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Insurance4Labs adds fence to the list of insurance providers in game, the only difference being he is able to get your items back from labs. By default he has the same stats as Prapor but with a higher cost and a lower return chance, however these are fully customizable if you're like me and play with custom insurance settings.
Configuration (found in config/config.json)
"FenceInsuranceMinHour": the minimum number of hours insurance takes to get returned to you from fence(must be a whole number)
"FenceInsuranceMaxHour": the maximum number of hours insurance takes to get returned to you from fence(must be a whole number)
"FenceMaxStorageTime": the amount of time in hours before your insurance expires
"FenceInsurancePriceCoef": the percentage of the item's cost you have to pay to insure it
"FenceInsuranceReturnChance": the percentage chance you get an item back
Credit for the mod idea goes to bushtail on the Project FIKA discord
Version 1.0.0
- LeftHandedCat