Reider123-AdvancedPMC 4.3.0

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If you have any issue w/ this mod, please DM me. I will fix it ASAP. I personally make this mod by cherry-picking from Reider123-ServerMOD(personal mod). so something could go wrong. if so, please let me know.

For anyone w/ issues about PMC spawning: Since there's new mechanism of spawning PMCs in my mod, use "As Online" difficulty only.

If you have any issue w/ this mod, please DM me. I will fix it ASAP.

*I personally make this mod by cherry-picking from Reider123-ServerMOD(personal mod). so something could go wrong. if so, please let me know.

*bot inventories are edited so that PMCs have a lot advanced gears

*bot in impossible difficulty is REALLY difficult.

*PMCs' names are from r1ft-BotNames-1.0.0

Install Instruction:

paste Reider123-AdvancedPMC folder to "YOUR_SERVER_FOLDER"/user/mods

  • Hi! Is it possible to take only custom pmc names from this mod? Or where to get r1ft-BotNames-1.0.0 only?

    • Hey the files that interest you are in the bots/inventory folder. Look for "firstName".

  • how to change the difficulty?

  • will this work with AKI 1.4.* or not recommended?

  • Is it normal that the generated pmc are highly aggressive and rush you with the same force as god slapped lucifer to hell? i tried 3 times in a row in factory and wasnt playable. currently using 4.1.1 for R7 realease maybe is the release version the problem?

    Haha 1
    • reason why i cant play this mod, i like it..but it rushes you melee and one taps,and sometimes if they are 2 or 3 they all rush in you

  • i was sent here from the merge asking about weather changes and notice you successfully changed the fog?

    is this working? do you know how to change the other weather? the default weather commands seem to not function and its all only placebo, im trying to make everything totally sunny all the time for example

  • all bots on the map come as pmc. how can i change this. like in the online game. in factory i killed 25 pmc :) i want a little bit scav :)

    • I believe factory is bugged try another map and report back if issue persists.

  • Server doesn't connect with launcher with this mod

    • Then you have a conflict, what other mods are you running?

      Try removing each one in turn to see which one is causing the issue because I have this mod working fine, only time I had your issue was when I accidently left Fin's AI Tweaks activated at the same time.

    • It is because of this mod that the server does not start

  • does pmc bots roam the map ? i have a impression they only are at some specified points , like customs gas station choke point

    • They will spawn at preset points but won't travel across the map. You can do what I do and use CP's Spawn Rework to make the PMC's (and other bots) spawn in waves in differing numbers at different times to simulate PMC's moving into different areas. At present the AI have no pathfinding logic so you can't make them move to different areas or give them waypoints etc. Maybe one day this will be added, I can see it being a great addition to the game if and when it goes open world but I'm more sceptical of that being a thing every day.

  • hey! thx for great mod.

    i really enjoy with this.

    but there`s a lil prob.

    in factory(i guess maybe occur in other map. but can`t check it) PMC only spawn at first time.

    is there any way to fix this?

  • king of bot mod is back!

  • Any word on getting an update for bleeding edge? I'd love to try an AI update with the latest version of Tarkov.

    • Author was not online since Feb 14th. Working on migration for B1. Wait for announcement later today.

  • How I can turn off Spawn Waves please ? They keep respawning very lagging. Thanks

  • I want it to be easier, its on like a seven, I want it at like a three.

  • Congratulations for the good work

    but there is no way bots will have a much higher difficulty level like EFT online, even at in impossible difficulty it is too easy, the bots fire, fire but very difficult to hit you...


  • Im playing on version 4.1.1. im also using fins ai tweaks so idk if its overlapping but pmcs sprint for too long and dont stop until right in your face so its kinda easy to kill them. is there a way to make them run less? or were they stop running before they get right up on you so they have a better chance to shoot?

    • I think in code there is a 100% chance to get CursedAssault bot, shoud explain the problem. Edit code and replace with 10 for example. I didn't test it, just watch the code very quickly and seems to be an issue if I understand the code correctly.