Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
In Novinsk, 7.62*39 cartridges were cursed with 600-650 firing rate weapons. To change this stituation, someone infiltrated anthor time line, broght back a GRAU 556 rifle and changed to 762*39 with black magic.
Not only ported a 720 RPM rifle, also with bunches of assessories:
Now we' ve ported another Grau rifle, check this photo for detail:
So you have opportunities to customize the rifle from boltgun to highly precisive maskman rifle.
Infinity Ward — Models, Textures;
Me — Porting assets into SPT, such as converting textures, bundling assets, overriting animations, ect;
Massivesoft — Reloded textures, animations, sounds and further bundling, ect;
Mighty_Condor — Basic code strutcure.
Version 1.1.2
- saintdeer
Compatible with SPT 3.10.0
2025-02-25 Upload new package of ZLR_GRAU.
Note: Found comments said that the weapon mastery couldn't work well, I tested for times but found no issues, so upload new package to avoid (maybe)
Version ZLR GRAU Reloaded 1.0.0
- saintdeer
- Added grau 556 rifle with bolt-catched animations, also removed grau 762' s boltcatch;
- Textures, sounds(mainly firing sound), animations have reloaded as well (all credit to massivesoft );
- Please note: GRAU Reloaded's file structure & folder's name has diffrence with former GRAU 762, but strongly recomend to delete all GRAU 762,parts and presets ingame, remove old GRAU 762 from mods folder before loading GRAU Reloaded.
Version 1.1.1
- saintdeer
-Fixed: Some part's shader have darken.
as others mentioned the gun does not have a mastery. gun works but just sad it has no mastery. as a swiiss guy i love all the SIG weapons. and this one comes closest to the swiss army rifle.
what i also notice is that the zl grau has an imense loadingtime when starting up the server. it takes like forever
broken in 3.10
it seems the latest SPT realism patch is messing with this addon
Examine: {0} BlaBlaBla
HOT DOG (Mr. Fun Switch)
Just noticed that the weapon mastering is broken (grau 556 at least, not sure about the 762)
armor mod used in first pic?
Can I use the Grau sniper grip with other weapons such as the M4? The grip looks really good and I'd love to use it on other guns too.
I tried to update to the new version and it has bricked my game completely. I deleted the grau_762 file and replaced it with the new one. It crashed. So i uninstalled. crash. now its saying "Unable to find live-flea or handbook price for: grau_weapon , defaulting to 1, if this is a modded item contact the mod author" for multiple items and my game wont launch at all.
Also even with both mods deleted and the config switched to remove all modded items, it crashes.
Hey man Great work love this gun- trying to make it compatible with the risers from tactical gear component. Typically for mods I just change the filters on the item.json where the modded item is cloning from. In the recent update you changed around how the filters for the items are determined and I’m not having luck adding in that compatibility with the receivers - I tried adding it to the filters in your items.json but no luck- let me know if you have any advice you can offer- if not totally cool appreciate your work
saintdeer Author
Make GRAU mod load before TGC in order.json within mods folder should help.
Hi, I downloaded your ZLR_GRAU mod and wanted to ask, in package.json "sptVersion": "<3.9.9" the version is wrong - maybe you made a mistake by writing 9.
nah, he probably just doesn't want to change the version in package.json. I myself put 3.9.x on my package.json, but others have their own ways of doing things.
Hi, so with "<3.9.9" you can install, there will be no errors when starting the game.
Likely worth mentioning to remove old presets of the grau before updating too. Great mod, love the weapon and glad to see a faithful representation in tarky
the origianl folder name is "GRAU_762" for anyone updating!!!!
HOT DOG (Mr. Fun Switch)
I modded the files to allow for the Hera Arms QCR foregrip... looks hot as
lul it looks like SIG 553r
Small Visual Bug: Sometimes if you walking/ running and pull out this gun, The animation "Pulling out/swapping Weapon" Doesn't play.
Finnley Kepler
Can we get a 3.8.X version for this?
+1 to that!
Finnley Kepler
I actually just compiled it for 3.8 myself, it works just fine. I don't know if the original author would let me upload it. If you want to compile it, here are the instructions:
Open mod.ts file from the directory: GRAU_762/src/mod.ts
Replace the block of code from the top with the below:
import { DependencyContainer } from "tsyringe";
import { IPostDBLoadMod } from "@spt-aki/models/external/IPostDBLoadMod";
import { DatabaseServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/DatabaseServer";
import { ImporterUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/ImporterUtil";
import { ILogger } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { PreAkiModLoader } from "@spt-aki/loaders/PreAkiModLoader";
import { IDatabaseTables } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/server/IDatabaseTables";
import { JsonUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/JsonUtil"
import { ITemplateItem, Slot } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/ITemplateItem";
import { ICustomizationItem } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/ICustomizationItem";
import { IDatabase } from "@spt-aki/GRAU/IDatabase";
import { IItem, ILocale } from "@spt-aki/GRAU/IItem";
import { ICustomizationItem } from "@spt-aki/GRAU/ICustomizationItem";
import { ItemFilterService } from "@spt-aki/services/ItemFilterService";
import { ConfigTypes } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/ConfigTypes";
import { ConfigServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/ConfigServer";
it should work, if not I can give further instructions.
amazing work, we love 3.8 content!
built a gun from this but it wont go on weapon rack in hideout. says item is incompatible. i've used it in raid and it works as a gun so not sure whats wrong
This mod gets flagged for containing a trojan. Any help?
There have been a lot of false flags since 3.9.X update use at your own risk
I've been waiting for this for a long time, thank you, keep it up
This thing is beautiful, great work!
HOT DOG (Mr. Fun Switch)
I used it for one raid... one of my favorite weapons now...
Please can u make a version compatible for 3.8.3, thank you!
Finnley Kepler
Why are we never getting the AK-107 / SR-1, or say the AK-12/15 prototype that were both once fitted with a recoil compensation system and shot at 850 RPM
this is the first gun mod that i have downloaded. so where should i put it? user\mods or bepinex\plugins?
So this is what you get when a sig 550 does it with an ACR
i always wanted sg-550 family in spt, and you made my wish came true, thank you.
had to turn off windows av to download
says there is a virus inm da file
saintdeer Author
I've checked the file by virustotal, it could be false alarm
Ehhh until somone tells me it aint a virus i dont think ill be using the mod
how is that supposed to be a virus if it doesnt even have executable files :sob:
Maddog Matt
It aint a virus. Heaps of false positives have been showing up in recent months. It is not the mod creators fault.
That's cool, but why do the models look so pale... I think if the textures were darker it would look better
saintdeer Author
My baby