Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
DISCLAIMER: This mod is not meant to be realistic, and focuses on gameplay FIRST.
Reworks include:
- Reworked all ammo calibers besides 12g, 20g and KS-23
- Reworked magazines (Currently: 5.56 and .300)
- Reworked trader progression
- Bot changes for HP values and behaviour
- Player health changes
Full spreadsheet of changes:…M8MQNibc/edit?usp=sharing
Compatibility: I would generally say this mod works with anything that isn't an overhaul or claims similiar changes, but ive made it as such that it should rewrite whatever anyone else has modded just to make sure my changes come after anyone elses. If you encounter a crash with my mod enabled, its a compatibility issue with another mod.
EXAMPLE (Makarov and 556 changes) [outdated]
These are the damage/penetration values of 556 and Makarov, including their name and category of armour they are meant to penetrate
Dont be fooled, Makarov cartridge does NOT compete with actual intermediary cartridges, they are low velocity and used by low accuracy weapons. What this rework actually does is make these 13 different cartridges have actual uses, specifically based on unlocks.
This is the full table of 556 and makarov respectively. Makarov is a pistol cartridge and it can barely be used short range, and 556 will always be superior to a pistol cartridge.
Tl;Dr - this mod essentially reworks bullet viability in raids and progression of your buyable ammo. No more are bullets obselete, and instead you earn better ammo as you play more.
Thanks to all who have helped me and still help me developing my mod (AKI team, KiKi, K4 and others)
Version 1.6.0
- TsarNapoleon
Compatibility with 3.5 update
No fundamental changes
Removed trader changes until they are fixed in next updateRead the README file for installation and troubleshotting
Version 1.5.3
- TsarNapoleon
3.4.1 compatibility
Modularizes the mod in different parts for easier troubleshooting
Version 1.5.2
- TsarNapoleon
Fixes health, player health is the same as AI PMCs once more (Thanks to KiKi)
Fixed broken mags
Fixed broken AI spawns (Gluhar)
Added FDE Pmags for 5.56 back in
Version 1.4.9
- TsarNapoleon
Adds the final few calibers (Ash, Magnum and Lapua)
Adds weapon weights, to make sure anything other than SKS spawns.
Ive taken the creative liberty NOT to rework shotgun munitions, so this will be the final addition of calibers to the game.
Next update: magazines.
I cheated in old tarkov and can confirm your mod is shit!!!! reasoning?? logic?? not talking over someone?? Nah fuck that lemme say a slur and deny it when you call me out for it!!! (Entirely satire)
The mod is broken again :{ bots weighted ammo types something is broken, and preventing bots from spawning in. both this mod, and aleeves things do the same thing unfortunately. i tried each mod with it solo looaded.
TsarNapoleon Author
I'll be honest, i play my own mod and bots generate normally despite those errors. I'll contact AKI team to know if its an actual problem that i have, or just the game itself
Don't know if this is wrong or not but the link for the 1.5.1 download takes you to the 1.5.0 download.
TsarNapoleon Author
Thats ok, i forgot to change version number
update to 3.4 pls?<3
TsarNapoleon Author
Cant, BSG changed the code between version is such a stupid way im currently contemplating if lead or cyanide is faster
Jhon Doe
can you change all the 7.62 rounds to be worse so they stop FUCKING INSTAKILLING THE PLAYERS!!!!!!
TsarNapoleon Author
It should not be an insta kill, the spreadsheet shows that they have 3 or less shots to kill on thorax. In my personal testing, they do not insta kill.
If you are facing an issue, please tell me whats the problem in detail
Jhon Doe
its either me just being salty or you just have really high pen but there have been a few times where i was under sniper nests is customs and i have instantly died to one shot to the head even though i was wearing headgear so how good is that pen?
