Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
All player spawns are now located in the edges of the map, often being in places of opposite spawn extractions; This is to make a realistic sense of "trespassing" to enter a dangerous area instead of "materializing from the thin air" inside a building or in a center place.
I fixed these for all maps and added also some spawn zones that vanilla do not contemplate (for example the west side of reserve, near the railway fence etc)
There are also some "special" spawns that can happen: you can spawn in zb-013 in customs, but to use it for extraction you still have to have the key and to go to activate the power; same for safe room in interchange, other ZBs bunkers on woods/customs and D-2 in reserve; this is to simulate an underground insertion from the ZBs bunker with someone closing the door behind you.
As a special feature, Car Extracts are spawns too now, so it could happen if you're lucky to spawn at a car extract (say dorms one), to have the car just there to wait for extraction for a quick drop-loot-pay-extract run.
Extractions work as vanilla, so the chance based ones are still chance based, requirements ones still require things and you'll get the "other side of the map" extractions.
How to install:
Download and install Lua's Custom Spawn Points
Extract the folder "PlayerSpawns_TMS" to "user\mods\Lua-CustomSpawnPoints\config\spawnpoints\"
Set "DisableDefaultSpawnPoints" for "Player" to "true" for all the maps in config.json file in "user\mods\Lua-CustomSpawnPoints\config\"
You can use these Player Spawns with any other CustomSpawns mods for bots like Extended-Bot-Spawnpoints from Lavax
Version 1.0.1
- MrW0LF
Fixed paths strings in installation instructions on mod description
No changes to the configuration/mod itself
Version 1.0.0
- MrW0LF
does this mod affect the spawn points of bot-pmcs too - or player only? If yes will they move from their spawnpoints to their botzones?
So the link for Luas custom spawn points is dead. Where can I find it so I can use this mod?
This is a dumb question, but i have to enable lua custom spawn points by changing the "ENabled:" line to "true" instead of "false" correct?
MrW0LF Author
Set "DisableDefaultSpawnPoints" for "Player" to "true" for all the maps in config.json file in "user\mods\Lua-CustomSpawnPoints\config\"
I'm not sure I understand the install instructions, "usermodsLua-CustomSpawnPointsconfigspawnpoints" doesn't exist.
Nevermind, I'm stupid and installed the Spawn point MAKER, not the mod itself.
Mod PlayerSpawns_TMS is missing package.json
Invalid mod (PlayerSpawns_TMS) encountered
MrW0LF Author
Please read "How to install"