Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
This is simply an update to the CNN - CONTAINERS 3.1.0 mod for SPT v3.9.X.
No other changes or additions have been made.
Download and Extract: Download the mod package zip and extract it into your SPT directory.
- RECYCLED AMMO BAG : In this container you can put all the ammunition to take you on a raid and keep them safe in the Secure Container.
This container is purchasable from Prapor at level 1.
- MOD CASE : In this container you can place all the Mod items for weapons.
This container is purchasable from Peacekeeper at level 1.
- SMALL TOOLBOX : In this container you can place all the Barter Items.
This container is purchasable from Mechanic at level 1.
- GEAR BOX : In this container you can put your clothing (VEST, RIG, BACKPACK).
This container is purchasable from Ragman at level 1.
- RECYCLED FAK : In this container you can place all medical items.
This container is purchasable from Therapist at level 1.
- SMALL PORTABLE FRIDGE : In this container you can place all provisions items.
This container is purchasable from Jaeger at level 1.
This mod is provided as-is, with no official support.
This mod is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
Cannuccia for the original CNN_Container mod.
Version 3.2.0
- Dildz
Does anyone know if there's a way to get this working on 3.10?
Go into your database/templates/items
search for the gamma or whatever and add the id code for those two items under the filter
gamma id : 665ee77ccf2d642e98220bca
scroll down a bit until you see this part :
"_name": "main",
"_id": "665ee77ccf2d642e98220bcb",
"_parent": "665ee77ccf2d642e98220bca",
"_props": {
"filters": [
"Filter": [
Add them in this bulk of ID's, be use to use "", if you add in the middle of the code block.
you will have to do the same for alpha/beta/ep/kappa if you run a standard /zero to hero account or something.
Dildz Author
thanks for your suggestion, i tried the following & not getting it working:
and created a new ID for the 3 containers in mod's items.json
[replacing name & parent (under Grids) with the new ID's]
i'll be trying to figure out how to rework this to use mongoID's instead for 3.10.
i've also updated the modpage to include the source code on github.
I added them to my game as shown above and can put your cases in the secure container without any issues.
Actually I even added the med case your created to my special slot 1.
Dildz Author
Recycled Ammo Bad & Recycled FAK cannot be placed into secure container.
I'll see what I can do about this later...