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I got sick of checking my phone for information on all the new ammo since I last played in 2022... So I made this.
Ammo Information
Adds information of ammo to its item description.
- Ammo will display damage and penetration stats in description
- Ammo will have red background, if you can't sell on flea, so you know to pick this ammo up
- Buckshot will show how many projectiles in description
- Was also going to display flea price, but tbh its just gone midnight so didn't bother...
- Anything you want added, let me know. Maybe armor damage?
Version 1.0.1
- Blurr
If you have version 1.0.0 installed, you do not need to update the configuration folder. Simply do not drag that folder across to your mods folder.
Changelog 1.0.1:
Added armor damage % to ammo description
Added missing items
- 7.62x54mm R FMJ
- 7.62x54mm R SP BT
- 7.62x54mm R HP BT
- 4.6x30mm JSP SX
- 9x19mm FMJ M882
- .300 Blackout CBJ
- 7.62x39mm FMJ
- 12/70 Piranha
- 23x75mm Barrikada slug -
Version 1.0.0
- Blurr
Blurr Author
This latest update (1.0.1) does NOT require you to overwrite your configs, if you have the previous version (1.0.0) installed. Drag the 'data' and 'src' folders across, along with the package.json.
Changelog 1.0.1:
Added armor damage % to ammo description
Added missing items
- 7.62x54mm R FMJ
- 7.62x54mm R SP BT
- 7.62x54mm R HP BT
- 4.6x30mm JSP SX
- 9x19mm FMJ M882
- .300 Blackout CBJ
- 7.62x39mm FMJ
- 12/70 Piranha
- 23x75mm Barrikada slug
Thank you