Southern-Hemisphere-Seasons 1.2.0

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The Southern-Hemisphere-Seasons mod aligns the in-game seasons with the real-world seasons for players in the Southern Hemisphere.

Automatically adjusts the in-game season based on the southern hemisphere dates and the system date, ensuring that the season reflects the real-world time of year.


1. Download and Extract: Download the mod package zip from releases and extract it into your SPT directory.

2. Configuration:
   - The mod comes with a config.json file where you can enable or disable various features like fog reduction, rain reduction, and clear skies.
   - The weatherconfigadvanced.json file allows for detailed customization of weather parameters for each season. Don't change these values unless you really have to.

Configuration Options:

The mod includes several configuration options that can be adjusted in config/config.json:

- enable: Toggle the mod on or off.
- consoleMessages: Enable or disable console messages for debugging.
- lessFog: Reduce fog intensity across all seasons.
- lessRain: Reduce the frequency and intensity of rain.
- clearSkies: Increase the likelihood of clear skies.

How It Works:

1. Season Determination: The mod calculates the current season based on the server’s system date and time. It follows the Southern Hemisphere's seasonal calendar:

   - Summer: December 1 to Feb 28
   - Autumn: March 1 to May 31
   - Winter: June 1 to August 31
   - Spring: September 1 to November 30

2. Weather Application: Based on the determined season, the mod applies the appropriate weather configuration as defined in weatherconfigadvanced.json.

3. Persistence: The mod recalculates the season on each server start, ensuring that the correct season is always in effect.

Known Issues:

- The mod defaults to summer if there is any issue determining the current season.
- Ensure the server’s time zone is correctly configured, as the mod relies on the system date to determine the season.


This mod is provided as-is, with no official support.

It is intended for tinkerers and advanced users who understand how to modify and troubleshoot their game environment.

Please make sure to back up your game and mod files before making any changes.


This mod is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.


DewardianDev for the original All The Seasons mod which this is based on.

  • Version 1.2.0

    Initial hub release.

    Please use the comment section for any issues/questions.

  • Gracias! :love:

  • Cant wait to play the Escape from New Zealand

    • Meanwhile in South Africa...we're all playing Escape to New Zealand

  • bro i WISH i lived in the southern hemisphere

    Happy 1
    • bro i WISH i didn't lived in the southern hemisphere


    simple as

  • Desde Argentina te digo " muchas gracias"

    Heart 1