Gunsmith Tweaks 3.0.0

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Makes Mechanic actually gives guns.

RuKira's Gunsmith Tweaks


I personally hate how Mechanic wants you to build a gun, but makes you go buy them or find them. It's not lore accurate in my opinion. So now Mechanic gives you the weapon he wants you to build, but only the base. You still have to mod it. Mechanic finally did something and found the weapons himself.

Does not change:

  • Gunsmith Part 2: Gun already supplied
  • Gunsmith Part 25: The challenge is getting the gun itself

Dose not change (Lore Accurate):

  • Gunsmith Part 1: Starting Quest
  • Gunsmith Part 2: Starting Quest
  • Gunsmith Part 3: Starting Quest
  • Gunsmith Part 16: 3 Items... Not complex enough.


QCAdjustments - RootsNine tested this personally; should be working.


defaultRewards -

This will disable or enable the mod itself, this exist for people that want to quickly disable the mod without having to uninstall it... for some reason?

loreAccurate -

Mechanic needs you to build a gun, sometimes he has the parts, sometimes he doesn't.

Not all parts should be found/bought he should have some parts on him and just wants you to build it. That's where this setting comes in.

I have hand selected parts for each gunsmith to give the player to build that I feel is LoreAccruate to Mechanic.

This feature mainly exist for my friends and I, so there's a config to straight up disable this feature.

If defaultRewards is disabled this is also disabled.

Enabled by default.

Planned Features

[UPDATE] Updated descriptions for Mechanic Gunsmith Quest to fit my new system.

[UPDATE] Prapor's Quest? Maybe..

Shameless Plug

[MOD] SPT-AllInOne - Trader/Quest/Presets Creation Tool

[MOD] RuKira Tweaks - Changes to everyday stuff that isn't dedicated to a single WHOLE feature.
[MOD] Cultist Tweaks - Changes to the cultist circle; allowing for custom crafts, timer adjustments, and more

[MOD] Event Tweaks - Changes to events that allow you to enable or disable certain events in-game while also remaking lost in time event quest

Special Thanks

Dirtbikercj - For helping me get started, showing me how to make this mod, and explaining how to rework my mod.

acidphantasm - Helping me debug why my mod was failing, and helping rework my mod to fit a better flow provided by Cj.

Jehree - For trying to assist and making me push to GitHub, and dealing with my slowness to figure things out.

sgtlaggy - For the mod example, giving me a little assistance in making this (even though it was indirect)
RootsNine - For testing QCAdjustments with this mod. You can use both!
McDewgle - For the always funny, and sarcastic commentary in SPT Discord!

@SPTTeam - For the whole ability to make / add this mod to SPT

  • Version 3.0.0

    The complete rewrite of the mod is finished.

    You won't notice anything on your side, but it will make developing this mod much easier and overall speed of plans I have for this mod.

    I really want to thank acidphantasm for the help in getting me after 3 days of struggling.

    Reporting a issue?

    Please @ me on discord using RuKira and tell me of the issue, since this is a full rewrite, reports are needed.

    Updating from old version?

    Remove the old `Rukira-GunsmithTweaks` and upload the new folder. A complete reinstall is recommended as I reworked the mod and changed config settings around. If you were directed here, after not reading these... do let me know.

    Virus Total Link:…381f779c3ab5a11aa85a2020e

  • Version 2.0.0

    Because of the Database Website being behind from 3.10 - if you come across any problems with Items, be it the Type, Color, or such with Lore Accurate enabled. Please inform me. I tried to test this as much as possible, up to 5 times.

    This version releases the new Lore Accurate mode. Lore Accurate mode is enabled by default and will give you the items I have deemed fit from Mechanic to give the user to assist in Gunsmith that I feel fit there. This mode is mainly for me and my friends, and can be disabled via the Config.

    The next release is going to be a overhaul of the mod itself. Mod.ts is 4000 lines long.
    The release after that will update the description of the gunsmith quest to fit the changes I have made here.

    Thank you all that use this mod, and thank you anyone who decides to report any issues you come across.
    You can also @ me on discord RuKira if you have any questions.

    Virus Total Link:…f7c9f2c2e5b24e8c810b65f14

  • Version 1.7.0

  • I agree with your opinion.
    My job is 'modding' gun, not acquiring it. I guess

  • This mod is absolute fantastic! Definitely a must grab.

  • Another mod I had no idea i needed. Nice idea, thanks.

    Thumbs Up 2
    • Thank you :)

      It will get much better once I finish the second idea for it.

    • I'm intrigued

    • Released my good friend.

      Thumbs Up 1