Dynamic Soundtrack & Custom Menu Music (Bobby's Music Player) 1.2.3

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

A comprehensive music plugin for SPT


To install:



Download the latest release from the "Versions" tab, unzip the folder, and then drag the "BepInEx" folder to your SPT directory.

To update:

If given specific instructions in the version release, follow those instructions. Otherwise, simply follow the install process.

To uninstall:

Delete the folder "BobbysMusicPlayer" in BepInEx/plugins.

Most Music is not included

This mod only comes with audio files for combat music.

For everything else, you have two options: Add your own music, or install a music pack.

If you want to add your own, check the "Adding Your Own Music" tab.

If you want to install a music pack, check the "Community Music Packs" tab.

Known Issues:

- Multiple people have reported issues caused by their mp3 files. While I am not certain, I believe the issue is caused by some files with the extension ".mp3" not actually being properly encoded like an mp3. If you run into problems, you can try using an audio conversion website or software to convert your audio files to a compatible file type (mp3, ogg, etc.).

- If you install a music pack and it doesn't work, it's probably because that music pack is outdated. Make sure you read the instructions on the "Community Music Packs" tab so that you know how to properly install outdated music packs.

Recommended mods:

Solarint's Bullet Crack Fix will help make sure that the Dynamic Soundtrack doesn't think you're being shot at when you aren't.

Note for ModSync users:

This mod will not work unless every folder exists where it should in the directory, regardless of whether it is empty or not.

If you use ModSync to share this mod with clients, it will not give them folders that are empty, thus the mod will not work.

Make sure everybody installs the mod manually, so that they have every folder they need.

Then, ModSync can be used to share your audio files with your clients.

This mod has a thread in the #mods-development channel on the SPT Discord. You can go there for support, discussions, etc. for this mod and its music packs. If you're trying to have a conversation with me about the mod, do it there rather than in the comments.

  • Version 1.2.3

    No new features other than 3.10 compatibility.

    This is for 3.10 only. If you are playing on 3.9, use the previous version of this mod.

  • Version 1.2.2-hotfix-2

    hotfix-1: (September 3rd) Just a quick fix for an issue that would cause combat music to not play at all if it was still playing at the end of the previous raid.

    hotfix-2: (September 4th) Fixed stutters related to UI Sounds.

    This download contains everything from Version 1.2.2, so no need to go back and download that, but you should still read its description so you know what's new and what's fixed.

    Make sure you read Version 1.2.0's description before updating from an older version.

  • Version 1.2.2

    • Fixed some maps not loading their soundtracks properly
    • Added a configurable active headset multiplier for in-raid music
    • Added support for more audio types: .mp2, .aiff, .s3m, .it, .mod, .xm, .xma, .vag.
    • Indoor volume multiplier now applies to all in-raid music (This setting is now in the general settings of the F12 menu)
    • Improved looping of Denial - Combat Track, so make sure you replace the old one with this new one.
    • Player is no longer allowed to set combat faders to 0 (apparently computers don't like dividing by 0 or something).

    Make sure you read Version 1.2.0's description before updating from an older version.

    If you are using ModSync and this mod is not running at all for you, the issue is likely being caused by empty folders not being synced. Missing folders will break the mod, so you must manually install this mod and make sure that you are not missing any folders.

    If you are not using ModSync but are still experiencing issues, reach out to me in this mod's thread in the SPT Discord

  • Version 1.2.1

    Jukebox controls now work for the Vanilla main menu music when you don't replace menu music.

    Make sure you read Version 1.2.0's description before updating.

    Some users have reported that the mod is not running at all for them.

    If you are using ModSync, this issue is likely being caused by empty folders not being synced. Missing folders will break the mod. You must manually install this mod and make sure you are not missing any folders.

    If you are not using ModSync but are still experiencing issues, reach out to me in this mod's thread in the SPT Discord

  • Version 1.2.0

    Big update: new Dynamic Soundtrack system, UI sound replacement, spawn music, jukebox controls. The download link has a list of changes, and the overview tab has all the details on everything new.

    Before updating from a previous version, either delete the "sounds" folder in BobbysMusicPlayer/Soundtrack, or rename it to "default_soundtrack".

    Note: The mod now comes with 5 tracks included as "combat music" for the Dynamic Soundtrack. These 5 tracks are trims of Geneburn/EFT songs so that fights can feel like you're in a Tarkov trailer. Thanks to MrBox15 for the .ogg files.

