Hide Beta Rework 1.1.0

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Hides the beta warning, version number, and PVE button in an efficient way.

This mod cleans up the UI by hiding the big orange beta warning banner, the PVE toggle button that doesn't do anything, and the version number (in-game as well).

This is slightly more efficient than the other HideBeta mod, as that mod runs every single frame checking if those UI elements exist.

Thanks to CJ for all the help in the discord, and Jehree for the client mod guide.

  • Great, I hope the next update can block the character equipment that loads the battle situation page. Because I don't need to check what I brought into the battle

  • The mod image is the best

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Download file needs reformatting. BepInEx is misspelled "BepinEx" (capitalization).

    Thumbs Up 1 Heart 1
    • Linux is not supported

      Crying 1 Happy 1
    • It works fine on Linux after I fixed the capitalization. I figured I would share a simple fix to make the mod more accessible

      Heart 1
    • just kidding around, ty for letting me know. I'll fix that if this ever needs another update.

      Heart 1
  • Seems to work fine with MoxoPixel's main menu overhaul

  • Beautiful work!

    Thumbs Up 2
  • Your mod has greatly improved my gaming experience, a very beautiful mod! Can I distribute it on the Escape from Tarkov Chinese forum oddba website? pikapika

    Thumbs Up 1
  • yoyo, any chance you can move the buttons up so theres not just a hole after removing the big bar?

    Thumbs Up 1 Heart 1 Thinking 1
  • Thanks, I really only made mine as a proof of concept then got busy with life.

    Heart 1
    • Thank you. Having your mod hide the version number in game was such an immersion boost. Glad to have had it. It was also the first client mod I understood. Really helped me get started.

  • Thanks for this

    Thumbs Up 1
  • because in spt, the game is as finished as you make it!

    Thumbs Up 3
  • Hey!
    Thanks for the mod, cause i in constant search of that kind of mod scince 3.6.x
    and how to make as cool background as yours one ?

    • Thanks, there is an Environment Replace mod that lets you add custom backgrounds. Here is an album of pics I've edited. All 1440. https://imgur.com/a/tarkov-menu-backgrounds-kPJn92X

      Also, open invitation to send me any good screenshots, in game or of hideout stations to add to the album. I can easily add the logo and color correct, they just need to be well framed. Ty   

      Heart 2
  • W

    Thumbs Up 1
  • thanks for this, works great.

    Thumbs Up 1
  • could you do a 3.8.x version?

    • Not because I don't want to make one for you, but I think we all need to move on from 3.8.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • yeah true, just waiting for some mods to update. good work though

    • What are you still waiting on?

    • all the clothes and the arena 14.9 update preview (you've also convinced me to just update lol)

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Since it may not be clear to some, the author means alternative mods experience a perf loss even while in-raid, not just the menu. This mod prevents that in-raid loss.

    Thumbs Up 1
  • It's not who? :D

    Happy 2
  • thanks for sharing, mod working just fine.

  • Looks like the github repo is private. "Page not found" panic