

  • Just wanted to congratulate you on a great mod again. The tasks are brilliant, objectives, text... awesome.

    Ran into a situation when completing objectives for the 'Patrolling the woods' quest, when marking

    objectives with the 7mm buck the 'place' took the full stack of 7mm from my inventory, not just a single shell. Dont know if that is intentional or a limitation of how the game handles these things.

    • Sadly that is a limitation of how the game handles it. I tried to allude to it in the text description, but I will spell it out more plainly. That's completely not the player's fault

      Heart 1
  • You have some files from VCQL that are downgrading it from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1 in your download possibly breaking other trader mods

    I was having issues with a marking hermatic door for checkmate p2 for lotus and was looking through all my mods I noticed you had files for VCQL 2.0.0 after reinstalling VCQL and adding all the traders back but not installing anything but your database and res folder inside of VCQL folder it fixed the issue I was experiencing

    I will now state I have no clue what I am doing I am just going based of something I thought I read saying mods shouldn't have any files besides database and res from VCQL page that I cant actually find anymore so I might of made it up

    • Ohhh, that's a really good point. let me fix that asap

  • Just wanted to say thank you and cheers on this amazing piece of content.

    Especially the riddles quest-line. I enjoy the text a lot. Congrats. <3

  • First to say: this mod is cool and i enjoy it

    So there is bug with "The truly stylish one" quest description (images in spoiler) not a gamebreaking bug but worth mentioning

    And maybe i'm doing something wrong but i literally standing in my hideout and repairs in "Nothing beats experience" still don't count (i have preload hideout option in game settings on)

    Maybe its already fixed now, but when i played in 0.9.1 in quest with 3-4x scope kills says what you need to kill 30 enemies but you need to kill only 20

    • Thank you for this! I will have these fixed in the next update (I did not have the 3-4x scope kills)

      There are a lot of incongruencies with quest and locale files, especially with how many kills. I'm working on fixing those as I play through the quests myself.

  • Top of thew line quest is bugged. Crashes server when trying to pick it up

    • Cool. I should be able to experience this myself very soon, so I should have it fixed within 24 hours. Thanks for letting me know!

    • Oh, but, I just remembered right as I sent that. Top of the line is Crafting 4. I've had complaints about crafting 4 forever. So I will definitely get that fixed asap

      Thumbs Up 1
  • I don't know if enough people will see this, but, if you have downloaded before this message time (1:40AM CT), please redownload the mod, there is a single error with Crafting 3.

  • how to complete the Work Out Quest? (read acceptTM) ??

    • Perhaps I'll move it from the description so it's easier. You have to start a raid after you use the gym.

  • Bug: The quest 'Slaughter: Assault rifles / Carbines' has both of the tasks requiring 'Kill 150 enemies with Assault Rifles'; I think the second task is suppose to be 'Kill 50 PMCs with Assault Rifles'

    Link to picture of quest:

    • Thank you! This will be fixed in the next update

    • There are some more bugs with the quests, I can't recall all of them. If you download fresh and download the quest skipper, you'll find around 5 more quests that are like this or have odd naming as it's missing the locale (I assume it's a locale, I'm not too code savvy) with the actual quest objective. So instead of like 'Kill 50 things' it's '5G6K2P' or something like that. Should take roughly ~15 minutes to skip through all your quests to see quests where when you complete one objective, it does both or just missing information on the objective. I was mainly just doing all of this to see what all of the quest rewards and whether to include this in my Hardcore playthrough (which I didn't, I feel a lot of the quest rewards relating to skill leveling is a bit overtuned, but I understand why people would enjoy this mod.) I am not saying your mod is bad, just not 'fit' for what I am looking for personally. Overall, your mod is great and I do enjoy the wide variety of quests that you have made, can't wait to see what you'll do on full release with it!

  • When do the tasks show up exactly? I can see the trader but it doesn't have any tasks for me. Also is the pic for them both meant to be blank?

  • The latest version, 0.9.1, has VCQL named 'VirtualsCustomQuestLoader', but it needs to be named 'Virtual's Custom Quest Loader' for the folder, otherwise you have to manually extract said folder.

    • Damnit, I thought I fixed that. I'm sorry. Let me fix that right now

  • For the quest Unrivalled protection, it might be worth highlighting that the THOR armour required is the NFM THOR Integrated Carrier body armor, as I thought it was the NFM THOR Concealable Reinforced Vest body armor.

    • Yes. I can look at how to make this more clear, thank you for bringing this to my attention

  • Soon, friends

  • Good luck on the essay and group project, take your time.

    Heart 1
  • A little surprised that 3.8 isn't out yet, I might end up releasing the next update soon instead of waiting like I had originally planned. I have one of the four endings finished, however I'd like at least two done before I release it, especially considering the only ending I have completed is the "bad" ending, if there is a "bad" ending. I also have a few more core quests to work on, and I'm heavily debating making quests for CJ's extended skills mod (would be a separate download that is added to VCQL afterwards). I've been doing a lot of non-SPT stuff recently, mainly because 3.8 has taken so long. LAAA will also be updated to work with 3.8 when it comes out.

  • When trying to transfer items for the Crafting 4 quest - an error under the spoiler

    • Thanks, good to know!!! I'll make sure this is fixed for the next update (Which is hopefully soon! I've been having a lot of trouble with the next step, sadly)

  • how install this things??

