sgtlaggy's Quest Tweaks 3.2.1

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Some QoL quest changes.

No options are enabled by default, edit config/config.json to enable them.

Reveal All Quest Objectives

This may lead to completing objectives out of order, Survive and Extract can be completed before the normally prerequisite objectives.

Reveal all objectives that are hidden by default and only show up after completing other objectives.

One example is Broadcast - Part 1, the objective to place the Signal Jammer doesn't appear until you've entered the room.

Reveal Unknown Quest Rewards

Replace "Unknown Reward" quest rewards with the actual reward.

Remove Time Gates

This is the same feature provided by Remove Time Gate From Quests

Remove waiting periods after some quests like Gunsmith.

Remove Quest Conditions

This is similar to kiki-RemoveTediousQuestConditions

Remove some conditions from tasks.

  • Elimination target (PMC, scav, boss, etc)
  • Weapon and mods
  • Equipment
  • Health/status effects (stun, dehydration)
  • Body parts to hit/kill
  • Distance
  • Time
  • Map/location
  • Zone (Removing zone but not map conditions will expand it to the map.)
  • Item found-in-raid status

Only Require Level to start Lightkeeper

This is the same feature provided by Lightkeeper Questline Patch

This option will remove all the prerequisite quests to start Network Provider - Part 1 and will only require a specific level. A value of 0 will disable this feature and leave the prerequisites in place.

  • Sweet, i can finally play with infected only :D

  • So if i remove elimination quest condition? Does it mean i can kill any target or i don't even have the elimination part? What should i use to remove the limb hits etc?

    • New update has an option for body parts.

      Heart 1
  • I'd love to see something like this, but it just moves all the Streets Quests and put them onto other maps. Maybe even refunctions a room to act like the Red Room

    • I don't think that's gonna be within scope of this mod, sorry. I'm trying to keep it generalized with settings applying to most/all quests and a few small simple individual changes.

  • I like this mod a lot and I just want to leave a request. Ability to skip certain quest conditions like killing bots in a very specific zone, elimination quests where you have to use certain gear and weapons, or quests where you have to have a status effect. Basically many things from remove tedious quest condition mod but it's not updated.

  • i did "revealAllQuestObjectives": true, to test it.
    then i turned it to false since i did not like it. now still all the quest objectives are revealed which leads to some errors in gunsmith quests. instead of only killing you need to modify the gun AND kil with any (not modded) gun. any fixes?

    • or is the gunsmith quest change that you have to do both, Kills AND modify?
      Cause on a new profile its the same but not all objectives are revealed. Have i missunderstood how this works then? I was looking for no modify but only kills change.

    • For revealing quest objectives, I guess all "seen" objectives are stored in the profile. I believe this occurs in live with hidden "survive and extract" objectives when you die before extracting. If it's disabled then it shouldn't affect any tasks accepted going forward.

      The gunsmith challenge requires both kills and turn-in. Without the turn-in, it would be difficult to know whether you have the correct attachments.

    • oh i see the problem, i just wanted a replace for gunsmith quest where u can just kill with the weapon no matter the attachments. without the turn in part.
      will see how i workaround that, either with gunsmith trader or smth different. but ty for clearify that.

  • I did "revealAllQuestObjectives": true, I didn't notice any changes in the description of the quests.

    • There are no description changes. It will just show quest objectives as soon as you get a quest instead of requiring them to be triggered.

      For example, Broadcast - Part 1 only tells you to place a signal jammer after you enter the room. So if you didn't read the quest text and only looked at the objectives, you'd go into raid, open the door, then find out you need to place a jammer, so you have to come back with one.

      Another is Anesthesia, it doesn't tell you to extract until you place all 3 markers.

      Thumbs Up 1