    Some users have reported that the mod is not running at all for them.

    If you are using ModSync, this issue is likely being caused by empty folders not being synced. Missing folders will break the mod. You must manually install this mod and make sure you are not missing any folders.

    If you are not using ModSync but are still experiencing issues, reach out to me in this mod's thread in the SPT Discord

  • Version 1.1.2

    Fixed infinite loading on raid end that occurred if the user did not replace the raid end music

  • Version 1.1.1

    Fixed my idiot code that punished players for following my instructions.
    The bug was causing certain players to be unable to use one of the main components of the mod if its counterpart's folder was empty (meaning Custom Menu Music would not play if the player did not add tracks to the Soundtrack, and vice versa).
    Now the mod will work fine even if you only fill one of the folders to use one of the components.

    If updating from v1.1.0, follow normal update instructions.

    If updating from v1.0.3 or before, you must completely uninstall the mod by removing the following from BepInEx/plugins:

    The file "BobbysMusicPlayer.dll", the folder "CustomMenuMusic", and the folder "Soundtrack".

    As of v1.1.0, all 3 of these files/folders live within a new folder called "BobbysMusicPlayer" in BepInEx/plugins.

    Known bug: if you do not replace the raid end music, you will experience infinite loading. Will be fixed in upcoming version

  • Version 1.1.0

    New feature: Replace raid end music for failed and successful raids. Check mod overview page for details.

    Before updating from a previous version, you must completely uninstall the mod by removing the following from BepInEx/plugins:

    The file "BobbysMusicPlayer.dll", the folder "CustomMenuMusic", and the folder "Soundtrack".

    As of v1.1.0, all 3 of these files/folders will live within a new folder called "BobbysMusicPlayer" in BepInEx/plugins.

    If you have a music pack on the "Featured music packs" for this mod, please consider updating the folder structure to be in line with the above changes. I apologize for the inconvenience. In the case that a music pack author does not update their folder structure, the music pack should still work fine as long as the folders within "BobbysMusicPlayer" are empty, but if even one track is found in those folders, they will be used instead of anything found directly in BepInEx/plugins.

    If you do update your music pack's folder structure, please notify me.

    Known bug: Custom Menu Music will not play if Soundtrack folder is empty. Working on a fix

  • Version 1.0.3

    Soundtrack now starts when the player spawns, so it will no longer overlap with menu music.

  • Version 1.0.2

    Fixed bug where some users would not hear their main menu music anymore after doing a raid (huge thanks to Duff for finding the cause).
    Main menu music will also now shuffle after each raid, rather than looping the same playlist created on game start.



  • This one actually works! The other two i tried hung the game at loading screen. Thanks mate!

  • Would it be possible to have the in menu music also affect the radio in your hideout?

    • I'd love to add this option, but unfortunately I couldn't figure out how to. I might take another crack at it some day

  • Will there be map specific combat music in the future? ^^

    • Probably not, because I don't want to make another change to how files are organized within the subfolders, and I feel like I'm already pushing it with how many subfolders there are in my mod so I don't want to add even more and potentially overwhelm some users for a feature that I suspect only a few would use. But never say never

    • Alright all good!

  • Installing this mod causes the Bepinex F12 menu to appear, but no plugins are listed. Confirmed with uninstallation of this mod. I am also using other mods. No server errors were found during intialization, nor found in the log files.

    Just wanted to give you a heads up. But it could be compatibility on my end. Would adding too much of my own music cause this?

    • I haven't encountered or heard of this before, so I'd say make sure you're using version 1.2.3 if you're on SPT 3.10, and if you're on SPT 3.9, make sure you use version 1.2.2. You should be able to add as much music as you want without issues

  • Are you planning to update this mod to 3.10? because it's awesome audio replacer mod and willing to use it again ayaya

    Heart 1
    • Yes, I have exams this week so an update will most likely be next week

      Heart 2
    • Waiting for the update! I got a whole pack waiting for use!

  • Does anyone happen to know if there any part of this mod that can conflict with itself and prevent the UI deathsting sound/ song from playing? I don't have any other mod installed that I know of that affects that in any way, but I have added a lot of custom songs to the mod, but only 1 single death sting sound. It was playing fine when I first made it, but has recently stopped working all together. Does file type maybe matter aside from quality?

