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Available Energy Drinks
Energy Drink Stock and Effects
Blue Monster
increases scavenging speed and alertness. Available at level 1 Therapist
Green Monster
Provides minor boosts to stamina. Available at level 2 Therapist
White Monster
Slightly increases scavenging speed, alertness, and stamina. Available at level 2 Therapist
Strawberry Monster
Provides minor stamina boosts, health regeneration and health skill increases. Available at level 3 Therapist
Strawbango Margarita Ghost
Moderately Increases stamina and provides a slight increase to weight limit capacity. Available at level 3 Therapist
NOS Energy
Massively increases stamina, however provides major energy depletion after effects wear off. Available at level 4 Therapist
Starbucks Double Shot
Provides a long-lasting boost to stamina and alertness. Available only from flea market or found in-raid
C4 Starburst
Provides a long-lasting boost to stamina, alertness, and scavenging speed. Available only from flea market or found in-raid
Rockstar Original
Extremely long-lasting boosts to stamina . Available only from flea market or found in-raid
Pipeline Punch Monster
Increases stamina, slight health regeneration, and massive boosts to alertness and scavenging. Available only from flea market or found in-raid
Rainbow Unicorn Bang
Increases stamina skills and slightly reduces damage taken. Available only from flea or found in-raid
The Doctor Monster
Provides massive health regeneration, minor damage reduction and increased stamina. Available only from flea or found in-raid
Aussie Lemonade Monster
Extremely rare energy drink that massively increases stamina, health regeneration, and reduces damage taken.
Available only from flea or found in-raid
In-raid Loot Spawns
All energy drinks can be found in-raid in loot containers and loose loot spawns around each map. (spawn rates are configurable in the config)
Be sure to check out the config file as most energy drink properties can be easily edited like disabling certain energy drinks, prices, spawn rates, and disabling buff effects.
How To Install
Open Downloaded zip file, then drag and drop 'user' file into your SPT directory. Done!
Be sure to check out the config file as the energy drinks prices and spawn rates can be edited
If you like what I do and want to support me you can always buy me a coffee
Version 1.0.3
- Hood
SPT 3.10.x
- Added three new energy drinks
- Rockstar Original Energy Drink
- C4 Starburst Energy Drink
- Starbucks Double Shot Energy Drink
- Lowered carry weight of all energy drinks
- Lowered spawn chances of many energy drinks
- Slight balancing adjustments for a few drinks
- energy and hydration now increases overtime instead of all at once when drinking energy drinks
- Fixed label texture clipping that occured on the top and bottom edges of can labels
- Fixed incorrect can rotation during drinking animation
- Replaced red bull can model with a higher quality model
- Slightly slowed down animation speed when drinking energy drinks
Version 1.0.2
- Hood
SPT 3.9.x
- Added ability to store energy drinks in hall of fame room
- (they aren't currently facing the right direction, something I'll look into in the future)
Version 1.0.1
- Hood
- Added 2 new energy drinks
- Red Bull Energy Drink
- Red Bull Red Edition Watermelon Energy Drink
- Reduced spawn chances for all energy drinks
- Added loot spawn weights for all energy drinks to the config for easy changes
- Fixed incorrect flea market category for all energy drinks
- slight balancing changes to some energy drinks
Version 1.0.0
- Hood
Hood Author
Have a suggestion for this mod or encounter a bug? Please comment your feedback! I appreciate all feedback as I want to make this mod more enjoyable for all. Balancing is a little all over the place, suggestions for balancing is also welcomed.
Just got it downloaded. I noticed that the new drinks are in the gear>storage containers category and not in drinks?
Hood Author
I'll look into fixing this
Thank you!
