How do i fix this "ERROR CONVERTING VALUE "sptusec" to type 'EFT.WildSpawnType'.Path'[1].Stats.Eft.Victims[0].Role', line 1, position838794"

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    Hi, about two weeks ago i updated spt and imported my profile with the mods listed above and everything was working fine. I updated spt again two hours ago and it looks like there's a problem with my profile the game gets stuck on loading profile data and it gives me the error in the title.
    I tried running the game without any mods and i get the same error. I tried the profile fixer from a different thread but i still get same error, i really can't grind again as I'm a casual player and don't have much time on my hands to restart my progress

  • I'm not 100% but this could be a possible fix. (It's worth checking into at least.)

    Edit your profile using a code editor like Notepad++, VSCode, VSCodium, etc.

    • Do NOT use Notepad as it can f*ck up the encoding of the document.

    Search for all fields like this: "Role": "sptBEAR", or "Role": "sptUSEC"

    Change them to: "Role": "pmcBEAR", or "Role": "pmcUSEC"

  • If you cannot fix it you can just make a new profile and then use profile editor to give you the same level, skills, quest progress, money and items like cases etc as your existing profile. Easy to do. I have done it a couple times when a new SPT update made old profiles incompatible.

  • I'm not 100% but this could be a possible fix. (It's worth checking into at least.)

    Edit your profile using a code editor like Notepad++, VSCode, VSCodium, etc.

    • Do NOT use Notepad as it can f*ck up the encoding of the document.

    Search for all fields like this: "Role": "sptBEAR", or "Role": "sptUSEC"

    Change them to: "Role": "pmcBEAR", or "Role": "pmcUSEC"

    It worked. THANK YOU.
    Yesterday i did beggin a new profile. Ground Zero is a ... meat grinder. I was on the verge to delete it all and stop playing.

  • I'm not 100% but this could be a possible fix. (It's worth checking into at least.)

    Edit your profile using a code editor like Notepad++, VSCode, VSCodium, etc.

    • Do NOT use Notepad as it can f*ck up the encoding of the document.

    Search for all fields like this: "Role": "sptBEAR", or "Role": "sptUSEC"

    Change them to: "Role": "pmcBEAR", or "Role": "pmcUSEC"

    you legend, i just tried that it worked

  • I'm not 100% but this could be a possible fix. (It's worth checking into at least.)

    Edit your profile using a code editor like Notepad++, VSCode, VSCodium, etc.

    • Do NOT use Notepad as it can f*ck up the encoding of the document.

    Search for all fields like this: "Role": "sptBEAR", or "Role": "sptUSEC"

    Change them to: "Role": "pmcBEAR", or "Role": "pmcUSEC"

    you are a fucking legend bugcatrainbow

  • chomp

    Closed the thread.

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