    • It should work as long as it's a supported file type. Maybe try using an audio type converter on your file and see if that fixes the issue.


      It was playing fine when I first made it, but has recently stopped working all together

      Do you mean an update broke it, or that it just randomly stopped working?

      Also, when you die, do you still hear the game's default death sting sound instead of your own?

    • I'll try converting it to a .ogg format and then will test again and report back. It just randomly stopped working though, it wasn't an update that broke it. I also don't hear the default death sting sound either now that you mention it. I'll also try to remove the "Death Music" songs I added and see if that makes any difference. Thanks for responding back, much appreciated.

  • One of my new favorite mods! Thank you for your hard work. Out of curiosity, is there a way to get music to play in the hideout as well? It's always bothered me that it's dead silent in there.

    • As of right now, I don't know how to allow players' music to play when in the hideout without it persisting even after they "ESC" out of the hideout and into their stash. Early versions of the mod actually had a bug where the in-raid soundtrack would start when you enter the hideout, and then it would overlap with the main menu music. Maybe some day I'll revisit it and work out a way to get custom hideout music to behave properly, playing and stopping when it should

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Gotcha, sounds like a challenge. Like I said, I was just curious. Thanks again!

  • I hope there will be more Music Packs later on, this mod is so nice and needed XD

  • Any way/any chance map-specific combat music can be added?

    • Definitely, but I chose to leave that out because I was worried that adding an additional folder for map specific combat music would lead to users getting (even more) confused by all the different Soundtrack subfolders. To be honest I also just didn't expect anyone to want map specific combat music, but it's pretty cool whenever I hear about people wanting to push what the mod is capable of, so I might reconsider in a future update.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • If it's possible, could you also consider adding boss specific combat music, and again if it's possible, different track selection options for day & night versions of maps?

    • To be honest I don't have the slightest clue how I could make a working boss music system. As far as day & night stuff, I'll definitely keep it in mind if I update the mod again

  • Any chance to add a function that play selected music while loading the raid, and possibly more option on change more UI sound? like clicking and selecting.

    Also, this mod needs to be known for more people!

    • Here's the full list of UI sounds from the game's code:

      BackpackClose, BackpackOpen, ButtonBottomBarClick, ButtonClick, ButtonOver, ChatSelect, ErrorMessage, InsuranceInsured, InsuranceItemOnInsure, MenuCheckBox, MenuContextMenu, MenuDropdown, MenuDropdownSelect, MenuEscape, MenuInspectorWindowClose, MenuInspectorWindowOpen, MenuInstallMag, MenuInstallModFunc, MenuInstallModGear, MenuInstallModVital, MenuMapTag, MenuModdingClose, MenuModdingOpen, MenuOpenContainer, MenuStock, MenuTraderPress, QuestCompleted, QuestFailed, QuestFinished, QuestStarted, QuestSubTrackComplete, RepairComplete, TradeOperationComplete, MenuWeaponAssemble, MenuWeaponDisassemble, TacticalClothingBuy, TacticalClothingApply, GeneratorTurnOn, GeneratorTurnOff, PlayerIsDead, MalfunctionExamined, AchievementCompleted.

      Since there's so many, I only chose the 8 that I thought players were most likely to want to mess with. If you think you or other players want to replace more sounds, such as clicking and selecting, then I can definitely add them in a future update, I just don't want the UISounds folder of my mod to be oversaturated and overwhelming for users.

    • Thanks for replying! as far as customize option goes, i think more is better, with proper instruction i think it wouldn't matter how many the folders are. Frankly speaking, what we have to do here is just picking the sound we like and put it inside the folder, no more config needed, is easy enough!

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Great mod, ty. Putting together a music pack, but noticed two things. The post-raid music comes in kinda loud; a volume slider for that would be nice if possible.
    Second, I am having this issue where it will only load the same 5-6 songs. Even after a raid and multiple game restarts. I've got 60+ all in the same format. Would be nice to increase the amount of songs loaded, but idk what's up with not getting new songs on restart. Thanks for your work on this.

    • I’m not sure about a slider for the post-raid music volume.

      As for the second thing, your songs should be getting randomized each time, but if you feel they aren’t properly, what you can do is increase the “playlist length” options in the F12 menu. The result will be an increase in load time, but you’ll have more songs in rotation.

