Special Meds slots 1.0.0

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Just a simple mod that allows you to put meds in SPEC slots


My first publication, thanks to JBS4BMX (most of the code comes from his mod)!

I'm planning to add also ammo into the allowed items, but right now I'm stuck as it only allows putting one bullet not a whole stack.

Also cant join discord for some reason to get some modders with experience to help...

  • Pls update this to the current version, i tried this mod a few version ago and it was so nice to use.

    • Just tested it with fresh install, works fine.

      Let me know if you have any problems

      Thumbs Up 1
  • And you can bind and use the meds from the special slots?

    • GDH7FZg.png

      Yes you can, it only gets unbound when you die but you dont lose them :)

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Try using the discord link in the discord desktop app/mobile app - i cant join servers for months now and this always worked