Summer and Autumn Clothing 1.0.1

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  • Would/could you, by chance, add in a gear camo mod using these camo patterns? I think these are some of my favorite camos you've uploaded but there's really nothing that matches with it. Even something as small as coyote brown gear would honestly work too.

    Heart 1
    • yes I'm currently developing such a mod


    Happy 1
    • wait a little longer and I'll add A-tacs FG clothing and gear soon

      Heart 4
  • issue with hand texture on summer field tops. watch is still slightly there.

    • you mean shadow?

    • no. on the wrist where the watch usually is, there is still part of it left.

    • I don’t understand what you’re talking about, I just reviewed the models, and the first-person model doesn’t have a clock, but the clothes model has them, but I don’t think that’s critical

    • I will try to get a screenshot for you so you can see what I mean. but sidenote: thanks for making these Camos! been waiting for someone to do it.

      Heart 1
    • file:///C:/Users/fmich/Documents/Escape%20from%20Tarkov/Screenshots/2024-10-28[20-48]_-2.5,%201.5,%209.5_0.2,%200.0,%200.0,%201.0%20(0).png

      hope this link works.

      look at the wrist

  • yes love the ratnik gear for my bear bots

    Heart 1