[Modded] In Response to Error converting value {null} to type 'System.Single'.path 'Enery.delay', line 1, position 8479228

  • Server version
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    Client log file
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    Have you read the FAQ?
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    the official eft website
    List of used mods
    painter trader
    groovey fannypack
    armalite- reloaded
    small cases
    black core
    swag donuts
    mag tape
    late to the party
    SPT questing bots
    live flee prices
    foxs ammo duplicator
    guns update 14.0
    configurable inventories
    leaves shiny airdrops
    more checkmarks
    musicmaniac- keys in loot
    all the clothes
    no discard limit
    tactical gear component (tgc)
    Valens recoilreduction
    14.0 items preview
    drakiaxyz- waypoints
    weightless ammo
    questzone api
    goblin king
    punisher boss mod
    punisher gear
    virtuals quest loader
    punisher voice
    anti grav armbands
    armor debuff remover
    med tweaker

    The mod list is a bit lengthy but i had no issues until i decided to remove reno cosmo trader. I didn't think I needed to remove the items he sold to avoid an issue. Along the way of trying to fix it i may have messed something up with armalite reloaded mod pack as well. I really hope this can be resolved without a wipe but if there's no getting around it, I'm all for a fresh start. This is the most fun iv had on tarkov since it came out. Hopefully someone can help!!! I've attached the error I'm receiving

  • staystizzy

    Changed the title of the thread from “Removed trader mod before removing its items from my inventory now i get and error” to “In Response to Error converting value {null} to type 'System.Single'.path 'Enery.delay', line 1, position 8479228”.
  • Kippa

    Changed the title of the thread from “In Response to Error converting value {null} to type 'System.Single'.path 'Enery.delay', line 1, position 8479228” to “[Modded] In Response to Error converting value {null} to type 'System.Single'.path 'Enery.delay', line 1, position 8479228”.
  • staystizzy hi there, you say you only started having issues when you removed Reno Cosmo trader. Have you tried reinstalling that mod and see if your game works or not?

    I had a brief look at one of your logs and the below screenshot should show that Armalite might be the culprit but I could be wrong. I'll carry on looking in to it for you.


  • thankyou so much!! i did try and re install reno trader and continued to get the error. I see on the server it says goblins having trouble loading presets, those presets are built from armalite trader. If thats any helpful info for you. I really appreciate you looking into it, thanks alot

  • Does the message appear in the console/server in red, yellow, grey or any other colour? If it's red it needs to be fixed but if it's yellow it usually means it's a warning. It could potentially be the Armalite trader trying to formulate the presets as well as all of the trader items and it's throwing the error that you see, that's my gut instinct on it.


  • Okay that's good. I was going to suggest removing each mod and adding them back in one by one. It could be something in the code or the mods that isn't cooperating we each other. Have you managed to fix your issue or is it still giving you an error?


  • Kippa

    Set the Label from In progress to Solved
  • Kippa

    Closed the thread.

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