    • Thanks for the reply. Thought there would be a song amount option. Actually both me and my friend are having this issue where not all F12 options are showing. I can't see the keybind options either. Prob not an issue with your mod, but any chance you've heard of that? nuking the config didn't work.

    • The "song amount" option is there, but it's more of a "playlist length" option. Meaning that rather than targeting a specific number of songs, it targets a specific duration to be met by the playlist that gets randomly generated. So if it's set to 50 minutes, then the mod will pick 50 minutes' worth of random music from your folder.

      Hopefully a dumb question, but do you have all of the boxes on the top of the F12 menu ticked? Some of the options in my mod are hidden under "advanced settings". Otherwise, make sure you're on the latest version.

      If you still have trouble with the F12 menu, try deleting the mod's .cfg file in BepInEx/config, and then try again.

    • Thanks, using the mp3s instead of oggs fixed the song not randomizing. Didn't think to check advanced settings, yeah 60 min is plenty. The keybinding settings still aren't showing up for some reason, but I can just edit them in the config. animeokay

    • Keybind settings have their own box at the top of the F12 menu, like the Advanced Settings. Are you able to view keybind settings for other mods, but not mine?

  • Can I just say thank you so much for adding jukebox controls, frickin' LOVE that feature dude. Now I'm just patiently waiting for the UI update that adds options to see tracklist;)

  • would it be possible to set single music folder for e.g. combat and menu music ? also, great mod, finally got rid of samswats custom music player

    • Are you asking if folders can have 1 single audio file instead of multiple audio files? If you are, the answer is yes

    • my bad, what i mean is set a single folder for multiple options, instead of having to duplicate music files across multiple folders for combat, main menu etc.

    • Not possible, sorry

  • great mod :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

    Heart 1
  • когда торгуешь на барахолке, музыка заикается, установлена последняя версия

  • Hi Bobby,
    Im expiriencing some trouble with (Combat music) update,
    First run was good, but now for some reason i have a bug. When im in hideout, and back again music is still missing, and in raid, after i load, all seems to be good, but when i turn on my NVG, music stops when you open inventory or loot someone, or hit ESC button. And play again when you repeat same thing.
    Its like i hit pause button on the player, but im never change your bindings
    With all my mods it never be a problem on the old version of your excelent mod, but now it is, for some reason :(

    • I'm not able to replicate these issues. Can you first make sure that you the mod is installed correctly, and then come talk to me in this mod's thread in the SPT Discord?

    • That was some issues in configs of some other mod, idk. Cause with same modlist but default config settings everithing fine

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Yeah for some reason my in-raid music player function ain't working. Anything to fix that?

  • Hello, just wanted to thank you for the mod, and to just mention that if one of the sound folders is left empty then the game will softlock at some point (for example, if you have no extract music in the respective folder, the game will softlock=get stuck loading in the splash screen after you extract because there's no audio to play)

    • Yeah that’s a bad one. Thanks for letting me know, expect a fix within a couple hours

  • Hey Bobby,
    I have a crazy idea recently!
    Is that hard to make custom sounds to Quest "all goals achieved", and Quest Completed sound?
    My idea is "yamete kudasai" sound for the first, and "AHHHH" Sound for the second one))
    I know that am a wierdo here, but in my head it sound fun as hell :D :S

  • Fuck Yes Bobby!

    One of my top five mods.

  • Bobby,

    Thanks for your hard work!! I have a request. is it possible we can get a jukebox player in the F12 menu that allows us to select previous/next song? Also, can we get a small overlay in near one of the corners in the main menu when in our stash/hideout that shows what song is playing? Thank you, love your mod!!!

    • To be honest, I'd love to have an overlay like that, but it's beyond my abilities right now. As for the jukebox idea, I don't think I'd be able to do it for the menu music since BSG's code handles the playing and timing of menu music. It's probably doable for the In-Raid Soundtrack, but this isn't a feature that I currently plan on adding.

      Glad you're enjoying the mod

    • Thanks for taking the time to respond, and, I understand. Maybe one day. Cheers!

    • I found that if you use the Prop's Pause mod, when you pause the game it will move to the next song.

    • Hey Draeger, when you get a chance, stop by this mod's thread in the SPT Discord.

