CptMoreGun added a new file:
Unzip the mod package directly to your EFT game folder. The mod
should install into the following EFT path:
\--- mods
\--- M27-Heavy-Hitter
My suggestion would be to keep the configuration parameters the way
they have been set up in the mod. This maintains the general lore
surrounding the M-27; obviously changing any parameter (which you can
freely do) also changes the intended characteristics of the grenade.
However, if you must, you can change the provided grenade parameters
in the "config.json" file.
IN-GAME AVAILABILITYYou can purchase the M-27 grenade, which is based off the M-67, from
Prapor immediately at Level 1 loyalty for 15440 roubles, which equates
to roughly $150 USD in today's real-life currency conversion.
At some point, I would like to learn how to create an actual resource
image for the M-27 to use in-game (in order to separate its appearance
from the M-67).
The M-27 will also show up in the pockets, combat vests, or back packs
of fallen bots when you loot them. In my testing, however, I have not
experienced any bot using the M-27 against my player character.
The screen-shot below is from a "Ground Zero" raid conducted on Dec 21, 2024
where I wiped out a group of nine (9) BirdEye variant bosses with one M-27 grenade.
CREDITSThis mod is based on originally released mods from EFT/SPT community
Nootropix >>>>>>>>> "PineappleBlitz"
Watsy >>>>>>>>> "BigBoomGrenade"
Special thanks to "Watsy" for being extremely gracious and helpful with
his permission to release this mod.