- Server version
- 3.10.5
- Game client version
- Client log file
- codepaste.sp-tarkov.com/?05cdf…VLpVr3TeVjuCSVs6QdT2UaTtj
- BepInEx log file
- codepaste.sp-tarkov.com/?7acd7…DyCrTmyC4r3mwi28iTWgonLyz
- Server log file
- codepaste.sp-tarkov.com/?1d185…UGvC5HdcYUopja6x9vDgQBSfv
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- Yes
- Where did you download your game from?
- https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/ (Official Site)
- List of used mods
- AllTheSeasons
[SVM] Server Value Modifier
Hello and thanks in advance for the help!
After loading SPT Server I wait for the output to indicate the server is running, then start SPT Launcher. This is a recent install that has been working for about a week.
Today however when loading SPT launcher the launcher window loads but nothing is drawn in the window itself. Just the border of the window is displayed. I can drag it around but the actual contents of the window aren't drawn.
I was able to reinstall SPT into another folder (C:/SPT2/) and run the launcher from that folder which is successful. However if I copy that spt launcher.exe into the old SPT folder and then run the launcher from there I hit the same issue, so I believe the problem is from some launcher config in the original SPT folder. I've reinstalled .Net 6 runtime and .Net desktop as well to no avail. Screenshot of the launcher window attached. In the server output it shows the launcher is detected as started.