Just saw this and I was dying laughing when I saw it was in storage containers
They are not simply drinks, they are tightly packed energy in a container
Pleaseee add Mango Loco Monster
how does this mod spawn the drinks out of any container (loose loot)? and why I haven't seen any other mod doing that haha nice mod
Love how i can put them in the hall of fame, even if they are facing the wrong way lol. it looks so damn good
speaking of which how do you go about doing that? i noticed you cant put the Viibin sneaker, kunai and a lot of other items in the hall of fame and would love to change that but the only experience i have is adjusting armor and weapon based things and really only light stuff at that.
Hood Author
In the mod.ts file lines 93-108 of the energy drink mod is where I add all the energy drinks to the hall of fame. If you don't know much about creating mods or writing code, here is a solution that can be copy an pasted to replace lines 93-108. Using this new code all you have to do is add the item ids that you want to add to the hall of fame into itemsToAdd.
You're the GOAT thank you so much
is v1.0.3 for SPT 3.9.8 or 3.10.1?
Hood Author
awesome, thank you for putting this together. I love the variety
please gib us 3.10 update
Hood Author
soon soon
huge W
Cool mod! I wish the cans looked more metallic.
Now add even more drinks
love the mod, trying to collect atleast 1 of each. i wondering possible to add the best monster flavour? it's called " Nitro " cheers
i love lnitro just can never find them in stores
I need more soda
Can I change the description and item name? What should I do?
Hi you can, just look for item name & change it in the db folder
thank u, i found it , It is in HoodsEnergyDrinks\src\itemCreateHelper
epic mod, since you kinda got the consumable part going, any chance of adding coffee and potentially being able to smoke cigs with effects? Or maybe zaza? I know its kinda far fetched that would be epic baller moment x9999. Great work btw. Love the mods!!!
edit: is there a way to change prices or weight?
pretty heavy and cost alot.
Smoke 500 cigs
brilliant mate thanks
any way to adjust the weight of the items?
1.6kg is pheavy. a 500ml alu can is 15g so most of the drinks should be 520g or so. idk about the redbull.
figured out a way to do it. get this mod then add the following -
to your custom weight config under the specific items section.
You can change it but I figured out as the monsters clone Vodka, you would have to change the value of vodka & that changes all the cans. I went into templates, items.json & Ctrl + F searched the ID of vodka & then just edited the weight down to 0.4kg. Hope this helps.
yeah thats what i did too originally but it still irked me
Any chance of adding Rockstar? I know this isn't a bug report, but it'd be sweet if Rockstar was added and it had more of a 50/50 balance. Half buff, half debuff. Drink responsibly, eh?
need this for realism. Where it just gives you a heart attack when you drink too much.
Thank you, now my caffeine consumption is up 1000% from last week.
The Musical Soldier
We are missing one very imporant energy drink
my comment got buried but can you make them placeable in the hall of fame?
Hood Author
check the latest patch notes
thank you, sir
It seems like the animation when opening the can is a bit too fast? Not as slow as the normal can opening which is already in game.
Hood Author
You should have seen the first iteration of the energy drink, it was soo damn fast. I'll look into it in the future, recompiling the assets over and over to test the speed is a real pain
energy drink drinkers>>coffee drinkers>>tea drinkers
So none of your Energy Drinks buff "Mag Drills" like the Vanilla BSG Energy Drinks?
Hood Author
They could and probably should, I didn't really think about that when making them
would love to see stuff like 5hr energy and C4 Energy too, this is my fav mod rn because it is easy easy money early wipe
Amazing! Awesome mod idea & a lot of fun to use. Please can you add Relentless in if possible please. TYSM!
hey,can you add the white redbull pls ?
Hood Author
I found a usable white red bull label so I'll just say maybe... depends on what else I decide to add in future updates, as I'm not sure when I'll hit the limit of adding too many energy drinks
Hey, that looks like a sexy 1.0.1 update to me. Nice changes and I'm looking forward to playing with it.
would be nice to see lesser but longer lasting effects, maybe with somewhat less downsides but as another energy drink. also would be funny to see a gonster, which is pretty much beer and monster