Trader QoL 1.2.1

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All features are optional and off by default. Unify all traders to use a single currency. Set multipliers for trader prices, reputation gain from quests, loyalty level requirements, repair prices, and insurance prices.

  • Is there a way i can disable the first 4 values ? i don't want them to interfere with my svm settings.

    I guess i'll put this mod below it in load order. I'm only using the trader currency changer and rep changer.

    • If they're at 1.0 then I leave the value alone. You should be good either way.

  • Hello, would it be possible to add a feature like "minSalesMultiplier", but for level requirements too?

    E.g.: Instead of unlocking Therapist LVL2 at PMC LVL 13, I would use a multiplier 1.5, so I would unlock it at PMC LVL 19/20 depending on rounding method.

    Since I have many custom traders and more quests, I level more quickly, but it's not feasible to achieve money spent on all of them. Instead I would push required levels a bit higher.

  • EDIT: DUH! Figured out I need to enter "0.5" rather than ".5".

    Thanks again for a great mod!

    Thanks for a great mod and all your hard work!

    I noticed, though, that when I set the config to reduce the spending needed to go up in loyalty level as below:

    // Multiplies the money spent amount required to unlock trader loyalty levels.

    "minSalesMultiplier": .5,

    Then when loading the SPT server I get the message

    ' "priceMultiplier": 1.0, parsing '{er": .5,

    ' "priceMultiplier": 1.0, parsing '{er": .5,

    at C:\snapshot\project\node_modules\parse-json\index.js:26:19

    at Function.parse (C:\snapshot\project\node_modules\jsonc\lib\jsonc.js:176:16)

    at TraderQoL.postDBLoad (K:\3.10SPT\user\mods\mattdokn-traderqol\src\mod.ts:69:32)

    at PostDBModLoader.executeModsAsync (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:63:45)

    at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:26:13)

    at App.load (C:\snapshot\src\utils\App.ts:53:13)

    ' "priceMultiplier": 1.0, parsing '{er": .5,

    ' "priceMultiplier": 1.0, parsing '{er": .5,

    at C:\snapshot\project\node_modules\parse-json\index.js:26:19

    at Function.parse (C:\snapshot\project\node_modules\jsonc\lib\jsonc.js:176:16)

    at TraderQoL.postDBLoad (K:\3.10SPT\user\mods\mattdokn-traderqol\src\mod.ts:69:32)

    at PostDBModLoader.executeModsAsync (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:63:45)

    at PostDBModLoader.onLoad (C:\snapshot\src\loaders\PostDBModLoader.ts:26:13)

    at App.load (C:\snapshot\src\utils\App.ts:53:13)

    Yet when I increase another value in the config as in:

    // Multiplies the amount of reputation you get for completing a quest

    "repMultiplier": 1.3,

    It works fine.

    Any idea why?

    • Glad you figured it out! I really wish the error messages were more descriptive.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Faaaarck, Someones been busy! 8)

    Many Thanks for all the updates, Mattdokn :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: .... won't comment on each one :rolleyes:

    Happy 1
  • Maybe a feature - disable barter requirements that are unlocked by a quest, instead depending on Trader Lvl.

  • Is it possible to make Unlimited trader stock and unlimited buy restriction to work for custom/modded trader too?

    • it does already. Make sure this mod loads after your trader mods

    • I already loaded the mod very bottom after the trader mods but it's not working at all for modded/custom traders.


    • Are you using realism?

    • And why do you have 100 rep with them lmao

    • No, I tested it in a new profile

  • i dont know why but this mod specifically as i found out through the process of elimination, seems to conflict with the flea market as a result of conflicting with some other mod(possibly?). it throws out no errors or logs in debug but throws an annoying error as seen below.


    here's my mod order below:

    • hm thats odd, I'm assuming you already confirmed that this doesn't happen when the mod is uninstalled.

      I would try moving traderqol to before livefleaprices and seeing if that changes things.

  • hey , the unlimited stock option doesn't actually works even though it appears to be working.

    so it says the "a lot" on the amount in the trader screen, but the actual stock hasnt changed.

    eg. i could buy 100 IFAKs before, after enabling unlimited stock option, the stock amount seems to say "a lot" , but i can still only buy 100 IFAKs.

    so basically, you need to actually change the stock amount.

    • Hm thanks for reporting this! I'll look into it when I get the chance. Did you end up just setting the multiplier super high instead?

    • that would probably work, but i didn't do that cuz i was blind and didn't see the option that's right there next to the unlimited stock lol.

      i ended up just editing the assort of the traders myself

  • hello, im new to this, how do i enable it?

    • go to user/mods/mattdokn-traderqol/config and open the config.jsonc file.