    • You extract "" into the root folder of your spt download, and then extract the other folder into VCQL's folder, which you download seperately

  • I cant turn anything in for the quest top of the line

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'conditions')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'conditions')

    at QuestController.handoverQuest (C:\snapshot\project\src\controllers\QuestController.ts:755:39)

    at QuestCallbacks.handoverQuest (C:\snapshot\project\src\callbacks\QuestCallbacks.ts:74:37)

    at QuestItemEventRouter.handleItemEvent (C:\snapshot\project\src\routers\item_events\QuestItemEventRouter.ts:45:44)

    at ItemEventRouter.handleEvents (C:\snapshot\project\src\routers\ItemEventRouter.ts:42:38)

    at ItemEventCallbacks.handleEvents (C:\snapshot\project\src\callbacks\ItemEventCallbacks.ts:26:52)

    at RouteAction.action (C:\snapshot\project\src\routers\static\ItemEventStaticRouter.ts:17:52)

    at ItemEventStaticRouter.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\project\src\di\Router.ts:50:63)

    at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\project\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:79:62)

    at HttpRouter.getResponse (C:\snapshot\project\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:44:30)

    at AkiHttpListener.getResponse (C:\snapshot\project\src\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.ts:150:38)

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'conditions')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'conditions')

    at QuestController.handoverQuest (C:\snapshot\project\src\controllers\QuestController.ts:755:39)

    at QuestCallbacks.handoverQuest (C:\snapshot\project\src\callbacks\QuestCallbacks.ts:74:37)

    at QuestItemEventRouter.handleItemEvent (C:\snapshot\project\src\routers\item_events\QuestItemEventRouter.ts:45:44)

    at ItemEventRouter.handleEvents (C:\snapshot\project\src\routers\ItemEventRouter.ts:42:38)

    at ItemEventCallbacks.handleEvents (C:\snapshot\project\src\callbacks\ItemEventCallbacks.ts:26:52)

    at RouteAction.action (C:\snapshot\project\src\routers\static\ItemEventStaticRouter.ts:17:52)

    at ItemEventStaticRouter.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\project\src\di\Router.ts:50:63)

    at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\project\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:79:62)

    at HttpRouter.getResponse (C:\snapshot\project\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:44:30)

    at AkiHttpListener.getResponse (C:\snapshot\project\src\servers\http\AkiHttpListener.ts:150:38)

    the server displays this error message

    • Noted, thanks for reporting! I'll get on this asap

    • i know this is ancient by now, but i am personally mid playthrough with Guiding Light as one of my main content additions. The issue is that in the json file, the key for the quest is labeled wrong. It is labeled "GL_PH_CR4". Changing it to "GL_PR_CR4" fixed it, and seemingly didnt even require any save editing.

      The json file is located at "Virtual's Custom Quest Loader/database/quests/GLPractical.json"

      tl;dr, It's just a simple typo 👍

    • Thanks :P

  • 0.8.5 bug list:

    THIS IS NOT A BUG, BUT SHOULD BE SEEN: HV4 and HV5 will not function until 3.8 releases, when I will make HV4 be related to the new armor plates. HV5, being after HV4, is naturally not available, although the task itself is actually fine

    HV5 has some issues (shouldn't matter as you can't access it normally rn)

    WM2 doesn't work

    WM3 only needed 1 item instead of 15

    CR4 has a typo breaking it

    Thumbs Up 1
  • 0.8.0 bug list:

    -GL 4.1M (Training Required) task displays incorrectly. You need to reach loyalty level 3 with Guiding Light.

    -GL 6M (Trial and error) tasks display incorrectly. You need to achieve a kill (on any target) through all 7 hitboxes: head, thorax, stomach, each limb

    -GL DMR2 (New park ranger) task displays incorrectly. You need to kill Sturman with the SVDS or G28

  • I look forward to when this is 100%.

    I would rather play it then, than get enthralled and have to wait for the rest. :)

    • I know that:

      A: I am probably biased towards this

      B: I probably won't change your mind

      But, now's a great time to get in. Most of the core content is there, and by the time you reach the part of the story that the mod currently stops at, there will probably be the rest there.

      Also, while I will "complete" the mod before EFT full releases, the mod will not be finished until the full game releases, because I want the story of this mod to coincide with the actual escaping from Tarkov, which I obviously can't do until escaping from Tarkov is put in the game. However, I can still bring the story to a close how I want it to without that feature, it will just be a sort of "and then the story ended" instead of the game finale it could be when paired with the actual escape.

      That turned into a bit of a word salad but hopefully that made sense

    • *The only things missing from the mod, assuming I don't add anything extra, are the following:

      -The branching paths of the story. All the quests you can complete before you start affecting what ending you will get is in the game

      -The "search" skill tasks (search gets overriden by attention anyways so search is actually an almost meaningless skill)

      -Most of the weapon maintenance skills (which I am actually working on as I write this reply!)

      -Surgery 4 and 5

      -The "extreme" tasks and the "Light's Blessing" armor (The armor will need to be re-thought anyways because of the incoming armor hitbox changes, so I'm glad I waited)

      And... that's it. I think that's all that's missing. I debated if "80%" is actually too low of a number, but went ahead and left it

    • Wow. That's a lot of detail explaining the mod. You've given me a lot to think about, but I'm too tired from being at a friend's MC get together so now is not a good time for decisions. :) I WILL give it some serious thought soon.

  • There are a bunch of bugs, I pinged you on Discord in SPT server with fixed file with some of them fixed.

  • big update for0.7.5. thats a ton of work my friend! i will gladly test it out for you and relay any issues i find. keep up the good work!

    • Thanks! I didn't even get a chance to launch the game with the new update, so I don't even know if it works... But no one has said it doesn't work yet, so it at least runs. I've played enough Arena that I don't think I can go back to old recoil without going insane lol, if anything I'm gonna try to help get 3.8 out sooner by play testing it. We'll see if I find the time between school starting soon, grinding arena, and working on another massive project for a different game community

  • in the zip file the contents are in the /user instead of /user/mods

    • Aw, not again! I'll fix that first thing tomorrow morning, thanks for letting me know