UnderdomeRiot added a new file:
QuoteDisplay MoreDo you want to give a touch of realism to traders? Do you want to make traders a real option when making your ammunition purchases? Well now traders will give you discounts when you buy large quantities of ammunition.
- On the Trader screen, when buying Ammo from them, they will now offer you a juicy discount, depending on the quantity.
- On the FleaMarket screen, selecting Traders and Ammo items, You will get a discount, same rules as Trader screen.
- Applies to Ammo purchased with money (RUB/USD/EUR).
- Any custom trader will work and discounts will apply.
- Fully configurable.
- Seems mod works well on 3.9 SPT. (Thanks to AttilaDuran for the testing!)
In the BepInEx menu (F12) you can configure:
- What is the maximum discount applied per transaction?
- How many bullets do I need to buy from trader, to give me a discount?
- How many bullets does each discount package consist of?
Next to the final price, you have the applied discount percentage.
Also applies to FleaMarket!
FleaMarket is back!
Final words:
I hope you enjoy the mod as much as I enjoyed creating it. It's my first mod, and it may contain bugs, even though I've done a lot of testing and validation.
If you encounter any problems, please feel free to contact me.
Last but not least, I want to thank the people on the SPT and FIKA Discord in the Mod Development section for giving me their time and patience.
If you want to contribute your grain of sand to my work and actively support it, you can help me here!