Tarkov Gym AHK 1.0

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An AutoHotKey script that allows you to click 14 / 15 times in the gym minigame

Tired of hitting the circle by yourself? With this script you can hit 14 / 15 times in the gym and waste no strength!


How to use:

  1. Downloaded AHK script put in the easy directory to use
  2. In the game walk to the gym and hover on "Use gym" interaction
  3. Make sure to have binded interaction key as "F" in the game
  4. Turn on the AHK script
  5. Press F in the game (hovered on interaction)
  6. Enjoy your 14 / 15 hits (worst case 13 / 15)
  7. Close script by pressing ESC button.

Video demo...

Enjoy AFK exercising!
