Sneaky Weasel's Brutal Meds

  • Sneaky_Weasel added a new file:

  • Sneaky_Weasel added a new version:


    Medkits don't remove bleeds or fractures, information tabs updated. This is a current limitation and hopefully will be addressed in the future. Multi-use bleed/fracture treatments and surgical kits have increased usage to compensate (army bandage, calok, aluminium splint, CMS, Surv12.) These treatments and kits don't have any debuffs, but they won't heal on their own so carry a medkit as well.

    Augmentin pills now cure intoxication (Unknown Toxin) effect for compatibility with Realism. I'm assuming you have Realism med changes turned off if you're using this one!

    DON'T FORGET TO CARRY WATER! Blood loss and medication both make you thirsty.

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