Failed to find entry point in aki-common (Wine + SPT-AKI)

  • Alright so this is a long one so go grab some tea and come back...
    PSA: I don't expect support in any official way I know what i'm doing is out of scope

    Currently I have managed to get SPT to run inside of wine almost flawlessly, except for one minor flaw. Mods that implement their own models will not load. My working hypothesis for this is that as you can see in the error log Aki.Common isn't loaded. This is odd considering it's the only module not working. I have tried a "blank slate" install without any user data and no mods and the issue still persists that Aki.Common isn't being loaded. I've looked over at the source and it appears that it uses a different initialization for whatever reason (way above my paygrade :P) Uses `public class Instance : MonoBehaviour Start()` instead of `class Program Main(string[] args)` So far my debugging steps have been blank slate install, delaying the import of modules via editing Aki.Loader, using wine's "forcemono" setting, removing `: MonoBehavior` from Aki.Common (See…g-the-new-keyword.119537/) I'm out of ideas... If you have literally any thing to say that could help it would be greatly appreciated.

    Many Thanks, Spaceman

  • Currently I have managed to get SPT to run inside of wine almost flawlessly, except for one minor flaw. Mods that implement their own models will not load. My working hypothesis for this is that as you can see in the error log Aki.Common isn't loaded. This is odd considering it's the only module not working. I have tried a "blank slate" install without any user data and no mods and the issue still persists that Aki.Common isn't being loaded. I've looked over at the source and it appears that it uses a different initialization for whatever reason (way above my paygrade :P) Uses `public class Instance : MonoBehaviour Start()` instead of `class Program Main(string[] args)` So far my debugging steps have been blank slate install, delaying the import of modules via editing Aki.Loader, using wine's "forcemono" setting, removing `: MonoBehavior` from Aki.Common (See…g-the-new-keyword.119537/) I'm out of ideas... If you have literally any thing to say that could help it would be greatly appreciated.

    Welll FUCK
    it's not that, I took a look at some other logs from others without this issue and they also have shit about not loading aki.common, it's just a bug

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