Unbuildable sport hideout

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    First, I played on the 3.6.1. version (my client profile is from 3.6.1.) My sport corner wasn't build at 3.6.1.
    I think the update to 3.7.1. bugged my sport corner.

    When I mop to start the construction. It does nothing apart from consuming the rug. No errors displayed.

    Does somebody have a fix ? Some magic to solve naturally this issue or a edit mod to help me repair this mess ? Thank you for reading !

  • Don't waste your cloth rags mopping up the leaking wall. Get a sledgehammer and Dismantle it, then you will be able to Upgrade it into a door into the space that will be the workout bench room.

    I have just tried this. Bought the "mass fierce blow" from the flea. But the construction want me to wipe it. And the option to dismantle it dosn't show up.

  • Not the 'mass fierce blow'. That's a melee weapon. It's called the 'Sledge Hammer'.

    If you click on the leaking wall, and then click on the 'Dismantle' at the bottom, it shows you what you need to have. Same thing goes for the 'Upgrade' is it's available.

  • Not the 'mass fierce blow'. That's a melee weapon. It's called the 'Sledge Hammer'.

    If you click on the leaking wall, and then click on the 'Dismantle' at the bottom, it shows you what you need to have. Same thing goes for the 'Upgrade' is it's available.

    The Mass fierce blow is the only sledge hammer that I can Buy. And this is not an equipable melee weapon. U sure about that ?

  • My apologies. You are correct, it is the 'Fierce Blow Sledgehammer' that you need alright. Why it isn't giving you the 'Dismantle' option, I don't know. Perhaps there's still some other Hideout requirement you haven't met yet. All I know is that in my own most recent playthrough that I started just 2 weeks ago, I didn't have to mop the floor with a Fleece fabric. Not once. I had already found a sledgehammer in Raid and as soon as I saw I had the leaky wall, it also gave me the option to dismantle it.

  • Not sure what the problem could be. High probability there isn't any problem at all. You just need to keep playing and upgrading your Hideout. Some hide out upgrades require that other stations in your hideout be upgraded first. (i.e. upgrade Security to level 2 before you can upgrade the generator to level 2, etc.) Also, make sure you pay attention to unlocking Trader Loyalty levels because some Hideout upgrades require reaching a specific LL with a specific Trader in addition to the materials cost to upgrade.

  • Yeah, got my hideout nearly finished. Got the scav box, library, solar, ect ... So pretty advanced. So I'am just gonna give up the sport room. for this iteration.

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