    • is there a way to increased attitude level from traders after a quest?

    • Did you check the config already? Theres comments that describe what each setting does.

          // Options for modifying quest's reputation gain
          "questReputationSettings": {
              "enabled": false,
              // Multiplies the amount of reputation you get for completing a quest
              "repMultiplier": 1.0,
              // Whether or not to apply the above multiplier to -rep rewards as well
              "multiplyNegativeReputationRewards": false
    • yea and i changed the multiplier but it doesnt seem to be working for me.

    • did you set "enabled" to true?

  • prapor is shy....

  • Thank you for the great mod, brother! Would it be possible to add a multiplier for the cash reward from quests as well?

  • I set singleCurrencySettings to be true and Peacekeeper still use using USD. Did I miss something?

    • As long as it's enabled it should work. Double check the mod is installed correctly and if it is try removing DVM if it's installed to test if that's it.

  • I'm trying to get a configuration where, I have balanced Insurance

    Like an insurance check of sorts.

    Prapor is cheaper but has a chance to not return 75% success rate,
    Therapist is marginally upcharged but has a 100% return rate

    I was running some tests found that Insurance + has a 100% return rate no matter what I did.

    I'm looking for ways to kind do what I was describing, but I've found no tangible solution or workaround. Any ideas?

    • SVM might be able to help you there

  • Can this mod have discrepencies with Trader services in SVM?

    • which ever one loads last will win lol, I think svm wins by default since the order is decided by name.

  • Thanks for the update. Loving this mod. May want to add to the Overview for the new feature (Added settings for multiplying repair price.) you added in v1.0.1.

  • Whenever I enable the currency changer option and try to sell something to peacekeeper, my game gets two circles on the screen and I get this error on the console

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props')

    at PaymentService.giveProfileMoney (C:\snapshot\src\services\PaymentService.ts:185:77)

    at TradeHelper.sellItem (C:\snapshot\src\helpers\TradeHelper.ts:296:29)

    at TradeController.confirmTrading (C:\snapshot\src\controllers\TradeController.ts:92:30)

    at TradeCallbacks.processTrade (C:\snapshot\src\callbacks\TradeCallbacks.ts:25:37)

    at TradeItemEventRouter.handleItemEvent (C:\snapshot\src\routers\item_events\TradeItemEventRouter.ts:34:44)

    at ItemEventRouter.handleEvents (C:\snapshot\src\routers\ItemEventRouter.ts:41:35)

    at ItemEventCallbacks.handleEvents (C:\snapshot\src\callbacks\ItemEventCallbacks.ts:25:58)

    at RouteAction.action (C:\snapshot\src\routers\static\ItemEventStaticRouter.ts:22:52)

    at ItemEventStaticRouter.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\src\di\Router.ts:51:63)

    at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:78:68)

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_props')

    at PaymentService.giveProfileMoney (C:\snapshot\src\services\PaymentService.ts:185:77)

    at TradeHelper.sellItem (C:\snapshot\src\helpers\TradeHelper.ts:296:29)

    at TradeController.confirmTrading (C:\snapshot\src\controllers\TradeController.ts:92:30)

    at TradeCallbacks.processTrade (C:\snapshot\src\callbacks\TradeCallbacks.ts:25:37)

    at TradeItemEventRouter.handleItemEvent (C:\snapshot\src\routers\item_events\TradeItemEventRouter.ts:34:44)

    at ItemEventRouter.handleEvents (C:\snapshot\src\routers\ItemEventRouter.ts:41:35)

    at ItemEventCallbacks.handleEvents (C:\snapshot\src\callbacks\ItemEventCallbacks.ts:25:58)

    at RouteAction.action (C:\snapshot\src\routers\static\ItemEventStaticRouter.ts:22:52)

    at ItemEventStaticRouter.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\src\di\Router.ts:51:63)

    at HttpRouter.handleRoute (C:\snapshot\src\routers\HttpRouter.ts:78:68)

    • Thanks for the report I'll look into it

    • Should be fixed in v1.0.2

    • Just tested it, works great!

  • @Mattdokn. Tested. Works great in conjunction with [Insurance Plus]. One note, you can NOT set the "insuranceCostMultiplier": 1.0 value in the [config.jsonc] file to 0.0 to get totally "free" insurance. When insuring, it shows it will cost $0.00, but you can not click [INSURE], it's greyed out. It MUST be set to something greater than zero (i.e. 0.0000000001).

    Heart 1
    • tes this -1 1 more this to -0

      Thinking 1
    • Thanks for the reply but I can not understand what it is you are trying to say to do. Are you saying that (-1) works and give you actual free insurance? Or are you saying that (-0) works?

  • Ty, nice mod!

    Heart 1