RCTA - Gundam [CODMW3] 1.0.1

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Mobile Suit – XVX-016 Gundam from the Call of Duty X Gundam Collaboration from MW3

RCTA - Gundam [CODMW3]


Mod Description

  • I know some of the tops seem a little unnecessary BUT trust me it's needed, the tops of the "glow" variants look a little off because I had to use a separate material to enable emissive. I'm trying to improve with every post I do here and have learned so much about these cod models that should improve the quality of them. A big thing is those dark or pitch-black looking materials should be fixed from now on when working with cod models in any of my future posts. I know there's like 3 other Gundam things and calling it just "Gundam" is kind of stupid, especially if I wanna upload the other ones BUT I'm too lazy to fix it after I've already done it all.

Mod Includes

  • RCTA Gundam A [Top] (BEAR/USEC) (RAGMAN)
  • RCTA Gundam B [Top] (BEAR/USEC) (RAGMAN)
  • RCTA Gundam C [Top] (BEAR/USEC) (RAGMAN)
  • RCTA Gundam D [Top] (BEAR/USEC) (RAGMAN)
  • RCTA Gundam Glow A [Top] (BEAR/USEC) (RAGMAN)
  • RCTA Gundam Glow B [Top] (BEAR/USEC) (RAGMAN)
  • RCTA Gundam Glow C [Top] (BEAR/USEC) (RAGMAN)
  • RCTA Gundam Glow D [Top] (BEAR/USEC) (RAGMAN)
  • RCTA Gundam [Bottom] (BEAR/USEC) (RAGMAN)



  • Infinity Ward, Sledgehammer Games
  • GrooveypenguinX for framework


  • This is a funny question but is there a way to make sure that bots don't wear the Gundam model clothes?

    Also could be another mod doing it too but if you have heard of it doing this it would be epic if I can ensure it replace actual bot clothing

    Small issue ofc and the model looks great, just spooks me sometimes seeing a pmc half mech lmaoo

  • 请问,安装了这个模组之后,我怎么在游戏中获得这件衣服,或者怎么换上它

    • Wtt - Head & voice selector mod for the head and the outfit is under Ragman > Services

  • How can I put the gundam head in the character ?

    • Wtt - Head & voice selector mod (I'm beyond late at this reply sorry)

  • Does this mod need other API mod support ?

    • No, shouldn't need anything.

  • Now we need a Strike Freedom PMC skin.

  • sieg zeon

    Heart 1
  • 太cool了!牛逼! :thumbup:

  • Imagine being head eyes'd by a fucking dude in a gundam cosplay

    • imagine not being head eyes'd by a fucking dude in a gundam cosplay

      Happy 1
    • It's called "New tpye", ever heard of it?

      Heart 1
  • MY GIF WONT WORK AND ITS MY FAVORITE y.y (it work now)