Basic Flea Options 1.0.0

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Mod that provides some basic options for adjusting Flea Market things.

Basic Flea Options

The default config is vanilla settings! You will need to change them to your liking.


Icon made with all CC0 assets.

  • Can there be an option to adjust barter chances on the flea too?

    • Like, percentage chance that an offer on Flea will be a barter instead of money?

      Looks easy enough, I should be able to add that in.

  • you can add yet:
    ragfairConfig.dynamic.offerItemCount.min = 2; //default 7
    ragfairConfig.dynamic.offerItemCount.max = 6; //default 30
    ragfairConfig.dynamic.priceRanges.default.min * 1.2; //increases price by 1.2
    ragfairConfig.dynamic.priceRanges.default.max * 1.2;
    ragfairConfig.dynamic.priceRanges.preset.min * 1.2;
    ragfairConfig.dynamic.priceRanges.preset.max * 1.2;
    ragfairConfig.dynamic.priceRanges.pack.min * 1.2;
    ragfairConfig.dynamic.priceRanges.pack.max * 1.2;
    ragfairConfig.sell.time.min = 4; //in minutes
    ragfairConfig.sell.time.max = 65; //theoretically does nothing
    ragfairConfig.tieredFlea.enabled = true; //unlock items on flea by player lvl (configurable)

    • Someone else can add that into their own mod if they want to

      This is "Basic" Flea Options for a reason