Insurance Plus 1.2.2

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Insured items aren't dropped on death.

  • would there be a possibility to add the option to only retain insured items by therapist (as she is the more premium insurance provider) but loose items insured by prapor with normal insurance times. I've got a clunky version of this set up in svm with instant 100% return from therapist and normal insurance with prapor. having therapist set to about 2x insurance to balance this out. I want to hurt but not too much. thanks ^^

    • or just thinking about it an in game toggle to turn on and off would be cool

  • god loves you homie

  • My items are still being lost despite being set to false in lostondeath.json and on version 1.2.2. Any ideas? SPT 3.9.2 though.

    Heart 1
  • is not being able to insure ammo/grenades and medical items intentional? Tells me that "This item can't be insured" when on the insurance screen. Other things get insured and returned to me and keep their insured status fine. on 3.9.1 using ver. 1.2.2

    • That's vanilla behavior, this mod doesn't change what items can be insured.

    • Ah, okay my bad. Its been too long since I've played vanilla and got used to Rev's Never lose equipments. Thanks

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Thanks for this mod! Would it be possible to also lose ammo in guns/mags post-raid death, like with normal insurance?

    • Yeah i'll look into this next.

    • Thank you! Also something else I noticed - I think this mod also saves quest items in inventory on death. Is that intended?

    • Nope! lol, the previous version of this mod had some bugs, and since im using the same inventory logic those were also ported over :D

      I've got some bugs on the known issues tab, ill get to them in time lol, the last one i did was lostondeath not being respected.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Seems like it messes with lostondeath.json, I set pockets to false but I still lost them after death. I'll check if it still happens without the mod

    • Looking into it. Thanks for the report.

    • Fixed thank you!

    • Nice, thanks for update

      Heart 1
    • so awesome that you released a 3.8.x version for those of us on the old server. thanks!

      Heart 1
  • just wanna say i love this mod, i like to play softcore, but being that it is tarkov, i still want to be able to loose any loot i find in raid, and adding a price to pay to keep my stuff, instead of gambling to get it back is waaaay better!

    Heart 1
  • I can't update the server we play on from 3.8.3 to 3.9.0 because not all mods are updated, but I would really like to have this for 3.8.3 too. So all I can do is sit and wait months for all the mods to update so I can use this one ;(

  • so glad to see this updated! thanks!

    Heart 1
  • great mod but seems litle bit OP
    i have suggestion, what if the insurance has a limited number of death and after reach the limit you can't insure your item. But, to reset the death counter you must extract the same amount of your death. after that you can insurance again your item again

    • There's a config option to remove insurance after death. That way you need to reinsure it each time. I also have another mod Trader QoL that can be used to increase the insurance prices.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • oh my bad i didn't know that :) , i thought that's to disable the mod
      thanks! ;)

  • Guess I'm confused. Isn't the purpose of insuring items in Tarkov before raid, to get them back when you die? Why do we need a mod to do that? What does this mod do that simply insuring a item in Tarkov doesn't? Again, sorry but just confused. Thanks

    • Instead of getting the item back from whoever you insured it with, it just stays equipped, also has a 100% return rate so I made a mod to increase insurance price that way its a little less OP

    • Gotcha. So you have to insure EVERY item (Rig, Pockets, Backpack, body), and when you die, it's as if nothing was lost? Kind of like [Never Lose Equipments] - Never Lose Equipments ?

      Heart 1
    • Yup!

  • YOU ARE A GOD!!!

    Heart 1
  • Insuring equipped armors only keeps add-on plates, and does not return the internal unremovable armor pieces.

    Edit: probably because this falls under the "container" issue.

    • Looking into it, thanks for the report. Didn't consider this when updating a mod from pre-armor slot versions lol

    • Fixed!

    • Word, will kms now!

      Crying 1
    • To test things I now start all my raids with a grenade lol.

  • Absolutely perfect! Thanks a ton for this huge QoL mod.

    Heart 1
  • any chance to increase insurance price,

    costs alot in order to insure and not loose an item.

  • Now this is an interesting mod. I've never seen this before. Time to test it!

    Happy 1
  • You are the king!! Thank you for keeping this mod alive.

    Id like to think JustNU would be happy their work lives on as well!!

    Heart 1