TsarNapoleon Author
Helmets do not have armour class higher than, with some exceptions that are too rare to mention, and since mid-tier ammo in my mod have class 3/4 penetration, and you are level 15+, they should pen most if not all the time. The best i can recommend is change your combat conduct, wear better helmet accesories or stop crouching/proning.
Yes, penetration is higher than default tarkov values, but only because default penetration is awfully low, and you will default to few good munitions that have decent penetration, or use meta 762 calibers. If you dislike this reballance (but as i gather its simply an issue with headshots being a one shot kill), you are welcome to unninstall my mod.
will u do shotgun shells too?
TsarNapoleon Author
The latest update note states that i will not
I think the axis labels are swapped in the description.
Anywho I think I'll try this out because there's so many annoyingly useless ammo types. I just wish we could easily stripe magazines, it's far too tedious to do manually.
TsarNapoleon Author
Next update idea - reworked magazines to make progression make sense
You can use ServerValueModifier to change the load/unload speed.
I've been using it for a while, even though it's outdated, and I've had no problems. But that's with the mods I'M YMMV.
It's still a whole lot of clicking if you wanted to mix in HP ammo every few rounds. Far too much for me to bother.
I recommend using this mod for quicker reloads - Speed Loader it may need a tweak in the config to make it compatible with 3.3.0 but it still works, hope this helps!
But 9x18 can't penetrate even 3 class just by design… It should deal laughable amount of damage, cause this cartridge was designed to have high stopping power, low chance to actually kill somebody in one shot (that's why is used in police) even without armor (not in head ofc, but I think there was a couple of stories of soviet officer surviving suicide), and also has a flow of high ricochet chance (I mean, it's round).
TsarNapoleon Author
I do not want to burst your bubble, but Makarov has TWELVE DIFFERENT TYPES. I dont care that realistically its an inferior parabellum, BSG added twelve different of them, and i made sure all twelve of them have a fucking use.
If you got a problem with that, there is SPT realism by Fontaine. If, instead, you want BSG's idea of "good game design" fixed, this is the mod you get.
I focus on gameplay.
Would it be possible to add dam/pen data to the corresponding cartridge's description, so we don't have to keep referring to the data sheet you've given us?
I haven't used this mod yet and I plan to, but this would definitely make things much easier and more fun.
TsarNapoleon Author
Let me see what i can do. But general rule of thumb - the further you progress along trader, the better ammo will get
I appreciate it and understand.
)"reprogram" their brain as to what each caliber does now.
It will just help people (myself included
Maddog Matt
Just use this mod. It will show pen and damage data for all rounds. It reads directly from the files so it will read base game rounds as well as any from mods. Works great. I have been using it for ages as it is hard to remember what every single round does.
That mod is outdated, even if by 1 version, and I'm already using 2 such mods. Been lucky so far and I don't want to push it.
Also, I'm not asking for the ammo details to be added just so I can get them. I want to use this mod with such data ADDED, since this mod changes the stats of the ammo.
I would rather use 1 mod that's current, versus 2 mods where one isn't.
Maddog Matt
It is the kind of mod that unless something completely changes the way mods work, it will always work regardless. Might just need to change the aki version in the package.json file if it isn't the current version. I have been using it many times outdated by several aki versions with zero issues. It is the only ammo value display mod i use because it ALWAYS works 100%.
The version tag for simple mods like this is basically irrelevant for aki version post 3.x.x
does it work for 3.2.3?
TsarNapoleon Author
yes, but there is no reason not to update
sorry for asking, this mod installed like the other mod ( EFT/user/mods ) or need something tool ?
TsarNapoleon Author
Very good mod, nice work man, Just can you please add 5.56 m995 and ssa ap? IT feel uderpowered compared to Bs and Igolnik😉
TsarNapoleon Author
Yes, sorry, im currently working on 556 actually, the most recent update was only concerning 545 for i wanted to see fragmentation chances work out. Now that i see that they do work, Im very soon gonna add 556 to the next update, with 18mm and some more ammo as well