Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to bans.
Prapor is kind today, so he gives you these two guns for only 100 rubles.
In addition prapor gives:
- AGS 30-round box (actually 100)
- 30x29mm VOG-30
- NSV 100-rounds belt (for NSV)
- 12.7x108mm B-32 (Damage: 182, Penetration: 88)
- 12.7x108mm BZT-44M (Damage: 199, Penetration: 80)
WATCH OUT ! EFT does not provide for the reloading of these guns, so an attempt to recharge it by pressing R will lead to frozen hands bag.
In order to reload a weapon, you need to move it to the inventory (it takes only 2 cells), right-click>select discharge>drag a new magazine to weapon.
In addition, box and belt models are not drawn in the inventory, so it's easy to miss them. Rock will explain.
Version 1.0.4
- Local Crew
updated for 3.9.8
AGS and NSV are again simply available for purchase from the prapor -
Version 1.0.3
- Local Crew
Upd fo 3.5.x
Version 1.0.2
- Local Crew
Updated for aki 3.4.1
Version 1.0.1
- Local Crew
Updated for aki 3.2.4
Version 1.0.0
- Local Crew
Guys, who wants it on spt 3.8.x change package.json
sptVersion to akiVersion
and ur version after
my config:
"name": "AGS_NSV",
"author": "author",
"version": "1.0.0",
"license": "license",
"main": "src/ags_nsv.js",
"akiVersion": "3.8.3"
is this mod ever going to be updated/have an updated version?
Neither of the magazines are sold by Prapor, despite the image on the mod page. After installing, Bluehead's AIO trader has tons of problems with items being unpurchaseable that were buyable previously.
Love the mod concept. Thanks for the update. I'm still using older SPT-AKI 3.5.x due to having a potato PC
I see the previous version file is not available after you just updated it. Any chance of getting access to version 1.0.3? Thanks in advance
Local Crew Author
bro, I changed absolutely nothing except the aki version in the package.json file, so even the (((newer))) version should work
устанавливаю мод но у прапара толька агс и иногда поевляеться нсв магазинов нету не подскажете вчем промблема
I install the mod, but the prapara has only ags and sometimes there are no nsv stores, can you tell me what the promblema is
Local Crew Author
есть у него все, лучше ищи
картинка у ленты разная у меня было как магаз для мосинки например. просто названия посмотри или повторки
not able to download
try again and refresh the page
обнови ссылку на скачивание пожалуйста:)
infos on the ammo and guns are all in russian and the animation in preset edit is all messed up, you can't see the weapon.
Local Crew Author
the animation is not messed up, it's just that stationary weapons are not meant to be carried, so it is what it is.
In addition, the mod SamSWAT Artillery Support, changes the AGS-30 and vog-30, so that it is impossible to shoot from it.
Most likely most people have his mod installed, so I just recreated the AGS and ammo, with Russian locales, because it's my native language, and because the mod make just fo fun:)
But there is nothing stopping you from making normal animations and adding more locales to the weapon, in fact, you can even release it as your own mod.
thx for the attitude!!
i'm just commenting and letting people know that if they want this mod, they have to know it's all in russian, and that the image in preset editing won't fully appear...
I'm also not supposed to know it will conflict with Artillery support since it's not mentionned in the overview or anywhere else for that matter... if i had had these infos i wouldn't have tried the mod in the first place.
Local Crew Author
it is not my mod that conflicts with artillery support, it is artillery support that conflicts with all mods that do anything with ags, and with ags in the game
how to install?
Local Crew Author
I've done quite a bit more testing. I upgraded to 3.2.4 aki version, removed all my mods except this one. After testing for a while it looks like the lua spawn rework is what is breaking this mod. I had to wait long enough for the magazines to come up on prapor's list, but if I had the spawn rework mod running no bots would spawn and when extracting it was a perpetual black screen.
Local Crew Author
does adding an item for sale to a trader somehow affect the spawn of bots?
unfortunately won't work on 3.2.3 for anyone who was wondering. Don't want to upgrade yet, but mags won't show in prapor's shop (yes I have looked for blank boxes in single slots).
Local Crew Author
3.2.3 very different from 3.2.4 ?
plz work on 3.0.0
Local Crew Author
Local Crew Author
Compare the structure of mods for the two versions of the game, I do not think it makes sense to remake mods for 3.0.0, go back to 2.3.X
Skill issue
Local Crew Author
Time issue.
Is it possible to reposition the NSV to have it be held like a normal rifle, i dont know if custom animations are possible but could it be positioned to be held like a normal rifle using say the AK animations or something, same for allowing to be reloaded via it just doing a generic assault rifle reload or would this break the turrets?
Ether way this mod is fantastically fun and meme worthy.
Local Crew Author
It is possible, but I have no experience.
ah as long as its possible there is a chance it might happen, anyway thanks for the mod as its super fun
how do you use them in game? Do you have to "deploy" them or can you just run around with them?
Local Crew Author
Place them in the weapon slot.
place in your hands like a normal gun, they arent aligned properly so they kinda look like shoulder mounted cannons but they work just fine