      I'm testing some new features and the jukebox is one of them

  • I get a GClass761 error when loading your mods last version, i checked with previous version where everything (sounds folder, dll) in bepinex/plugins was in same CustomMenuMusic folder

    [Error  : Unity Log] MissingMethodException: bool GClass761.IsNullOrEmpty<!0>(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<!!0>)
    Stack trace:
    (wrapper dynamic-method) EFT.UI.GUISounds.DMD<EFT.UI.GUISounds::method_3>(EFT.UI.GUISounds)
    EFT.TarkovApplication+Struct311.MoveNext () (at <4fb754f462ec426c9c29bb2049f0ec6b>:0)
    • Quote

      i checked with previous version where everything (sounds folder, dll) in bepinex/plugins was in same CustomMenuMusic folder

      I'm not sure what you meant by this. There should only be 1 .dll from my mod, it's called "BobbysMusicPlayer.dll" and it should be in BepInEx/Plugins. The BepInEx/Plugins folder should also have a folder called "CustomMenuMusic" which should have a subfolder called "sounds" that holds all of the audio files (mp3, wav, ogg). Make sure all of the files and folders are in the right places without any extras or duplicates, and that you don't have one of my previous mods still installed (CustomMenuMusic.dll and SoundtrackMod.dll).

  • Hello,author,may I share your MOD on ODDBA ?

    Thank you very much if you can!


  • thank you immense amounts for the mod, was fiending for something like this, EXPECIALLY the in raid stuff. I'm prob gonna edit some clips and make a mod that makes it feel like you've got a radio or something. Regardless thank you once again my friend. Would it ever be possible to add sync for FIKA so that everyone hear the same track?

    • Right now I don’t really know anything about how Fika works, but I do like the idea of syncing music for all players in a session. I’ll keep it in mind.

      Also your radio idea is brilliant

      Heart 1
  • Nice to have solid music mod and thank you so much of the brilliant idea to not spam the hub with music packs. 10/10.

    Heart 1
  • you should post a kofi, I want to pay for this...

    I asked about the feasibility of a mod precisely like this one a while ago on the SPT subreddit and no one understood why I couldn't just play music through WASAPI. I'm so i m m e r s e d rn.

    Heart 1
    • That won't happen, but I really appreciate it.

      I'm glad other people also see the value in having an in-game soundtrack

  • Bobby, is there an opportunity to implement a feature in the mod to replace the soundtrack without leaving the game? For example, to select a folder with music in the folder with the mod. Will you be able to implement the function of music records from CS:GO-CS2 to replace music in the menu, at the beginning of the raid, at the end of the raid and at the death of the character?

    • That sounds interesting but it’s probably not something I’ll be attempting too soon. If at some point I do decide to work on it, I’ll message you about it

      Thumbs Up 1
    • I would like this to happen as soon as possible. I just tested the soundtrack mod, and the idea is really interesting, but in most cases the music just doesn't fit into the Tarkov atmosphere on a regular basis, if it were possible to change the soundtrack from calm to aggressive during shootings, it would be a real theme. Good luck with new developments :)

    • You’re welcome to come discuss the details of your idea in this mod’s thread in the SPT Discord.

  • installed mod, installed sound pack, still hearing the default music, i dont know

    • Did you use a music pack from the featured list? If so, which one?

    • i used this one, Cross - Better Half Soundtrack, mind that i had this problem even with the old mods for music, i always wanted to add music but i just cant, all other mods i have work all as intended, this one never worked for me, i installed the mod then installed the music pack that did go into the custom folder but nothing

    • Go to your BepInEx folder and send the logs to bobby_renzobbi on Discord. I’ll take a look when I get a chance

    • i've sent to you in dms

  • Hey there, I love the mod and the play list choices.

    Minor issue, when I start SPT the music plays just fine, but after a raid the music doesn't play anymore...just eerie silence.

    I'm playing over Fika as well, so maybe that has something to do with it?

    • If you used either of my other mods (Add In-Raid Soundtrack and Replace Menu Music), did you make sure to uninstall them before installing this mod?

      Also, try the volume slider in the F12 menu under "BobbysMusicPlayer 0.0.1", and make sure that the F12 menu doesn't include "SoundtrackMod 0.0.1"

      Edit: Fixed in v1.0.2

    • Thank you for the rapid update.

      Quick question though, do you know how to access the pathing for music that plays in the hideout?

      I'd love to tweak that with some guitar riffs for fun.