ZLR GRAU 556 & 762 Assault rifle

  • saintdeer added a new file:

  • saintdeer

    Changed the title of the thread from “ZLR GRAU 762 Assault rifle” to “ZLR GRAU 556 & 762 Assault rifle”.
  • saintdeer added a new version:


    - Added grau 556 rifle with bolt-catched animations, also removed grau 762' s boltcatch;

    - Textures, sounds(mainly firing sound), animations have reloaded as well (all credit to massivesoft );

    - Please note: GRAU Reloaded's file structure & folder's name has diffrence with former GRAU 762, but strongly recomend to delete all GRAU 762 and parts ingame, remove old GRAU 762 from mods folder before loading GRAU Reloaded.

  • saintdeer added a new version:


    Compatiable with SPT 3.10.0

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