Sneaky Weasel's Brutal Meds 1.1.0

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to v3.8.3. Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Make your life worse with medkits that no longer instaheal.

Changes effects of AI-2, CAR, Salewa, IFAK, AFAK and Grizzly medical kits. No more instantly restoring HP, these will now heal over time.

BACK UP YOUR SAVE BEFORE INSTALLING as it changes resource values of your items! Always better safe than sorry.

As well as healing taking much longer, you'll get debuffs which are a little nasty. Carry water! Analgin and ibuprofen also make you thirsty. Augmentin has been changed for compatibility with Realism food changes... there are only five doses per bottle but each will remove the Unknown Toxin effect from eating bad food.

Note: adding these buffs and debuffs for some reason prevents the medkits removing effects like bleeds and fractures. Because you will likely need more bandages, caloks and splints, I've increased usages on army bandages, calok kits and aluminium splints (now 6 uses each.) CMS and Surv12 surgical kits will still restore blacked-out body parts, and they're now 6 and 12 uses respectively, but like the bleed/fracture meds they won't restore HP.

When hurt, fix the problem (bleed/fracture/blacked,) then use medkit for heal-over-time, then drink some water! Blood loss and medications make you thirsty.

TO DO: work out why the buffs/debuffs block bleed removals etc. This seems to be a 3.8.x thing. Even changing values in the server items.json does it (?!?)

It's a simple server-side only file HOWEVER it's my first ever attempt at TypeScript so there's every chance I messed up even something so basic!! Works on my 3.8.3 server perfectly, though.

  • Version 1.1.0

    Medkits don't remove bleeds or fractures, information tabs updated. This is a current limitation and hopefully will be addressed in the future. Multi-use bleed/fracture treatments and surgical kits have increased usage to compensate (army bandage, calok, aluminium splint, CMS, Surv12.) These treatments and kits don't have any debuffs, but they won't heal on their own so carry a medkit as well.

    Augmentin pills now cure intoxication (Unknown Toxin) effect for compatibility with Realism. I'm assuming you have Realism med changes turned off if you're using this one!

    DON'T FORGET TO CARRY WATER! Blood loss and medication both make you thirsty.

  • Version 1.0.0

    Original version.

    Known bugs: bleeds/fractures/blacked effects cannot be removed by medkits or surgical kits.

  • Non of your painkillers remove the pain effect for me

    How would I disable the changed to painkillers only?

    Remove them from just the config?

    • Can confirm simply removing them from config restores original game stats*

      Going to use your config to convert Vaseline and Golden star to stamina buffs instead 8)

      Love the mod, good job!

    • Thanks for the encouragement :) Being all server-side it should be easy to change any of it and I've tried to comment clearly. All suggestions for improvements will be embraced!

      Appreciate you spotting that issue with painkillers and will test some configs so we can ensure pain goes away properly without needing edits.

      This weekend I might pop in a few alternative configurations, a "slightly brutal" one with HoT but no debuffs might suit some people.

    • No problem- I am not an expert on the status effects but created a gem of a meme item using your mod + Mcdewgals easy ammo names which renames items


      Happy 1
  • Is that paul f***ing gallen?

    • Yup, having a little cry. I needed a thumbnail to represent defeat and frustration and thought this summed it up. Timing not coincidental, I was still grumpy about last week's result :)

    • Haha thats golden. Didn't expect that when searching for some sp tarky mods to mess around with. Gallen knows defeat alright.

  • I really like the idea of this mod however testing it myself I can't heal blacked out limbs using the surv12 or the CMS kits, and the standard medkits like the AFAK or Salewa do not stop light bleeds no matter how many times you use them.

    • Thanks ChungBung, yes I've discovered the same. I've been trying to track down the reason for days but it's elusive; seems like adding the over-time effects disables the bleed/fracture/blacked-out effects, even though they're separate properties (?!??) and this wasn't the case in previous game versions. And weirdly you can have toxin removal and buffs at the same time. But anyway, we work with what we can.

      I've implemented a workaround in v1.1.0 which is to remove the bleed/fracture removal effects from the medkits, and remove the over-time effects from the surgical kits.

      Army bandages, calok kits, aluminium splints and CMS kits now have six uses, you'll need to carry 'em because medkits won't remove those effects.

      On the other hand unless you're fully harcore you'll still need medkits for the heals, because the items which remove bleed/fracture/blacked effects won't restore any health points.

      I use Realism mod with just the medical effects disabled (to use this one instead) so I also added toxin removal to Augmentin pills. Carry a bottle in case you eat some old beef and get sick :)

    • Thank you that's awesome I'll give the new version a try today and see how it goes. Thanks for getting an update out so soon!

  • I been wanting to do something like this for a while now. A long time back there was a overhaul mod that had something like this in it. I will have to test this out to see how similar this is to that. see ya then