Secure Container for player scav 1.1.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to v3.8.3. Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Adds a secure container for 4 cells to a scav player, it works the same way as a PMC.

In the server mod config, you can change the ID for the template to another secure container

Scavs are generated after the previous Scav raid is completed, so the first Scav can be without a pouch if generated before installing the mod. Just go into a raid, and the next one will already have a secure container.

The container parameters in this mod do not change, so you can, for example, using SVM or another method, change its size or filters for loot.

If there are any errors, write me, I will try to help.

  • How to change the container to 2x1?
    Tried in SVM and in server files itself, did not change anything

  • have used on 3.8.3 without any apparent issues

  • Conformed this works on 3.8.0 :thumbup:

    Thumbs Up 1
  • That's tight I like it Picasso! 8o

  • finally I can shove thing up my scav's ass

    Happy 1
  • круто получилось. жду обновлений!

    • Спасибо!
      Да тут вроде особо больше то и не придумать)