Better Grips 1.0.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to v3.8.3. Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Stonks Grips

"Better grips" change grips values:




Example: RK-2 is the best in Recoil but not in Ergonomics

How to instal:

Download "Bettergrips" and decompres in your mods folder (Scape from TarkovAKI-Server-A7usermods)



big tanks for "DonutxLord" i use mod: "norecoil" as an Example for create this mod

  • Realy need update, great mod !

  • update please

  • update pls :(

  • update pls=)

    • Here is the fix

      Thanks 2 Like 1
    • Thanks man for the mod update, you're awesome :D , lord donut awesome too, hammer aswell as all of you <3:thumbup:animehappyhop

  • thank you for the mod , and lord donut for inspiration


    please update the mod good sir

    Like 1
  • good mod, how ever maybe if the values were a little lower. -30% for the RK-2 makes the meta m4 have 0 vertical and horizonal recoil, which if you're going for the "you're a terminator" play through then its great but for a more balanced play through it needs some tweaking, good work though!!

    Like 1