Rethinking secure containers 1.0.1

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It's not supposed to be easy in Tarkov

  • Version 1.0.1

    Barter for the Secure Alpha container has been changed

    Now the mod does not add a new barter for the Peacekeeper trader, but modifies the existing barter

  • Version 1.0.0

  • Does this work with 3.10?

  • Does the mod include the Theta container from ref?

    • Hi. No, the mod does not include the Theta container, it's hard to get it as it is. If you have any ideas, tell me and I will try to implement it.

    • The balance question is: how soon would you get Theta compared to any other containers in a mediocre playthrough? And besides, do you mean changes of its insides? 'cuz price is obv not the factor here.

  • If you really want to make this hard, remove the dollar offer for Alpha, it's pretty easy to fulfill tbh.

    Apart from this, good idea for a mod.

    Heart 1
    • Hold my beer

    • Updated. Now the mod does not add a new offer, but modifies an existing offer. The offer for dollars will no longer be available.

      Enjoy the game :)

    • Here comes the pain. Heheh.

      Happy 1